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so i just found this thread ..what the fuck is wrong with christianity.

armand hammer

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so im trolling some other unrelated forums today and (this happened to be a christian forum) as i was scrolling down the page i couldnt help but notice what one of the female users had in her sig...


Christian Ladies:

Are you tired of suffering your monthly curse alone in a cramped woodshed?

Is spending your cycle out in the garage a bit too rustic?

Savor your separation in style at the Monthly Visitor!


quite a chuckle...heres a link to the site she's advertising.supposedly its a hotel or someshit that women go to when there bleeding out their vag's...






i want to make it known that im a christian myself and was raised as a baptist and am in no way trying to talk down on christians but the people on this site....i mean the stuff they say and the ignorance they display.i cant tell if their all trollin too or if their serious.i really cant.i cant believe people can be that stupid..case in point.read this shit.





im irish and comanche/lenape indian.my families from the south,theres alot of baptists there.


seriously guys the more i read this shit i cant help but think these guys are trollin.they HAVE to be.


another passage i found:


Hello friends,


Are showers the women's ride to Satan's arms?


I noticed that you have a lot of threads about women and how they should act and be treated.

I discovered a situation that I have not yet found the answer to. You see, just the other day I walked in on my wife in the shower (I don't allow her to lock any doors in the house, unless I say otherwise) and I was led to believe that she was pleasuring herself. We have a retractable shower head, and when I walked in, it was near her devil's layer and she seemed unusually embarrassed.


Though I did punish her, I don't know what else to do beyond these lines.

I need advice on what the right thing to do would be.


Your Brother in Faith,



this is the reply he got.


Daily paddlings, an hour in her Prayer closet each morning, and no more showers! Take out that demonic contraption and restrict her to baths from now on.


I'm not sure why a Christian Man would need advice on how to discipline his own wife.


this is where it was found



also found this post from a black bitch..i imagine she types like she speaks

"Dat right, Michael fo-eber in hell......dats where all da child mo-lesters go and dats jist what he was! The peoples fogit fast what he did to dem lil boys!"

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Paleontologists brought to tears, laughter by Creation Museum

By Britt Kennerly – 15 hours ago


PETERSBURG, Kentucky (AFP) — For a group of paleontologists, a tour of the Creation Museum seemed like a great tongue-in-cheek way to cap off a serious conference.


But while there were a few laughs and some clowning for the camera, most left more offended than amused by the frightening way in which evolution -- and their life's work -- was attacked.


"It's sort of a monument to scientific illiteracy, isn't it?" said Jerry Lipps, professor of geology, paleontology and evolution at University of California, Berkeley.


"Like Sunday school with statues... this is a special brand of religion here. I don't think even most mainstream Christians would believe in this interpretation of Earth's history."


The 27 million dollar, 70,000-square-foot (6,500-square-metre) museum which has been dubbed a "creationist Disneyland" has attracted 715,000 visitors since it opened in mid-2007 with a vow to "bring the pages of the Bible to life."


Its presents a literal interpretation of the Bible and argues that believing otherwise leads to moral relativism and the destruction of social values.


Creationism is a theory not supported by most mainstream Christian churches.


Lisa Park of the University of Akron cried at one point as she walked a hallway full of flashing images of war, famine and natural disasters which the museum blames on belief in evolution.


"I think it's very bad science and even worse theology -- and the theology is far more offensive to me," said Park, a professor of paleontology who is an elder in the Presbyterian Church.


"I think there's a lot of focus on fear, and I don't think that's a very Christian message... I find it a malicious manipulation of the public."


Phil Jardine posed for a picture below a towering, toothy dinosaur display.


The museum argues that the fossil record has been misinterpreted and that Tyrannosaurus rex was a vegetarian before Adam and Eve bit into that sin-inducing apple.


Jardine, a palaeobiologist graduate student from the University of Birmingham, was having fun on the tour, but told a reporter that he was disturbed by the museum's cartoonish portrayal of scientists and teachers.


"I feel very sorry for teachers when the children who come here start guessing if what they're being taught is wrong," Jardine said.


Arnie Miller, a palentologist at the University of Cincinnati who was chairman of the convention, said he hoped the tour would introduce the scientists to "the lay of the land" and show them firsthand what's being put forth in a place that has elicited vehement criticism from the scientific community.


"I think in some cases, people were surprised by the physical quality of the exhibits, but needless to say, they were unhappy with things that are inaccurately portrayed," he said.


"And there was a feeling of unhappiness, too, about the extent to which mainstream scientists and evolutionists are demonized -- that if you don't accept the Answers in Genesis vision of the history of Earth and life, you're contributing to the ills of society and of the church."


Daryl Domning, professor of anatomy at Howard University, held his chin and shook his head at several points during the tour.


"This bothers me as a scientist and as a Christian, because it's just as much a distortion and misrepresentation of Christianity as it is of science," he said.


"It's not your old-time religion by any means."



So many things wrong with this article, I don't know where to begin. I've taken the liberty of highlighting some of the points I would like to comment upon. First off, this is a biased article because it only interviews evilutionists, not Creationists. There is no opportunity for the Creationist viewpoint to respond back to the attacks and criticism. Here are my responses to the bold parts...


It comes to no surprise that a professor from Berkeley (Hey! We have one of those on here too!) would be against Creationism. His comment is immediately invalid because of where he comes from.


It is true that "mainstream Christians" don't support creationism because simply put, they are not truly Christians. If they were Christians by definition they would believe what the Bible says, and since they are not, they are merely atheists/agnostics/heathens who claim to be Christians.


I love this Lisa Park character. Notice how she started crying when she saw pictures of war and famine, attributed to the believe in evolution? Know why? Guilt, deep inside! And who can not resist laughing at this quote: "I think there's a lot of focus on fear, and I don't think that's a very Christian message... I find it a malicious manipulation of the public.". Obviously she's never read a Bible in her life! Much of the Bible is focused on fear! God will smite down anyone who dares disrespect him or fails to follow a basic order. But then, we understand why she thinks this way -- She's an elder at a Presybterian "Church" and we know they don't believe in a Bible or that Christ died for their sins, so there you go.


Another great quote to pick at: "And there was a feeling of unhappiness, too, about the extent to which mainstream scientists and evolutionists are demonized -- that if you don't accept the Answers in Genesis vision of the history of Earth and life, you're contributing to the ills of society and of the church." Praise Jesus! They're finally getting it! This is exactly what we've been saying at Landover. For once they clearly understand the consequences of leading a Godless lifestyle!


Finally, we have an uppity Negro professor (Hey! We have one of those here too!) who says: "This bothers me as a scientist and as a Christian, because it's just as much a distortion and misrepresentation of Christianity as it is of science," he said. DISTORTION? What distortion? The museum is based on what the Book of Genesis says literally and without changing it. There is ZERO DISTORTION! How is it a distortion of Christianity? Another so-called "Christian" who doesn't even read the Bible.


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I noticed that you have a lot of threads about women and how they should act and be treated.

I discovered a situation that I have not yet found the answer to. You see, just the other day I walked in on my wife in the shower (I don't allow her to lock any doors in the house, unless I say otherwise) and I was led to believe that she was pleasuring herself. We have a retractable shower head, and when I walked in, it was near her devil's layer and she seemed unusually embarrassed.





Also I think the older you get the more you realise how much bullshit religion is... Kinda like santa claus.

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