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ive seen just about all of the more popular sci-fi movies and rush to see just about anything astro, other world, AI, pre/post apocalypse, and alien invasion.


falling skes was ok. it was a refreshing break from the normal bullshit on TV. i have not had a chance to catch terra nova yet but the story looks real dope - right up my alley.


im checking back pages in this thread for movies worth watching - also looking for suggestions and recomendations.

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"Moon" is a definite recommend.


Apparently Sam Rockwell is a Sci-Fi fan. I think of films only though.


HA i bought this while searching for low budget sci-fi in the walmart discount movie bin about 6 months ago..shit was dope!!


i also bought the black hole - that wasnt as good though..good story decent effects (for the time) but moved wayyy to slow.


i saw a lot of talk about Dune...i remember seeing this in college and didnt really dig it. ill have to watch it again...at the time, it reminded me a lot of star wars.

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reading this right now



i hated on this show before i watched it, and now it's one of my top 3 favorite television series



i just rewatched dune and i wasn't feeling it. somehow frank herbert and david lynch just doesn't work. and i love david lynch flicks. but the weird cube fight shit in the beginning is awesome.



attack the block. this movie was FUCKING AWESOME



i love the shit out of this show



"fuck you queer"

i guess repo man is sci fi haha



never been in this thread, i'll be back geeking out later

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sorry to triple post but im not ashamed to admit im excited about this thread..most sci fi discussion on the web is about books (not much of a fiction reader) or vampire / zombie foolishness. blade was ok (emphasis on OK), i liked the lost boys and 28days later was dope, but thats about as far as i can go in those genras.


im definitly gonna try to catch up with screamers and death race 2000


interested in anyones thoughts on these two movies since i didnt see them mentioned.


not a big vin diesel fan but this shit rocked IMO



this was boss as fuck - but i never got around to watching the sequals. guess ill have to reactivate my netflix account and get caught up on my sci-fi this winter. i especially love how there is a little kubric's full metal jacket in the training scenes.



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HA i bought this while searching for low budget sci-fi in the walmart discount movie bin about 6 months ago..shit was dope!!


i also bought the black hole - that wasnt as good though..good story decent effects (for the time) but moved wayyy to slow.


i saw a lot of talk about Dune...i remember seeing this in college and didnt really dig it. ill have to watch it again...at the time, it reminded me a lot of star wars.


HAHA i got Moon for like 3 bucks at a blockbuster going out of business. was psyched:D

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sorry to triple post but im not ashamed to admit im excited about this thread..most sci fi discussion on the web is about books (not much of a fiction reader) or vampire / zombie foolishness. blade was ok (emphasis on OK), i liked the lost boys and 28days later was dope, but thats about as far as i can go in those genras.


im definitly gonna try to catch up with screamers and death race 2000


interested in anyones thoughts on these two movies since i didnt see them mentioned.


not a big vin diesel fan but this shit rocked IMO



this was boss as fuck - but i never got around to watching the sequals. guess ill have to reactivate my netflix account and get caught up on my sci-fi this winter. i especially love how there is a little kubric's full metal jacket in the training scenes.




I'm not a huge Vin Diesel fan either, but I really liked Babylon A.D. I straight up love post apocalyptic films. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Pitch Black was great.


Zombie movies are straight up one of my favourite genres check original or remake dawn of the dead and planet terror that shit is boss.


Also any one know of movies of similar to "Alien/s" which are decent


As far as post apocalyptic i enjoyed Book of Eli oh and Mad Max hahah


Any one seen Priest was pretty recent?

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book of eli was fucking sick.


as for post apocolyptic, Terminator 4 i thought was a pretty good redemption for the series after T3 which completely blew. Its had for a trilogy to come with a decent fourh installment - just check any alien or predator movie after the 3rd, well predator after the 2nd..


i dug the mad max trilogy but only saw the first one, once. need to check that one again. i just remember it being really low budget.


again, not a huge will smith fan either but 'i am legend' was dope. in fact, i robot wasnt bad either..im a sucker for anything A.I. - even the movie A.I. was dope to me although a lot of people hated it.


Blade Runner has been on TV recently but i cant seem to catch it and watch it in its entirety. i saw it once but that was ages ago.


i never saw the entire dawn of the dead (remake) but what i have seen looked pretty dope.


some sci-fi remakes that really rocked and had good stories, not just better effects are: War of the worlds & the day the earth stood still


i especially loved the day the earth stood still. the dialogue with the professor haunted me for weeks. been a Keanu Reaves fan since point break. He killed the matrix, constintene was dope too so i thought he was perfect for the role of Klaatu...


any thoughts on planet of the apes which seems to be developing a series...the original with charlton heston was epic.

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Oh man that looks fucking mind numbing.


So my feeling is that Terranova is going to suck dick badly. Just don't see something on Fox turning into something good. At least with Falling Skies I see a lot of potential, but we'll see how that goes. Not that its Sci-Fi but I'm looking forward to watching American Horror Story.


Just finished up Heavy Weather and really dug it. Crazy how far ahead Sterling was with writing this book.


Now I'm about to start reading Philip K. Dick is Dead, Alas. Picked it up strictly based on the title alone. Got so much to go through after all the recommendations in this thread.


Nerd on.

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Ha I was drunk so it wasn't real bad but was a good laugh.


I do want to watch Tera nova and I know I'll like it but I dont want it to turn into another lost where the story goes to shit and nothing happens. For the zombie fans I was just told about tv series The Walking Dead that looks good and was told the first season was awesome.

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I actually got into Supernatural and sort of started watching Warehouse 13 when they do the marathon days for it. Still haven't seen The Walking Dead. Kind of surprised by that to be honest, but I'll check it out soon.



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Yeah i watch doctor who on the odd occasion and it is great, i liked the doctor with Billy hes a tripper


Watched the first episode of Tera Nova and i liked it alot although i dont know how good the rest of the season/episodes will be, and i can already see twists in the characters happening. There is too much love stuff going on. but fucking dinosaurssssssssss make up for it.

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