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some of my crap. Thoughts?

coffie crave 7

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here are a few pieces i have done / working on im like 50-50 with my work right now im happy where its going but im not fully happy.


i posted this in here cus i will prolly get an older crowds attn, if i was to post this in paperchace it would be flooded with young kids and im really looking for good thoughts and opinions to point me in the right direction.


















I been also trying to have a balance of both my personal canvas work and graffiti





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Hmmmm...I like where you're going with all of it, but I think you're still looking for yourself with it.



Great colors, good technique, but they're sort of all over the place.


The one factor that seems to tie them in is the "blast beams" in most of them. I'd work off of that subtle idea and build around it.



For example: I have a friend who paints monsters and what not, and in most of his painting appears these little "egg workers" doing things. They sort of make a series and develop a sense of continuation and...uh, something else I can't think of right now.

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I like the direction youre going in, however its a tough one to pull off. I would look into vintage day of the dead designs to get the sugar skulls down.


On a technical level, I would try to work on cleaning up the lines just a bit. Make the lines pin point and I think you'll find your style.


Keep it up though.

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In all honesty, I say do some drugs or get shitfaced...blast some music and get loose.



Take your ideas and paint them without giving a fuck, once or twice.


Maybe give yourself a one hour timeline on one piece.


Scribble outside the lines a lil'. Leave a few blank spots.


What's to lose?

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In all honesty, I say do some drugs or get shitfaced...blast some music and get loose.



Take your ideas and paint them without giving a fuck, once or twice.


Maybe give yourself a one hour timeline on one piece.


Scribble outside the lines a lil'. Leave a few blank spots.


What's to lose?


thanks everyone for all your opinions and advice i really do appreciate all the feedback my work starts off with an idea in my head and then it evolves during the processes i try to stay as clean as i can. with the bottom examples in my first post above you can see that im try to get messy/sloppy but using slops of paint but still trying to have a balance of clean.




couldn't sleep one night this one is a stright free style on left over foam board.




this one was done on found board in my old apartment complex.




this calibration piece is old and long gone but one of my favs this day




Antique Indian stool fully paint this photo was taken when it was in progress




Stool finished




This has nothing to do with anything but i thought id share all my left over paint i glob on this girl statue i should really be saveing my left over paint but it will be cool to see where this thing gose in a few months maby ill start sticking broken glass or sometihng to it





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