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When A Tag Goes Bad


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fuckin' sick of doing a piece and having a can shit it's self in the middle of a line and fuck up the WHOLE thing. even worse for a handstyle when it's more noticeable. what the FUCK am i supposed to do AFTER fucking it up? cross myself out? leave it? or just explain that i was drunk (if that's the case)?

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you can usually tell if a can fucked up when you look at a tag. it happens to everyone, shit, ive seen ja tags with can sputter. if someone sees your shit and thinks its wack it will be one of two possiblities:

1. your shit is mad toy

2. they are toys and cant tell that it was your can, so fuck them

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lol and your the one who created it.seriously why would you ask this question in the first place? are you incapable of making simple decisions such as this? cross it out or leave it like it is.its up to you its your shit do what you want you dont have to ask a bunch of random people on the internets....

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listen dick head. the idea of this forum is to get the opinions on what other people think would look good or how to make something look good. what you said helps noone. that's like saying "yeah, you could tag... or you could choose not to" THAT DOESN'T FUCKING HELP. sorry if i expected positive response and not a group of duche bags. there's no need for graffitiists to get mad at other graffitiists for asking questions. I DIDN'T CROSS YOU OUT.

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listen dick head. the idea of this forum is to get the opinions on what other people think would look good or how to make something look good. what you said helps noone. that's like saying "yeah, you could tag... or you could choose not to" THAT DOESN'T FUCKING HELP. sorry if i expected positive response and not a group of duche bags. there's no need for graffitiists to get mad at other graffitiists for asking questions. I DIDN'T CROSS YOU OUT.

the way you talk and the stupid question you ask leaves me to believe you either dont write or dont write often.this is so fucking simple that i dont understand why you would need the help of a bunch of online cats to figure it out.it is simple.if you fuck up a tag move on.fuck it its just a tag.stop bitching and complaining about it.everyone and i mean EVERYONE has as one point or another fucked up a tag or a throw and none of them go to the internet for help.what do you think people who wrote did before their was an internet? they figured shit out on their own or if need be went to some local heads to ask questions.you fucking people rely to heavily on the internet for advice when most of the shit you learn is from actually doing it.you know experience...the reason noone is giving you a "positive response" is becuase your a dumbass who cant seem to make his own decisions on what he should do.if you fucked up a tag let it go becuase its not like people are gonna give a shit or the way people view you and your work i gonna change becuase you did one shitty tag.and if they do then fuck them.the only opinion that should matter is your own fool.

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listen dick head. the idea of this forum is to get the opinions on what other people think would look good or how to make something look good. what you said helps noone. that's like saying "yeah, you could tag... or you could choose not to" THAT DOESN'T FUCKING HELP. sorry if i expected positive response and not a group of duche bags. there's no need for graffitiists to get mad at other graffitiists for asking questions. I DIDN'T CROSS YOU OUT.


Dude. I hate to be the one to tell you this. But this is 12oz and pretty much everyone that uses these threads are full time assholes by nature. ( Myself not excluded ). Take it like a rape victim, expect it to hurt and accept it.

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the way you talk and the stupid question you ask leaves me to believe you either dont write or dont write often.this is so fucking simple that i dont understand why you would need the help of a bunch of online cats to figure it out.it is simple.if you fuck up a tag move on.fuck it its just a tag.stop bitching and complaining about it.everyone and i mean EVERYONE has as one point or another fucked up a tag or a throw and none of them go to the internet for help.what do you think people who wrote did before their was an internet? they figured shit out on their own or if need be went to some local heads to ask questions.you fucking people rely to heavily on the internet for advice when most of the shit you learn is from actually doing it.you know experience...the reason noone is giving you a "positive response" is becuase your a dumbass who cant seem to make his own decisions on what he should do.if you fucked up a tag let it go becuase its not like people are gonna give a shit or the way people view you and your work i gonna change becuase you did one shitty tag.and if they do then fuck them.the only opinion that should matter is your own fool.


the last three sentences actually made me like you a little more. thanks.

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actually i could care less what he or anyone else thinks of me..yes thats right.its me.i was gonna start a new account but i realised i cant post pics till you get to fifty post so whatever.sorry if i sound like a dick but i am.haha.seriously dude when i first posted i wasnt trying to be a dick to you or anything i was merely stating that i doesnt matter at all what you do with the tag if you keep it up or not becuase its a tag and tags are not that important at all and if you really care about what other people think about your shit and are worried that someone might see it and somehow lose respect for you becuase you did ONE ugly tag then this isnt for you.all im saying really is that this isnt that big of a problem definitely not one to start a thread over and alot of you fools have been starting shit threads for some reason.whatever tho.i could care less.get ready for a photo dump in the metal heads sextion negroes.

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