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For you anti-gun folk


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I can understand why people may want a gun, i understand that, I just think it is fucking stupid to legally be able to own guns such as AK47s and those kind of weapons, if you want to hunt have a rifle, if you want a gun at home to defend yourself have a handgun


I am very glad I live in a country where not every nutjob/junkie is able to arm themseves to the teeth

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I can understand why people may want a gun, i understand that, I just think it is fucking stupid to legally be able to own guns such as AK47s and those kind of weapons, if you want to hunt have a rifle, if you want a gun at home to defend yourself have a handgun


I am very glad I live in a country where not every nutjob/junkie is able to arm themseves to the teeth



Legal gun owners aren't nutjobs. They are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

They don't stay in a basement hoarding foodstuffs and ammo, they don't worship satan,

they aren't racists or part of racist groups. They are just people who want to defend a god given right to protect themselves, their homes, and their loved ones.


Guns aren't as big of a deal as anti-gun rights people try to make out.


A guy walking around with an AR-15 doesn't scare me. Not a bit. I'm glad people like him are around in case I'm not armed and need some help.

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but on the flipside not every legal gun owner is a safe and secure person, I have seen plenty of NRA videos and a lot of the people on that come across as complete retarded wack jobs - but then obviously some of them are respectable members of society as well


not to mention people like the militia men and the nut jobs in the south that are still thinkign there is a north/south divide and one day there will be a civil war in america, they legally own the guns but are hardly sane

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but on the flipside not every legal gun owner is a safe and secure person, I have seen plenty of NRA videos and a lot of the people on that come across as complete retarded wack jobs - but then obviously some of them are respectable members of society as well


not to mention people like the militia men and the nut jobs in the south that are still thinkign there is a north/south divide and one day there will be a civil war in america, they legally own the guns but are hardly sane



The NRA sucks. They are an anti gun lobby in the guise of pro gun lobby. I wish members would get clued in about that.


The militias: They are here to protect us. The real militias aren't skinhead rednecks who want a race war, they don't still think there is a divide between the North and the South, they don't blow up federal buildings in OKC. The real militias, that is.


There are falsies. Fed jobs, SPLC jobs, etc. filled with nutters who are stupid enough to follow the "hey, let's blow this up" suggestions given by their handlers. They do not represent the militia movement as a whole. Not at all.


If you think I'm crazy for what I just said, research it a little.



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i guess you have a loose definition of 'sane'

most of the 'nut jobs' in the 'south' have hte same mentality as the michigan militia. (a northern state about as north as you can get in america, in case you didnt know)


i dont see TOO much of a north south divide these days, its more like, in general, a rural vs urban conflict in my view.


a handgun is about the worst personal defense weapon there is. why recommend them? the only use for a handgun is if you have to conceal your defensive weapon. otherwise they are a pretty poor defense weapon. they should only be used to fight your way back to your rifle(s)


this is the problem with freedom that people dont like. that you have to deal with someone owning guns, snorting drugs or going to church (or sacrificing goats)

most people cant just let other people live their lives.

it is only when someone tries to inflict force upon someone else, that you put them in their place, defend yourself, etc. otherwise you keep your nose in your own business. alot of people cant deal with that.


and it is QUITE APPARENT the evil assault weapon toting militia thug in the first video IS IN THE KKK

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I'm all for reasonable people defending themselves I just thing the easy accessability of guns is as more of a negative than it is a positive.


you do have reasonable people owning guns, then you have tonnes of gangs running around strapped gunning each other down, those people should not have access to guns, there should be stricter regulations as to who can own a gun. Guns are illegal here and they are certainly not a common thing even within crime, although knives do pose a problem here. I have only seen one actual gun in this country (a sawn off shotgun a friends dad had, certainly not for legal or decent reasons)


I know you have a respect for guns AOD and i am positive that you would only use one if it was 100% needed but a lot of people are quick to flash guns, start shooting and ask questions later - that is where the problem lies and why a lot of the world questions the gun ownership issue within America


as for the michigan militia, i think I saw a documentary on them and they weren't exactly rooted people, but forgive me if i am incorrect it may have been some other militia it was a while ago

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god given rights is another way of saying 'natural' rights.


i think the easiest way to put things into perspective about being 'sane' is like this...


the michigan militia and like minded people have the same mindset as the guys who shot british troops through the chest and head. constantly for 8 years after they tried to confiscate as many natural rights from their subjects as they could. the line was drawn when they went to confiscate their 'illegal assault militia weapons' on april 19th 1775.


yeah, you are right. some people are quick to flash guns. particularly the young 'gang banger' types. however, given the fact that the federal government cant keep illegal narcotics out of maximum security prisons, i hardly think they would succeed in keeping guns in only the hands of those 'sane' individuals capable of defending themselves.


i've always stood by the old saying... its the person, not the gun. you never hear of mass killings at army bases, shooting ranges, police stations, etc. you only hear of them in areas where people cant meet force with force. given the fact that gun control doesnt even come close to working, the only hope is to allow people the opportunity to use a means to defend themselves however they see fit.

once someone tries to attack an innocent person, then you can disarm him, lock him up and punish them.

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its a bunch of things. metals went up. supply stayed fairly constant and demand soared after obama and the democrat party take over of congress. the last case of SS109 i got was 315, loose. on strippers was 425. prices at the same place now are 799 a case, loose. and they dont have any in stock.

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but on the flipside not every legal gun owner is a safe and secure person, I have seen plenty of NRA videos and a lot of the people on that come across as complete retarded wack jobs - but then obviously some of them are respectable members of society as well


not to mention people like the militia men and the nut jobs in the south that are still thinkign there is a north/south divide and one day there will be a civil war in america, they legally own the guns but are hardly sane


still that doesnt mean the rest of us gunowners shouldnt be allowed to have them becuase those guys want to act like cunts..most of these gun laws today are just knee jerk reactions to someone getting shot in a drive by or some kid shooting up a school.i mean its a sad day when that happens dont get me wrong but just becuase some asshole goes and shoots someone out of anger or if one gang banger shoots another doesnt mean that the rest of us should be punished for their actions.(im in no way saying its ok to bring guns to school or anything like that)the vastr majority of gun owners are good people.most are collectors and some are out to protect themselves.and like whatshisname(i forgot who said it)said you have the right to protect yourself,your family and your freedoms.i dont believe that shit about keeping guns outta criminals hands either...it will be just like anything else weve tried to prohibit.alchohol,drugs...it doesnt matter theyll just open a black market for it and the only people your really gonna take them away from is law abiding citizens at the threat of making them criminals.thats my 2 cents...

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I know what your saying.


America is in a situation where it will never be able to get past high gun crime simply because it would now be impossible to actually outlaw guns.


I am just happy I live somewhere that guns are not readily available to any idiot that wants one.


Believe me, if I lived in America I would own a gun simply because most criminals will have them, I don't have the need to own one because where I live if someone robbed me/broke into my house they would either have a bat or knife, if that, and I can easily deal with that myself without the need for a gun (also due to the fact they are illegal)

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There's no incidents in military bases or police stations because people who live/work there share everything from style of clothing to manners and mindset. They live within a limited social environment with minimum room for the influence of superficial distractions ie. money, success, good, bad etc. Also not everyone in military is supplied with live ammunition.


The problems are streets and other areas where very different people in diff situations have to deal with each other and struggle for a living. Streets, housing projects, public schools, for instance. People try to learn psychology, history and politics, all this very heavy stuff while growing up, trying to figure shit out and deal with each other. Just if you identify someone as a respectable gun owner doesn't mean he/she wouldn't be subject to impulsive aggressive behavior, and misuses of firearms. Not to speak of all these perfectly normal kids who go to school one day and shoot their friends in the face with .22s


I'm not against guns, just saying they don't explain why incidents rarely happen in designated gun zones. Just like banning guns from law-obedient people doesn't stop gun related crime.

The issues aren't purely about guns or not guns, it's a very deep social problem that I think gunowners should try to solve twice as hard as people who want to ban guns. Something else than just "guns don't kill people".


Maybe people should have to go through some kind of basic firearm training before they could own one. I wouldn't let underage students own a gun. Ex marine with a company and family would be ok. Stuff like that. What do you think?

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i think the 'happy to be living in a place where any idiot cant have a gun' thing is only part of the story.


while i disagree with the above simply because i believe in maximum liberty and the right to self defense...


the main purpose of owning guns and the main reason why it was enshrined in the bill of rights was to protect from total tyranny in government. it was how this country was formed. there is alot of information out there about how every genocide in the 20th century started with gun control.


just something to ponder

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"There's no incidents in military bases or police stations because people who live/work there share everything from style of clothing to manners and mindset. They live within a limited social environment with minimum room for the influence of superficial distractions ie. money, success, good, bad etc. Also not everyone in military is supplied with live ammunition."


I think you missed the forest for the trees in my argument.

for instance, in school zones where guns, and self defense are against the law, you see here and there some guy walks in with a gun and mows down a bunch of people. i've NEVER heard of a guy walking into a police station, shooting range or an army base and start to mow down anyone. why? because at those places, people SHOOT BACK.


which extrapolates to places where concealed or open carry is very common. these areas all have less crime than areas where victims are disarmed and its 'illegal' for 'thugs' to own guns. yet some how they still do. for instance, kenneshaw, georgia REQUIRES people to own guns, (im not for making anyone do anything, but...) and crime is virtually non existent. switzerland requires, conversationally speaking all able bodied males to store a sig 550 full auto in their house with a basic battle load out. gun crime is measured as 'insignificant.'


i just know what works. im really not interested in some indepth study. all i know is that if some one tries to shoot me, it would be diligent on my part if i want to live, to try to shoot back. its that simple. there really isnt anything to discuss really. you either believe in this or you dont.


on a personal level. after years i moved back to an area on a piece of property i basically grew up on. its a piece of acreage that is now sandwiched between a middle class neighborhood, and a few apartment complexes. its the last acreage left in the area. for 5-7 years, people basically invaded the land, it was a drug trafficking highway between all these neighborhoods. riff raff was everywhere. it wasnt like this when i was growing up. all it took after moving back into this place was to walk around with a .45 in a shoulder holster when i was outside doing chores. ran a few people off, told them it was private property. i eventually put up an electric fence and all new no trespassing signs. no more problems. good fences, good defense and being peaceful is a good recipe for good neighbors.

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I do understand why is was enshrined in the bill of rights


but i also think it is my freedom to not have to worry about having a disagreement with some hot head in a bar or a shop and ending up getting shot by them.


like previously said I know there are a lot of responsible gun owners, i just think having them so easily available and readily at hand causes major crime issues - which is obvious when looking at gun crime figures in America


what happened to men settling things like men and using their fists (if everything else fails) to resolve an arguement - guns or weapons of any kind are for cowards in my eyes and should not be used to resolve arguements but i also ultimately think that the gun owners in America would not be able to stand up against the tyrany of government with them either, I know the military are supposed to support the citizens of the country but nowadays they are just patsies of the government otherwise we wouldn't be so entrenched in unjustified wars in the middle east

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i think the 'happy to be living in a place where any idiot cant have a gun' thing is only part of the story.


while i disagree with the above simply because i believe in maximum liberty and the right to self defense...


the main purpose of owning guns and the main reason why it was enshrined in the bill of rights was to protect from total tyranny in government. it was how this country was formed. there is alot of information out there about how every genocide in the 20th century started with gun control.


just something to ponder


i agree with you on that.one of the major reasons why the 2nd amendment was ever drafted was becuase one of the first things the british tried to do was take away americans guns to help quell the revolution and the nazis did the same thing to the jews in world war two so the jews couldnt rebel.

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i think gun owners in america WOULD be able to stand up to the US government, simply for the fact that they cant whoop a bunch of dudes living in caves in 'stan and iraq. they have what 10K or so combatants, im not even sure of the numbers. in america, even if 1% of gun owners stood up, the the US military would be up against 750K pissed off good ol boys and girls fighting a defensive guerilla war on their own territory for their lives and liberty. just saying.


i agree with you that settling things with guns is stupid. i reckon you are talking about the gang banger types. it is stupid. real stupid. a gun is for self defense, pure and simple and is not for measuring dick size down in the 'hood.


but there is no such freedom that legitimately exists for you to live in a life free of fear. there just simply isnt. if the guy with a gun points it at you, you are being threatened. if he merely has it on his hip or at his house, and everyone is going about their own business, there is absolutely no problem. there is no confliction of rights.


but lets face facts, guns are NOT easily available in america. all guns require background checks to buy, many places require permits, registering, wait periods and on down the line. you can bet your life that the gangbangers out getting in gun battles are not going through the proper legal channels to get them. they would NOT be able to get them.


one thing that is left out is that even though america has alot of murders, etc.. in the inner cities where victims are disarmed, alot of the murders are 'gang' related for instance. where other gang members are shooting other gang members. which, frankly i could give two shits about.

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i agree with you on that.one of the major reasons why the 2nd amendment was ever drafted was becuase one of the first things the british tried to do was take away americans guns to help quell the revolution and the nazis did the same thing to the jews in world war two so the jews couldnt rebel.


actually gun confiscation is what STARTED the revolution. the british regulars marched on lexington and concord to confiscate newly made illegal militia weapons and armaments.


you are dead right about the jews in nazi germany. check out the movie 'uprising' and 'defiance.'

one major detail PC zealot steven speilberg left out of his super awesome schlinders list was at the end of the movie where oscar schlinder freed all the workers. in the real story, not only freed them but ARMED them.

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I do understand why is was enshrined in the bill of rights


but i also think it is my freedom to not have to worry about having a disagreement with some hot head in a bar or a shop and ending up getting shot by them.


like previously said I know there are a lot of responsible gun owners, i just think having them so easily available and readily at hand causes major crime issues - which is obvious when looking at gun crime figures in America


what happened to men settling things like men and using their fists (if everything else fails) to resolve an arguement - guns or weapons of any kind are for cowards in my eyes and should not be used to resolve arguements but i also ultimately think that the gun owners in America would not be able to stand up against the tyrany of government with them either, I know the military are supposed to support the citizens of the country but nowadays they are just patsies of the government otherwise we wouldn't be so entrenched in unjustified wars in the middle east


personally i think its becuase those people are to pussy to fight.its so much easier to intimidate someone with a gun or a knife then have to fight them and risk gettin an asswhoopin.and unfortunately it seems those type of people are on the rise.but the times are changing and we live in an ultraviolent society.we love shit like that...why do you think grand theft auto sells so well.theres nothing fun about being shot at or having guns pointed at your head or having a love one get shot but i think most people dont think aobut that when they decide to pull guns out.

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'I'm not against guns, just saying they don't explain why incidents rarely happen in designated gun zones.


I think it's a no-brainer.


Ideally (not always in real-world situations but let's follow the line of reasoning for a second here), cops are trained to deal with hostile situations by using escalating methods...negotiation/conflict resolution, non-lethal force, then guns as a last resort. In the military you're trained in the rules of engagement. But when someone has a gun and no formal training, they're not going to know when to use it and when to use restraint..."to the person who only has a hammer, every problem looks like a nail."


That's my take on it. And I support gun ownership and the Second Amendment even though I am not sure if most Americans are responsible or intelligent enough to comprehend exactly what that entails. Once again, in many cases in modern American society the real world runs contrary to common sense.

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As far as I can tell, gun ownership as a right in America is almost like an insurance policy against the government, or any other violator of ones rights.

Ya'll got guns to protect your rights when all else fails.

Thats more important then some pussy's deluded vision of world peace.

If you take away guns, then how are you supposed to defend your liberty? The government? The same government that took away your rights under the guise of protecting you against faceless nameless and generally useless Arab terrorists?

I think not.


You need not look further then Ireland to show you all the importance of civil defence group's.

And remember, true conservative's and liberals can always come together as libertarians for the sake of getting shit done.


I'm Canadian so packin ain't an option for me. But we don't have the same issues with legislation contradictory to our charter of rights and freedoms so I really could care less. However when the political system fails and all else goes to shit, guns are a good idea.

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I think that Rioting and protesting is a much better way of effecting change in your government.


If someone came to take my land (even though I don't have any) I would like a gun to defend myself with. Maybe a militia could hand them out in such a case. But most of us humans are too stupid not to shoot ourselves in the face, and only a total cunt needs to pack a weapon in public.

ps i just bought this really awesome nuclear warhead. Now everyone will have to listen to me.

in short- guns for whales only.

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