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80's-90's MEMORIES

poop stache

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on a side note...me and my friends would dig holes and and fill them with water...or make rivers and shit ..then make hills and mountains with dirt and rocks.... in order to make scenes like in the g.i. joe commercials. did anyone else do this?


That was my shit! I had a couple of the vehicles and smaller shit, but mostly just action figures and a few fisher price adventure vehicles. I used to make all sorts of forts out of wood and cardboard, then dig holes to make bunkers and other shit. I also used to shave down twigs and make barricades and traps. That was my shit man! If my sperm ever learn how to hit an egg, and I have a boy, you sure as shit know I'll be getting into that again.

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Dont just sit there



You cant do that on television




Shrinky Dinks




Emmet Otter





Heavenly Kid





Cormega freestyle





Garbage Pail Kid movie





Legend of Billy Jean







Teen Witch rap scene... Top That





Marble Madness-used to play this for hours






and one of my favorite 80's movie of all time... Moving Violations



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I was a huge Suicidal Tendencies fan back in the day. A couple years ago my girlfriend and I took a weekend trip to Provincetown on Cape Cod. It's notorious for being mecca for the gays, so most of the stores in the village are pretty gay. There's a Marc Jacobs spot and my girl wanted to nerd out in there for a minute. So I opted to go up to the music store and look through records. So I'm going through record after record, and I'm finding some stuff mixed in with all the Madonna and Danny Teneglia. Then all of a sudden within a collection of Britney Spears singles, I find Suicidal's first album.




Brand spanking new, perfect condition, original pressing, $5.50.



That's why I'll dig through any crate of records you put in front of me. Even if it's Barbara Streisand remixes.

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I was a huge Suicidal Tendencies fan back in the day. A couple years ago my girlfriend and I took a weekend trip to Provincetown on Cape Cod. It's notorious for being mecca for the gays, so most of the stores in the village are pretty gay. There's a Marc Jacobs spot and my girl wanted to nerd out in there for a minute. So I opted to go up to the music store and look through records. So I'm going through record after record, and I'm finding some stuff mixed in with all the Madonna and Danny Teneglia. Then all of a sudden within a collection of Britney Spears singles, I find Suicidal's first album.




Brand spanking new, perfect condition, original pressing, $5.50.



That's why I'll dig through any crate of records you put in front of me. Even if it's Barbara Streisand remixes.


I think you & I are long lost Twins...hey you can be Danny Devito and I'll be Arnold....:lol:

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Sick Boys.





I think Chuck Treese was involved with SK8 TV, but I could be wrong. I know he was involved in the classic Powell parts.





and one of my favorite memories from the 80's, this video/song:




I always got pumped like a little retard to skate after watching that.

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