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SWINE FLU PANDEMIC - what a load of shit


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thread inspired by what i just saw...




it's everyday now that I have to hear about the next victim of swine flu.


this is the latest and greatest scare for Americans. it only kills old, sickly, or retarded people - nearly half the US population (i can make fun, i'm from here...)






on a philisophical tip, has anyone thought that swine flu and other related "animal flu", is simply mother natures way of thinning the herd?


it's only killing people that need to die anyways.


discuss, and if you disagree, please provide references to your madness.

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It seems to have completely dropped out of the news here in the UK, no reports of new cases or anything like that, I agree with you I think the media jumped on it and used scare tactics to blow it out of all proportion, it was just a normal flu, normal flu kills the old and fraile, it always has, just because technology has developed ot the extent where we can identify different strands of flu doesn't make them any worse than the other.

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^That's the facts.


THe Spanish flu that killed millions resurfaced after years of being a fairly innocuous flu at at first.


It's nothing much in it's present form but there is a risk that it might mutate. The reason why they were more scared about this one than others was because it was so highly contagious. If that mutated with a deadly strain in a bird or a pig that has a bird flu it can be a different story. It is about to go in to the peak flu period in the Nthn Hemisphere where you have a lot of dense population areas that live in close proximity with animals. I can tell you that China is taking this situation very seriously.

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Of course this Swine flu pandemic talk is total bullshit. How else do you keep a society under control. MAKE THEM AFRAID TO GO OUTSIDE. Keep them brain washed by the media. Make them live in fear. Stage some terrorist attack. Announce WMD's and dirty bombs or a killer bug that could wipe us off the earth. Its all part of keeping us human fucken beings in check. A SLAVES REVOLT is the last thing any rich world leader wants. No matter how hard you try not to be. Ae are all drones.



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I love how it's the gullible idiots, like the one above that tell us all that we're all just brainless automatons.


Dude,just because you don't have any knowledge about science and public policy doesn't mean no one else does. I mean god forbid that there would actually be anything like a naturally occurring virus in the world!!

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yea i get it, we're all cogs in this machine.


but let's say this is an actual threat to my existence. how can we fix it? well, my people have had a cure for a number of years... but you won't find it on Fox News....






No way, this is what you need!










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Swine Flu Vaccine linked to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologistsBy Jo Macfarlane-- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1206807A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter.The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to The Mail on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins.It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be FATAL. The letter, sent to about 600 neurologists on July 29, is the first sign that there is concern at the highest levels that the vaccine itself could cause serious complications.It refers to the use of a similar swine flu vaccine in the United States in 1976 when:* More people died from the vaccination than from swine flu.* 500 cases of GBS were detected.* The vaccine may have increased the risk of contracting GBS by eight times.* The vaccine was withdrawn after just ten weeks when the link with GBS became clear.* The US Government was forced to pay out millions of dollars to those affected.The H1N1 vaccine has ingredients that WILL affect the longevity of you and your child.85% of the world gets their information from the mainstream media. You have seen the commercial on TV to get your child the vaccine as soon as possible, the advertisements are all over the place...you even hear it on the radio. Why is this information not given to the public? The vaccines are part of a much bigger agenda. There is a lot more going on right now then what we are told on the news. Google "The Global Vaccine Agenda", you can watch it on GoogleVideo.com for free. Do NOT give your child the H1N1 vaccine or the regular flu shot, they both contain ingredients known to cause neurological damage/life-long damaging effects. How many children have autism since Thimerosal (49% mercury) was put into vaccines? How many children have ADD/ADHD? Children are required to get over 20 vaccines by the time they are 10 years old. The powers that be don't call it making the youth brain dead...they call it population control. Google Bilderberg Group and ask yourself why you've never heard of it, or that Bill Clinton was there in 1991, that Obama was there in 2008, that Timothy Geithner was there this year. The people that murdered JFK because he signed Executive Order 11110, which allowed us to break away from the Federal Reserve and their slavery system of debt, are the same people that want you vaccinated.. JFK did NOT want to sign Operation Northwoods into law. Do NOT allow the CyberSecurity Act to pass (S.773) and not allow us access to alternate media/this type of information. Photocopy this and spread it, this information won't fall out of the sky to your fellow New Yorkers. Do your research, save your child from harm, remember, they call it "population control". Gardasil and the H1N1 vaccine are Eugenics programs. The same people that were funding I.G. Farben during WW2 are the same people still around today, trying to depopulate the planet. Turn off your TVs, folks, and find out the facts yourselves. Do NOT give up your civil liberties for “your protection”. Peace and Love---LOOK IT UP! The internet threatens the agenda of the Georgia Guidestones, beware of false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance. Look up Operation Paperclip, written out of the history books.



If you care enough to want to keep this from entering your own body, not to mention YOUR CHILDS BODY or BODIES, do something. Make copies of these and pass this message around to parents and people you know. When you get the letter from school if you haven't already saying your kid needs the h1n1 “flu” vaccination, STAND UP. Prevent this from happening.

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If you look at the statistics then you will see that alot more people died of regular flu than swine flu this year. so i take it that id rather get swine flu.


If you look at the statistics of the 1976 swine flu "pandemic", you'll notice that 1 person died from the actual flu, while 25 people died from the vaccination. i don't watch television, but my computer is in my living room where my girlfriend watches her soap operas. EVERY single commercial break there is a commercial attempting to persuade and even in someways manipulate society into getting it. this repeated vaccine rose in congress in one month. it took 30 days for doctors to research its contaminants, what it includes and its many side effects. it took close to a year for the original flu vaccine to rise in congress and be manufactured and dispensed into the hospitals and pharmacies. this is wrong. ive been on the street every single day handing out and taping up the previous post. The picture is much bigger than the government making money from these vaccinations and helping people. MUCH bigger. research david rocafellar and the bildiberg company. make the right choice while you still can and educate others on what is in their best interest.



"You can call it a conspiracy theory, I can give a fuck, you can get your mother fucked. "

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You get your ideas from tabloid newspapers and chain emails.


Dude, I have this Nigerian friend that needs some help, you should hook up with him man, you'll seriously get rich out of it.......!



Best way to catch the gullible is tell them something is a secret. There's no brain power involved, just belief and drama.



Awesome stuff.

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on a philisophical tip, has anyone thought that swine flu and other related "animal flu", is simply mother natures way of thinning the herd?


Nah, see, I don't believe that. I think this is mother nature's way of strengthening the herd.


We've spent the last 50 years coming up with medicines that fight the flu. Is it SO unreasonable to believe that the smartest flu bugs out there are thinking:




and then one particularly insightful flu bug in the corner speaks up to say:

"Well, can't we just mutate?"


"WHAT!?" say the elder bugs as they stroke their beards and cluck disapprovingly.


"Yeah," the younger bug says "They've just been developing methods to combat particular strains of us so why don' we just mutate into an entirely new strain? Then we could have a whole fuckin'... pandemic, or some shit"


Ladies and gentlemen, that young flu bug was Barak Obama.



And now you know... ... the rest of the story.

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Sell Crack Hard - I can't believe you tried to use the Daily Mail as a legitimate source that paper is a joke for conservative bigoted idiots inthe UK


The Daily Mail - being racist in public so you don't have to!


With adverse reactions to medication well that happens with a lot of things, If I have penicilin then I get completely fucked up doesn't mean Penicillin is a bad thing.

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800,000 H1N1 vaccine doses for young children recalled; safety not a concern


(CNN) -- One of the five manufacturers supplying H1N1 vaccine to the United States is recalling hundreds of thousands of flu shots because they aren't as potent as they should be.


The French manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur is voluntarily recalling about 800,000 doses of vaccine meant for children between the ages of 6 months and 35 months.


The company and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention emphasized that the recall was not prompted by safety concerns, and that even though the vaccine isn't quite as potent as it's supposed to be, children who received it don't have to be immunized again against H1N1.


The CDC emphasized that there is no danger for any child who received this type of vaccine.


When asked what parents should do, CDC spokesman Tom Skinner said, "absolutely nothing." He said if children receive this vaccine, they will be fine.


Rest is in the article...


Call me paranoid, but it takes fucking years of lawsuits to get a pharmaceutical company to recall a drug that's actually dangerous, and 800,000 doses of something that apparently still works but shows up a bit low in the test gets recalled? Ummm... wat?

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^that's interesting.

i opted not to get the vaccine though it is readily available


now, there was a media fucking overdrive fanatical frenzy surrounding this shit.

but i don't think that is a bad thing. it's good we are getting SARS, swine flu, AIDS, as sort of dry runs. if we ever experience an airborne illness with a high mortality rate, it will lead to some sort of insane shit in society, a la anarchy and violence, if there is not an appropriate response to such a crisis.


so fuggit. let em get used to dealing with something like this, cuz if swine flu HAD been deadly, people would have been very worried and with good reason.

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