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Who here suffers from sleep deprivation?

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I've been considering going to the doctor about my current sleep problem. I am not depressed, but have been diagnosed with mild anxiety; generally nothing too serious.


I cannot make myself fall asleep at night and when the time comes for me to get into bed, I truly dread it. I would usually go to bed around 11:00-11:30 PM and finally fall asleep around 3:00 AM.


I am taking that I might be suffering from insomnia.


Last night I got into bed around 9:30-10:00 PM to see if it was from getting into bed at a later time that could be causing me sleep deprivation. Honestly, that didn't help at all. I was exhausted, to the point where I couldn't even concentrate on the homework I was doing. My eyes were heavy, my body was worn out, but I could not fall asleep.



Anyone have insomnia and think I should go to the doctor for this?

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we have the same problem. funny iou and i are pming about this. i smoke weed at night to try and pass out but when i finally fall asleep i wake up in a panic often times and i tried prescription sleeping pills but it doesn't really help and im too groggy for work in the morning. i hate relying on drugs but xanax has helped some. i take 2 before bedtime when the anxiety is really tough and that seemed to have help me relax. idk. good luck, no sleep totally sucks balls.

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Idk, mess like that is costly and I have to start preparing for college and all the other shit that comes with it.


It sucks because I don't know what's up, I'm a generally happy cat type of person and just a regular teenager, but never have low self-esteem problems or anything like that.



If you don't think over the counter pills are drugs, you are very wrong.


Oh, I am very aware that they are if you over dose. I just take a gulp straight from the bottle to knock me out.

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i did acupuncture hypnosis and yoga, all for nothing besides acupuncture takes about 10 visits to have an effect at least thats what the acupuncturist told me and 120$ a pop i only went 4x but then i joined a gym to tire the shit out of myself started cycling and went all fitness it didnt work either, i have always been active as it is. its in the mind and its totally the negatron shit that bogs you down. got to reprogram the dome, im serious

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i dont care at all...is it your anxiety that keeps

you awake? like racing thoughts and shit? or

is it just that you cant fall asleep?


Racing thoughts and just thinking about random shit that doesn't even pertain to my life. I just sit there and imagine ever possible way I could use a super power if I had one, how tomorrow might turn out, if I am going to the show next week, how I need to start reading this book, etc. Just stupid shit like that.


I don't take pills for my anxiety because my mom refuses to let me take them. Besides, I know when I get anxious because my hands turn into the Black Sea.

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Racing thoughts and just thinking about random shit that doesn't even pertain to my life. I just sit there and imagine ever possible way I could use a super power if I had one, how tomorrow might turn out, if I am going to the show next week, how I need to start reading this book, etc. Just stupid shit like that.


I don't take pills for my anxiety because my mom refuses to let me take them. Besides, I know when I get anxious because my hands turn into the Black Sea.


Yea man i used to have racing thoughts all the time, and

yea they were crazy off the wall shit that didnt even matter

and had a lot of trouble getting to sleep mine never lasted

as long as your, usually 1-3 hrs tops...anyways, how old are you

cause when i was goin through this i believe i was about

to turn 17 or just turned 17 and I think it was a phase cause

i lasted for two months or something not positive but it didnt

last long...i wanted to get anxiety pills but my mom considered

a therapist...i said no and after awhile it was gone.

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Idk, mess like that is costly and I have to start preparing for college and all the other shit that comes with it.


It sucks because I don't know what's up, I'm a generally happy cat type of person and just a regular teenager, but never have low self-esteem problems or anything like that.





Oh, I am very aware that they are if you over dose. I just take a gulp straight from the bottle to knock me out.


No. They are "drugs" regardless of how many you take. Don't be fooled by the pharmaceutical scum! Many MANY over the counter and prescription pills can lead to other bodily complications.


Take Adderall for instance:




Given to children of all ages for ADD and other similar problems. In reality, this pill is just a small dose of methamphetamine aka speed, just nicely packaged and ready to be swallowed /nh by eager little children all over America. :)


I'm not saying one pill is dangerous. Hardly. But prolonged use of such medication is NOT good.

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No. They are "drugs" regardless of how many you take. Don't be fooled by the pharmaceutical scum! Many MANY over the counter and prescription pills can lead to other bodily complications.


Take Adderall for instance:




Given to children of all ages for ADD and other similar problems. In reality, this pill is just a small dose of methamphetamine aka speed, just nicely packaged and ready to be swallowed /nh by eager little children all over America. :)


I'm not saying one pill is dangerous. Hardly. But prolonged use of such medication is NOT good.


WOW. That's ridiculous. I guess I'm going to be a vampire for the rest of my life.

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