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in that 4 of 5 episodes of inside straight edge


these kids are straight punks


im going to reno to party it up and not get scared


by some wanna be hardcore band


what are they "armed for battle" against


cause one dude smokes pot and you dont


it gives you a right to beat fools down????


you jump me, phone calls get made


and two wheelers come out to play

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there are about 4 straight edge dudes i know that are obviouosly homo.. they just like hangin out with dudes.. i mean seriously, if they came out and said they were gay noone would be surprised.. the rest i know have girls, and their girls have "the eye"

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basically when i see straight edge i see them the same as i see say my mother or my sister.

the difference is actual straight edge people are pricks about being straight edge.

when i do drink/smoke infront of my sister she doesn't go "your lame guy shit is stupid" and then i don't punch her directly in the fucking face.

straight edge people are just arrogant dinks and thats all there is too it.

billions of other people do what they do and don't label it under bunkery.

case closed.

fuck em.


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some straightedge kids are pretty cool and don't fuck with you because you're not "edge". some are just elitist assholes who need a boot to the head.






but it's funny to watch kids who were all adamant about the lifestyle, "break edge" and discover the world of drinking and taking "drugs".


i still don't understand why people feel compelled to label themselves as being anything. i don't drink or smoke the ganja anymore, i don't do any drugs and i've never smoked, i wouldn't ever consider calling myself straight edge. i do pop a bunch of pills though, but even if i didn't....


so great, you are straight edge....good for you! i'm glad you feel compelled to advertise your lifestyle choice to the rest of the world.


everybody, at some level, wants to identify with something bigger than them i guess.

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Wow, most of you are fucking idiots. For every preachy, militant edge kid, there are 100s of others who are doing it for themselves, don't go around talking about it, and have no problem with people who drink or do drugs. You probably aren't even aware that most people who are straight edge are unless you offer them a beer and they tell you they don't drink. I've been going to punk and hardcore shows for almost a decade and i honestly don't recall a fight ever going down because straight edge kids were angry about people drinking. I also don't ever recall any straight edge kids preaching to me about drinking or smoking. I do me, they do them. If someone is a douche, they're a douche. Being straight edge or a heavy drinker or anywhere inbetween doesn't change that.

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Wow, most of you are fucking idiots. For every preachy, militant edge kid, there are 100s of others who are doing it for themselves, don't go around talking about it, and have no problem with people who drink or do drugs. You probably aren't even aware that most people who are straight edge are unless you offer them a beer and they tell you they don't drink. I've been going to punk and hardcore shows for almost a decade and i honestly don't recall a fight ever going down because straight edge kids were angry about people drinking. I also don't ever recall any straight edge kids preaching to me about drinking or smoking. I do me, they do them. If someone is a douche, they're a douche. Being straight edge or a heavy drinker or anywhere inbetween doesn't change that.



I guess in my experience I've encountered one too many douche straight edge kids.

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some straightedge kids are pretty cool and don't fuck with you because you're not "edge". some are just elitist assholes who need a boot to the head.




i just think they shouldnt beat up those who choose to partake in drugs/alchohol

i think they call it hate edge



if they just live a "clean" life, and don't try to push it on me, im cool with it.

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I guess in my experience I've encountered one too many douche straight edge kids.

The same can be said for anything though. I've met tons of shitty people who drink, tons of shitty people who do drugs, tons of shitty somalians, whatever. Doesn't make it ok for me to lump them all together and say they all suck just because they share one common trait.


And different people have different believes on what straight edge entails. Most don't drink or do drugs. Some won't drink caffeine and try to avoid taking any and all medications, even advil. It just depends on the person and what they don't want in their lives.


I think some of you(not aimed at anyone in particular, just in general) are way too quick to toss a label on someone and write them off because of it. There are shitty people and good people in pretty much any large group, especially one that is so loosely defined and varied from place to place and person to person.

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no drink,joints or sex and being punched in the face at gigs seems pretty fucking shit to me ha .

They don't all abstain from sex, and the vast majority of them aren't looking for fights or getting punched in the face at shows. Honestly, you saw one very biased and skewed show on militant straight edge kids, and thats your entire knowledge of straight edge. Just stop, you sound like an idiot. You're like some middle aged man who has no clue, talking about how graffiti is all violent gangs. If you have no clue about something, you really have no room to talk shit and make up falsities.

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We don't abstain from sex.

We just cannot have sex without being a relationship.


To everyone else out there who is saying that every Straight Edge kid is basically wanting to punch you in the face for partying and getting fucked up, you're fucking wrong.


I go to parties where people around me are drunk off their ass and are doing a bunch of drugs.

I don't hit them in the face for doing that.

I just don't let myself join into what they're doing.


"Hate-Edge" is fucking stupid as shit.

Those are the motherfuckers that are giving Straight Edge a bad name.


I used to drink and do all that shit.

I decided to stop.

I was sober for about 2 years, then decided to claim.


It's not like all of us haven't been through that stage.

Some haven't, but a lot have.


We can fun, just not the way you guys do it.

I don't understand why there is so much hostility when this all started off as a simple discussion.




i just want to point out that i think it's hilarious that you turned "Straight Edge" into just "Edge". you're fucking exclusive dude. do you guys have a football team ?


labels aren't to help you understand yourself. they're to help other people put you in a category, because they'll never really understand the little shining light inside of you buddy.


now i'm gonna have a beer and hit this bong for you, in hopes that one day you'll come out of your shell and realize that you only live once. good luck, most don't make it out alive.



What's so bad about shortening the word?

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straight edge boys like to fight a lot which can get irksome.

but i have known way more edgies that are chill with friends abusing substances than ones who are aggro about it.

my favorite is aging drunk ass scumbags with edge tattoos.

i know a fair amount of those.

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We don't abstain from sex.

We just cannot have sex without being a relationship.


We can fun, just not the way you guys do it.

I don't understand why there is so much hostility when this all started off as a simple discussion.


What's so bad about shortening the word?





Whats with all this WE stuff... you got a mouse in your pocket??




peace to the 3 or 4 kids in here that are obviously my age and know what the fuck they are talking about.

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We don't abstain from sex.

We just cannot have sex without being in a relationship.




you forgot to add


On that one baby pa





PS having sex is a relationship



We can fun, just not the way you guys do it.

I don't understand why there is so much hostility when this all started off as a simple discussion.

I can fun too! I fun all the time!




No but really, in the past every single edger I met was militant, but I'm old school, I'm not part of this new mall scene where putting xX Xx in your screename was part of how things were done. I remember back in 95 where edger were talking shit and looking for fights and talking down on kids



As a result of that history, people get angry



I'm not talking for these mall punk hot topik kids,

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i dunno, every time ive ever tried to talk to someone whos "edge" its ended up in an argument and them thinking im drunk?



i dont like hanging with edge people because when im drunk i dont like being around sober people, it makes me think they are going to try to fight me or something and they arent drinking to have an edge (no pun intended). they just get me paranoid as fuck. but luckily i havent run into any of those hate edge people yet...

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We as in people who are Straight Edge.

I can hold my ground and I can hold it for others.

I know what I am talking about.



you forgot to add


On that one baby pa





PS having sex is a relationship



I can fun too! I fun all the time!




No but really, in the past every single edger I met was militant, but I'm old school, I'm not part of this new mall scene where putting xX Xx in your screename was part of how things were done. I remember back in 95 where edger were talking shit and looking for fights and talking down on kids



As a result of that history, people get angry



I'm not talking for these mall punk hot topik kids,


:lol: :lol:

This made me laugh.


Not in a bad way though.



But this whole X on your hands type shit is wack.

The only reason I will ever have an X on my hand is if I go to a show.

Militia is stupid in my opinion.




Do people fuck me up for being edge?




So why should I fuck them up for not being edge?


It's stupid, immature, and has no sense.




i dunno, every time ive ever tried to talk to someone whos "edge" its ended up in an argument and them thinking im drunk?



i dont like hanging with edge people because when im drunk i dont like being around sober people, it makes me think they are going to try to fight me or something and they arent drinking to have an edge (no pun intended). they just get me paranoid as fuck. but luckily i havent run into any of those hate edge people yet...



You probably ran into them..

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We as in people who are Straight Edge.

I can hold my ground and I can hold it for others.

I know what I am talking about.





:lol: :lol:

This made me laugh.


Not in a bad way though.



But this whole X on your hands type shit is wack.

The only reason I will ever have an X on my hand is if I go to a show.

Militia is stupid in my opinion.




Do people fuck me up for being edge?




So why should I fuck them up for not being edge?


It's stupid, immature, and has no sense.







You probably ran into them..

so lemme get this straight....



you're probably some teen who thinks that labeling themselves posi edge or w/e is cool since you're apart of a movement.



wy do you feel the need to label yourself?

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No, I don't think it's "cool" to label myself.

I don't take being Straight-Edge as labeling myself.


I know who I am.

I know my limits.

I know what I can do.

I know what I can't do.



I didn't HAVE to claim edge to still live a sober lifestyle.

But I did it so others can view me as a different type of person.

A person aside from the regular teenagers. (OMG, I ADMITTED I AM 17!!11!!)



I like living my life the way I do.

I enjoy being a different individual.

People respect me for that.

People respect me for being me.



Just like I respect others for being them.



Now, if they want to pressure me into doing the things they are doing, then we have a problem.

Just like a problem would arise if I pressured you into throwing that beer away or tossing that joint away.



I admit that not every single Straight Edge person is as open minded as I am.

But there are many, many, out there who are.




this thread is gay.

why would you care about what someone else does with their body?

it's true that my initial instinct is to distrust anyone who doesn't imbibe.

but i know a pretty decent amount of solid peoples who are edge.

no rule is universal.

and as far as the whole labeling yourself thing...come the fuck on now, y'all label yourselves everytime you put up your crew.

that's what crew is.


I admit that this thread is stupid.

None of this would of happened if a certain person didn't make a thread denouncing other peoples beliefs.

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