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Russian Navy UFO Information Declassified??

Gnarly Sheen

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yeah i cosign that 100% casek

these UFO sightings are not aliens, they are classified military craft

they have unclassified aircraft that can take off and land from a stationary position

imagine everythign they have that is still clssified



Exactly. I wouldn't claim 100% is black project stuff, but a bunch is.


We don't really have to imagine. Check the DARPA site and patent registrations.

Tons of technology that society isn't always privy to.


Consider this: The Stealth has been around since the late 60's (in the U.S., Nazi's had

one they were working on but it never made the war). They only declassified it in 1986.

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exactly - they keep stuff classified even when its existence is nearly common knowledge


think about all the stuff that isnt common knowledge - the tech thAT THEY keep secret has got to be miles above what we have


also shai - i would be intirested in any credable russian psy experements regarding mil applications - they started the work due primarily to what hitler started with his magik/psy experiments. Russians were left holding the Nazis bag of tricks on that front, and nazi mysticism and magik-psy experements are of great interest to me

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Well of course they don't want regular citizens to be aware of such technologies.


For one thing it makes the Military all that more powerful. It makes citizens wonder about how advanced it really is even when it isn't as claimed.


And on the other hand by remaining elusive certain "projects" and thier collosal failures can be attributed to sentient beings

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yeah, the aurora. i remember seeing something about that. without a doubt that thing looks like a ufo. look at the stealth fighter and bomber, imagine people seeing that in the early 80's, that would be a ufo. after all, a ufo is an unidentified flying object. nothing has to be alien about it.




but if they are being controlled by raving russian cats, there is cause for alarm.






best russian ufo yet:



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exactly - they keep stuff classified even when its existence is nearly common knowledge


think about all the stuff that isnt common knowledge -



Yep. It's always nice to have an alien to blame it on, too. Keeps the nutbags from figuring out what the hell they saw.

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also shai - i would be intirested in any credable russian psy experements regarding mil applications - they started the work due primarily to what hitler started with his magik/psy experiments. Russians were left holding the Nazis bag of tricks on that front, and nazi mysticism and magik-psy experements are of great interest to me


Is that how the Soviet studies came about? I've always felt like the Russians were a little more open to the paranormal due to their pagan roots, whereas the US has a primarily Christian/non-pagan worldview and is therefore more skeptical when it comes to psi/ESP/PK. It's like voodoo...90% of it is simply believing it's possible, the other 10% is the wild card that will keep you up at night.


The story behind Nazi mysticism is interesting to me too. A few people I know who are into that sort of thing let me read up on it here and there over the years...it definitely seems crazy when you look at the bigger picture, but you have to wonder if they were on to something and what they found out while they were doing all of those crazy experiments and research.

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Is that how the Soviet studies came about? I've always felt like the Russians were a little more open to the paranormal due to their pagan roots, whereas the US has a primarily Christian/non-pagan worldview and is therefore more skeptical when it comes to psi/ESP/PK. It's like voodoo...90% of it is simply believing it's possible, the other 10% is the wild card that will keep you up at night.


The story behind Nazi mysticism is interesting to me too. A few people I know who are into that sort of thing let me read up on it here and there over the years...it definitely seems crazy when you look at the bigger picture, but you have to wonder if they were on to something and what they found out while they were doing all of those crazy experiments and research.



Ever read up on the remote viewing program we had?

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I think there's going to be a new wave of psi research sometime in the next fifty years. There's too much potential there and barely any documentation. We still don't know what most of the brain does, or can do, or how and why it does what we can observe.

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yea like its been said..we have to be cautious with the werd UFO(unidentified flying object)...it isnt exactly associated with aliens...and like has been said earlier..the rate of our govt classifying shit has increased a shit load in the last couple of years..


also niggas familiar with the drake? equation know taht there is a miniscule chance of life in other star systems? also even if they existed...there are soooo many reasons why .we wouldnt be able to see em

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Sure, there could be aliens here right now only in a different dimension...how would we even know that they were there? We can only observe four dimensional space, and it's been proposed that there's way more than the four that we can experience.


They may not even be aliens. It's entirely possible that there's been other lifeforms living parallel to ours from the very beginning of life on this planet...and we never had a clue.

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Exactly, in fact there is approx. 11 Dimensions. Shai, I thought humans could only observe/process 3 dimensions? And yea 11 seems a lot, it is, after the 5th it gets to the quasi theoretical state where unless you are studying Quantum mechanics/thermodynamics it doesn't mean jack.


You should read up on parallel Universes.

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I've always thought/heard/believed that the fourth dimension is spacetime, which can only be observed indirectly at best. And yes, most of it is theoretical/arbitrary to a point, but the point is not to write it off by saying "well, that's dumb"...we should try to expand our understanding of what goes on around us even when it seems improbable or incomprehensible.


At any rate, this is why I don't like to write off what people claim to see on hallucinogenics or what schizophrenics claim to observe. I've been there...I've seen some shit I sure as hell can't explain.

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only 4 times?

You need to practice up on unlocking your neural energy distortion centers further so you can bypass the concept of linear time dynamics and transport straight back to the universal energy field

might I suggest the god molecule?



Read that book yet? The God Particle?

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Oh and shai - as it stands the 4th dimension is defined as this


1st dimension is linear

2nd has both width and height

3rd adds the dimension of depth

these first three make up the basic form properties of physical matter for the most part

add time, the 4th dimension, and you add the ability to change the orientation over time

now the real deep stuff is the 5th dimension - time can be thought as linear like the 1st dimension

as in linear time

now add a "height time" dynamic, so you have the 2nd dimension of time, time that is both linear and scaling. Time planes


that's the 5th dimension


then you have 3d time, the 6th dimension, where time has height, width, and depth


that's where it really gets intiresting

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Yeah, but for my day to day existence I believe I'll stick with four dimensions. Things are complicated enough in my brain as it is, I don't need to be thinking about much more than what I've got going on at any given time.

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Well people aren't standrdly programmed to think in 6 dimensions anyways

I certainly don't know how to move through 3d time, or even across the time plane



But someday



wouldn't you say that is a symptom of being taught to understand only 3 dimensions?

when/if these other dimensions are proven and discovered to be fact, the new standard would be to think in these new dimensions, as you would be taught about them growing up in school etc.

did that make sense? it does to me anyway.

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It's logical, but the catch is that you are only equipped with senses that can perceive three dimensions directly and one indirectly. How would you propose perceiving additional dimensions to temporal space?

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