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80's-90's MEMORIES

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All I've got is a Bossum Buddies.





You take the hand. I forgot all about that show until I saw the crystal triangle and the chick touch her fingers when she knocks over the paint.


Found something I used to love. Laff-A-Lympics:




Muttley is the shit.



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My father worked for Texas Instruments, so we had one of these:






how the fuck did i miss this.


i played this shit for years while every other faggot played nintendo, this is the only video game home entertainment i had.


i mentioned it once in school and immediately got shot down and never brought it up again for fear of being mocked and scorned, so i forced myself to enjoy it and could not open my mouth about reaching the "magenta" level (first time i ever heard the color or word for that matter)

i had to convince myself those fucking asteroids were the fucking coolest pixelated 3D images i had ever seen, and parsec was the only game out of the 30 or so learning games i had that i thought might keep up against galaga.

so i played in solitary confinement not a peep to any of my boys.


then in 1988 i received nintendo and was finally freed from "games" like tombstone and carwars which barely even had an objective, and good bye to that shitty one button joystick/nh

i never knew of someone who might have felt my pain.

:bawling: :bawling: :bawling:



"infections in the gallbladder"

if you had the game you would know the quote.. remember that trash!

yeah i had the "voice-box" attachment too, parents were well vested in that shit.

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Croc Tears --I think you're the only person I know who remembers this shit. We used to hook it up to the TV, we didn't have the whole home monitor set up. I remember doing basic programming on that thing. We used a tape deck as a drive.




So we had a few games, then a bunch of cassette tapes with games on them. They were more like choose your own adventure games.




That's Adventure. We also had a cartridge game like that called Pirate's Isle.






That game pissed me off because you'd get off the boat, over the beach, up the hill, and it would end.


Then there was "Hunt the Wumpus."








My favorite game was "Tunnels of Doom."











Thanks to Google, I'm finding all sorts of shit I forgot about.






















Star Trek:





I found this site:




You can see a bunch of the games. I never knew I could get Congo Bongo for that shit. If you look through the site, the first image on all the game pages is interactive. Just scroll over it to make it play, and you can see how the games looked.

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