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Asked a Religious Friend a Few Questions

northside writer

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why are the prechy religious types always the stupid ones too...?




Its easier and more comforting to subscribe to a story that has been told a billion times, than to leave all the unknowns blank and still have questions you would like an answer for.


It takes a larger mind to question what you have been told and accept there is no definitive answer to many of these lines of thought.

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Believe whatever you want. it's a free country (more or less). Just respect my right to believe or disbelieve as I see fit without commentary.


I've actually studied religion for a while from a more or less neutral, albeit secular, perspective...here's something I said recently on another forum I post on when this question came up-


It's very likely that religion is the original method The Man used to control people. Since I don't particularly like being controlled, I have no problem with letting the agents of The Man know that when they get pushy- cops, Mormons, Witnesses...it's all the same to me.


I do believe there's some kind of force or higher consciousness out there, though I'm reluctant to define it or even give it a name. Sometimes I feel it, at times I've seen it in action and have no explanation for what I experienced or saw nor am I really looking for one. I don't expect anyone else to believe me or care enough to say "show me proof", so I keep my mouth shut about it and I don't force my views on anyone....and I believe that has been my secret to staying out of mental hospitals thus far.


I've read the Bible, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Bhagavad Gita, and some of the Koran. That pretty much covers the main ones and there's a lot of interesting stuff in all of them, but I don't look at them as some kind of map or blueprint. I think they're mostly allegorical and based in myths and parables that are recurring in many different cultures...if you read through them all you find a lot of common themes- a creation myth, a great flood, a prophet or person who has some connection to the divine, an "end game" or Armageddon or whatever you want to call it, a "heaven and hell".


My guess is that people did this so they could define their world before the scientific method existed and so they could believe in something greater than themselves. Somewhere along the way religion came out of that, probably around the time someone realized you can manipulate people pretty effectively using the fear of the unknown along with the promise of a great party in the afterlife if you play by the rules and hellfire and damnation if you don't. Oh, and by the way, we need your money to keep this thing afloat, so...dig deep, The Man doesn't like a cheapskate. (This principle was applied with great effect to taxation later on.)


Personally I think that smells like a con, but hey, it makes some people happy so who am I to judge? I live by the greatest rule of all- DO YOU.


Having said all that, I really like this guy.

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