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Obama: The New George Bush


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your use of the English language makes you look like a moron...and thanks for speaking for the entire world...Obama supports government funded abortions...THE largest killer of African Americans...Planned Parent Hood...the REAL death panel...



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Your entitled to your opinion as am I, looking at the way that people I know from over the world viewed Bush is what I based my comment on.


The rest of your comment just sound like paranoid nonsense



So your conversations with a few people, whom are more than likely liberal, have brought you to the conclusion that the entire world thinks Bush was an idiot? Kind of far fetched maybe.


If you don't believe the statistics on abortion and the death rate associated with blacks as compared to other causes of death, then look it up. Then look into the facts about Planned Parent Hood, their history, eugenics, etc. These programs receive funding from the government.

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ah sod it I will delete that post, I'm not about to get into a discussion about george bush, if you think he was a good leader then good on you. keep deluding yourself. The guy was a fucking moron.


If you wanna provide some evidence for whatever your talking about then that is fine, I have no interest in abortions in America, if someone wants an abortion let them have it, if they don't have to pay for it and the governmentwants to foot an bills then fine, why have more kids brought into the world that are just gonna be neglected by their parents


yes I'm liberal, yes I'm pro choice

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So your conversations with a few people, whom are more than likely liberal, have brought you to the conclusion that the entire world thinks Bush was an idiot? Kind of far fetched maybe.


If you don't believe the statistics on abortion and the death rate associated with blacks as compared to other causes of death, then look it up. Then look into the facts about Planned Parent Hood, their history, eugenics, etc. These programs receive funding from the government.


right, I have just done a search for abortions, planned parenthood and other stuff and all I can find is a bunch of pro lifers harping on about the fact that Obama supports abortion and that these things will get funding from the government.


Fair play if he is pro choice, it is just a bunch of religious zealots that think that abortion is wrong.


At least now I can definitely not pay attention to anything else that you say Soaker because frankly I was right when I said your comment sounded like paranoid nonsense, if your pro life then I completely disagree with you

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your use of the English language makes you look like a moron...and thanks for speaking for the entire world...Obama supports government funded abortions...THE largest killer of African Americans...Planned Parent Hood...the REAL death panel...



The fact that you don't use capitals, comma's, periods, exclamation points or any other form of grammar, makes you...any better?


I don't think so.


I agree with your Planned Parent Hood thing. However the legal right of a woman having a choice to have an abortion, we'll that's a good thing.


BTW: Bush may not be a complete moron. However he sure is incompetent. However close those things border together is up to you.

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ah sod it I will delete that post, I'm not about to get into a discussion about george bush, if you think he was a good leader then good on you. keep deluding yourself. The guy was a fucking moron.


If you wanna provide some evidence for whatever your talking about then that is fine, I have no interest in abortions in America, if someone wants an abortion let them have it, if they don't have to pay for it and the governmentwants to foot an bills then fine, why have more kids brought into the world that are just gonna be neglected by their parents


yes I'm liberal, yes I'm pro choice



You don't even live in America! How the hell do you know what is really going on in this country? You speculate based on the media, which is liberal? Your one of those neofacist liberals that promotes bigger government, higher taxes, government mandates, and basically anything that is for the general social welfare as long as the government is in control. HOW is this a liberal ideology? What happened to the libertarian? Those liberals and people who advocated smaller government, power to the people and lower taxes?


How are you going to say it's fine for the government to foot a bill, you don't even pay taxes in this country! It's wrong for the government to fund programs that have a racist history and that promote the killing of unborn children. Especially when these programs are geared towards providing services in minority areas, and has resulted in the death of over 17 million black children


" since the 1973 Supreme Court decision allowing the destruction of more than 50 million unborn children, 17 million of them were black. That represents a larger percentage of the abortions than black Americans as a portion of the American population."


"Center for Disease Control, (CDC), show that Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion chain, has planted its clinics -- more than 75 percent --strategically in our urban and minority dense neighborhoods"


Here's some nice quotes from Planned Parent Hoods founder.






Effectively the first black president, Barrack Obama, supports, advocates funding for a racist organization that contributes to the genocide of his own race. http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=obama%20at%20planned%20parent%20hood&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wv#

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On July 30, the House Energy and Commerce Committee added to H.R. 3200 an amendment written by staff to Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Ca.) and offered by Rep. Lois Capps (D-Ca.), both of whom have consistently pro-abortion career voting records. This “phony compromise” explicitly authorizes the “public plan” to cover all abortions. This would drastically change long-standing federal policy which means that any citizen enrolled in the public plan will be compelled to purchase coverage for abortion on demand.

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So it is better to have neglected children living with families that have no interest in looking after them? Letting them run rampant and finding their only 'family' in gangs or drugs? It isn't like there is already a big enough social problem in the US with gangs and drugs!


What about women who have been raped? Do you propose they are forced to have a child that they cannot even stand to look at due to how the baby was concieve?

How about foetuses that have been identified as being severly disabled and the family know that they canot handle the raising of that child? Do you suggest that all these children are neglected and just thrown into the system where they need to be adopted?


Why is it a racist history? Are black women dragged to an abortion clinic and forced to have an abortion against their will? Maybe the reason why abortion clinics are in poorer areas are due to higher teen pregnancy, high rates of single families or fathers that can't be men and run off (I'm not making a racist statement there, I said poorer - not Black)


A woman has every right to have an abortion if that is what she wants, for whatever reason. To say it is a black genoiced is rubbish, using your figures 17 million black children, why don't you say white genoicde?? the figure you quote was for 50 million abortions.


Just because I don't live in a country doesn't mean I have no knowledge of that country, I have the ability to read, to form opinions and to investigate matters myself.

I do not promote bigger government, I do not think that the government should control everything, I do however think that social policies are a good thing. Stop making judgements on me when you don't have a fucking clue about me or my views.


Your very quick to attack someone which just shows your ignorance.


I pay taxes in my country and abortions are available for free on the NHS and that is a good thing in my view, I am happy that my taxes go to fund the NHS so everyone has access to healthcare.


Also quoting the founder of the PlannedParenthood organisation that made comments in the 1920s is hardly indicative of the organisation nowadays, racism was rife throughout society back then so it is hardly relevant today.


While I don't agree with all the quotes on the page you posted I completely agree with all the quotes under the PlannedParenthood today section. As for the quotes in the section entitled Facts about PlannedParenthood, well I'm sure whoever wrote the articles they were taken from was being completely unbiased (that was sarcasm if you didn't quite get that)

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Your a fascist, plain and simple. You live in a country that has a history of controlling its people through an outdated political system that leaves very little power to the people.


Did you even read the history of planned parent hood? Do you understand the concept of social engineering and how this has affected blacks in America? You can not understand what it is like in the US if you don't live here, bottom line.


Why is it a racist history? Are black women dragged to an abortion clinic and forced to have an abortion against their will? Maybe the reason why abortion clinics are in poorer areas are due to higher teen pregnancy, high rates of single families or fathers that can't be men and run off (I'm not making a racist statement there, I said poorer - not Black


Really it sounds to me like you'd agree with the eugenicist of the time when Sanger created planned parent hood. Maybe your a closet racist? Maybe you think its good that millions of blacks are killed every year? You obviously don't see the curse this places upon our people, or the complete devaluation of life this puts in peoples minds, and society, which leads to the desensitized view of violence so prevalent in minority communities.


The percentage of blacks, to whites and all other races, is disproportionally high. Do you not comprehend that? You talk about gangs and drugs and blah blah blah in America, but YOU don't live in America! Are you saying that to prevent gang and drug violence we as a nation need to fund the euthanization and silent killing of blacks? Man your a fucked up individual...Freedom comes at a cost, but you wouldn't know anything about that would you, you limey bastard...

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You're a fucking idiot plain and simple, and you don't live in the UK so can't comment on what it is like to live here, I have plaenty of freedom and am not controlled by the governemnt, to use your own words you don't live here so don't have a fucking clue.


I am not a facist in any kind of way, I am not racist, homophobic or sexist. I believe in peoples rights to choice, if they want to have an abortion that is their choice plain and simple. You say millions of blacks are killed each year, but that is the choice of the parent, they aren't dragged there kicking and screaming in order to have an abortion. The people that have done this is the Parent no-one else, you sound like the sort of idiot that stands outside an abortion clinic with your cardboard sign saying 'God Hates You' and plans on killing doctors that are just offering a service to people that want/need it.


I used the example of gangs and drugs as something that kids can fall into when parents have no interest in raising their child, if you have no interest in raising your child you shouldn't be having children so it is better to have an abortion than raise a child in a loveless home.


Go get your tin hat and hide under the stairs you paranoid moron.


Call me a facist and I can call you sexist as you obviously don't believe in womens rights

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Your a fascist, plain and simple.


Maybe your a closet racist?


Man your a fucked up individual...





Hate to be a grammar nazi but this is annoying and it just makes you sound even more ignorant. Also, insulting people really doesn't prove any points. You don't have to come in here guns (and shitty grammar) blazing.

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You have said nothing factual or convincing in your argument decyfron! The right to choose what you want to do is great! But when this choice is funded by the government, and perpetuated by a historically racist organization it's completely different. Who's blazing guns? I called dude a limey bastard? Is that really offensive? The fact that I explained and gave factual evidence of the racist agenda of Planned Parent Hood? Are you denying this shit? What is ignorant about that? What I'm seeing is comedic pictures, straight denial of all of the facts that I posted, and simpletons skirting the issue by talking about completely irrelevant shit. The difference between me stating your political system is outdated, and you saying how we as Americans should live, spend our taxes, form our health care policy, who deserves to live and who doesn't is enormous.


YOU'VE said racist shit! I have said NOTHING to denounce a woman's right to choose. I've denounced tax funded abortion clinics, and the systematic silent genocide of a race.

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You have not provided any evidence to any Racist agenda whatsoever, you have posted some quotes from a woman back in that oh so liberal and enlightened age of the 1920s. That has no bearing on how the organisation may be ran these days, racism was rife back in the 20s for crying out loud. So yes, I am denying that PlannedParenthood is trying to wage a silent genocide against black people, otherwise they would deny any other race the right to have an abortion, they are offering a service to women of all races to choose whether to bring a child into this world. Just because their clinics are in poorer areas, which can be quite often black areas just means they are having their clinics in the locales that need them due to people not being able to afford the abortion any other way. It is always the womans choice, that automatically discounts any genocide, because it is always the choice of the woman no one is forcing her.


Just because an abortion clinic may be funded by the government does not mean that the government is forcing people to have abortions, your arguements are pathetic, with no basis in fact and no evidence to support them. How is a poor mother supposed to pay for an abortion if she is on welfare and can barely afford to feed herself, to deny her the right to an abortion is to deny her freedom of choice.


You yourself are racist to use the term limey bastard if you can't see that you are as ignorant as you seem. I have not said anything racist whatsoever, I have commented on womens rights and that I am pro choice.


How is the UK government system outdated?? You have provided no evidence to back that statement at all, you don't live here you don't have a clue. This is a democratic society, we vote for our politicians, we vote for our local representatives and we vote for our european representatives.


A tax funded abortion clinic is there to provide a service to people that cannot afford it through other means, it is not a genocide, you have provided no evidence to suggest that the government is waging this so called genocide, apart from a pathetic YouTube video and a crappily put together and biased website, hardly the most legitamate sources of coroborating evidence.

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SO! the fact that 75% percent of clinics are in minority neighborhoods doesn't alarm you? Or the fact that Planned Parent Hood practiced eugenics as part of its foundational principles? Margaret Sanger founded the group, and she lived until 1966. This was NOT exclusive to one decade. Eugenics laws were alive and well in many cities up til the 1970s.


Here is a excerpt from her firs pamphlet, which might I add sounds surprisingly similar to your view on poverty and the black race, you limey brit.


Her first pamphlet read:


It is a vicious cycle; ignorance breeds poverty and poverty breeds ignorance. There is only one cure for both, and that is to stop breeding these things. Stop bringing to birth children whose inheritance cannot be one of health or intelligence. Stop bringing into the world children whose parents cannot provide for them. Herein lies the key of civilization. For upon the foundation of an enlightened and voluntary motherhood shall a future civilization emerge.


Sound familiar? Yes I'm sure it does, because you espoused the same ideology. You sick bastard.

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Well the quotes on the website you linked to were dated in the 1920s NOT the 60s


The reason the clinics are in minority neighbourhoods are due to the fact that these tend to be the poorer areas, where people cannot afford to pay to have abortions privately.


And again you use racist terminology to argue against me, calling me a limey bastard because you have NO arguement, when I am commenting on poorer neighbourhoods NOT peoples races.


Calling me a sick bastard and resorting to personal attacks against me with no basis in reality just shows how detached from reality you actually are. Keep burying your head in the sand and spouting your frankly ridiculous stories.

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Yea none of the people I quoted are real. Eugenics laws weren't real. Planned Prent Hood doesn't receive government funds, they don't operate in the minority communities. Margret Sanger didn't live until the late 60s. That's not an argument. Posting countless links to FACTUAL information is a baseless argument. What was I thinking? Silly me maybe I should just make up shit like you and base my argument off of my sentiments. Yea that's what I should do, then I could be a liberal like you! Promoting BIGGER government! yea government is awesome! Hell yea lets all make a bigger government! Then they can put video cameras all over our cities like the sewers of England! That would be awesome...


Limey bastard is not racist you dumb ass! Its a poke at a British man who ate limes. NOT a race you LIMEY BASTARD!



Limey bastard:

A stuck up resident of the sewer known as England who lack any sense of humor and take themselves as seriously as the French when an American decides to make fun of them. usually caused by their lack of sunlight and tasteless, nauseating diet

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Talking to you is like talking to a fucking retarded child.


All those quotes you provided, as i mentioned before were from the 1920s. I'm am not denying she lived til 1966.


I didn't say they don't recieve government funding, i just said it wasn't a bad thing. They need the funding because they provide the service to poorer people who cannot pay for the service.


I said they are in minority areas because they tend to be the poorest areas, the areas that CANNOT afford to pay to have an abortion privately.


I never said I promote a bigger government.


If you don't think calling someone Limey is a racist term then you are as much of a fucking idiot as you come aross on the internet. If you call a french person a Frog it is a racist comment, if you call a British person a Limey it is a racist term as well, it might not be offensive but it is racist.


You are an ignorant, narrowminded fuckwit, who when they have no arguement, refuses to acknowledge anything the other person says.


You have not provided any evidence in your link to a shit youtube video that any retard can put on the internet, or the website you provided a link to which was laughable.


I'm glad I am liberal and not a narrowminded ignorant conservative like you

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The Frech frogs are not a race of people, so therefore its not a racist comment. If I say Americans are Yankee bastards, thats not racist you Limey Redcoat! Get a grip on reality. The fact is you support eugenics and the killing of unborn black babies! You support BIG government and funding to extinguish a race of people, because their not worthy. Your a fascist not a liberal, I'm sorry. I provided you some insight into the facts, undeniable facts.

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Whoever thinks George Bush was a good leader is one seriously dumb cunt. I didn't think there was room for any republican views in the graff world. Republican - graff artist... the two don't mix... that is unless you are FUCKING clueless.


On the matter of abortion. Obama is not trying to kill his own race. He is offering people of all races a choice. If it amounts to the majority of abortions falling within the black community it is because the individuals involved couldn't care for those kids if they were born - so they are able to make a choice that enables them to get their life back on track.


Would someone just delete this fuckin thread... Dumb all the way. Fucking retarded dumb shit. Obama the new George Bush, please get a grip you dick.

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Not all of us are so dimwitted.



Soaker: Do you disagree with me that Fox News and other outlets want us to hate brown people?



Gonna have to disagree with you on that one. First of all I'm not sure who "us" is. Second, I don't know who "brown" people are exactly.

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Whoever thinks George Bush was a good leader is one seriously dumb cunt. I didn't think there was room for any republican views in the graff world. Republican - graff artist... the two don't mix... that is unless you are FUCKING clueless.


On the matter of abortion. Obama is not trying to kill his own race. He is offering people of all races a choice. If it amounts to the majority of abortions falling within the black community it is because the individuals involved couldn't care for those kids if they were born - so they are able to make a choice that enables them to get their life back on track.


Would someone just delete this fuckin thread... Dumb all the way. Fucking retarded dumb shit. Obama the new George Bush, please get a grip you dick.


Explain why G. Bush was a dumb cunt. And explain to me how in any way what graffiti has to do with politics. Republicans support lowering taxes, decreasing government regulation, the right to bear arms, adhering to constitutional principles. These principles are empowering to the individual.


So what your saying is that black people don't care for their kids? Wow I guess all of you liberals are racist deep down inside.

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Here's an interesting article that speaks to the racist agenda of abortion.


King Calls For Abortion Investigation By Department Of Justice


By JOE MURRAY, The Bulletin

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The niece of Martin Luther King, Jr. is calling for the Obama administration to investigate the racist implications of abortion.


Dr. Alveda King, Director of African American Outreach for Priests for Life, asked the Department of Justice to investigate Planned Parenthood citing a large number of black children who are lost to abortion. Because abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, accept federal tax dollars, Dr. King argues an investigation should be conducted to make sure racist policies are not being advanced.


Black Americans, who represent one-eighth of the U.S. population, constitute 37 percent of America’s 1.2 million annual abortions. In other words, of the 45 million abortions conducted between 1973 and 2005, 17 million black children were terminated.


“I would say wiping out one-quarter of the African American population qualifies as a negative impact on a minority group,” said Dr. King. “There is no greater violator of civil rights than the abortion industry and if the Obama Justice Department is serious about investigating discrimination perpetrated by recipients of federal money, it should start with the billion dollar abortion giant, Planned Parenthood.”


The issue of abortion and race has long been an elephant in Planned Parenthood’s waiting room. Media outlets rarely report on the correlation and abortion proponents dismiss such charges as right-wing rhetoric.


But is there a correlation between a woman’s race and the likelihood she will be sitting in a Planned Parenthood surgery room?


Black woman are five times more likely to abort their children than white women and two times more likely than Hispanic women, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The institute is a leading collector of reproductive health statistics.


The abortion rate among whites is 11 abortions per 1000 white women. The children of minorities, however, fare worse. Twenty-eight out of every 1000 Hispanic woman will have an abortion and 50 out of every 1000 black women will do the same.


“The acting head of the Obama administration’s Civil Rights Division wants to crack down on groups that receive federal money and whose policies have a negative impact on minorities,” said Dr. King. “I can save her a lot of time. All she has to do is look at the abortion industry and its leading money maker, Planned Parenthood, to find suspicious characters.”

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Explain why G. Bush was a dumb cunt.


-It doesn't need explaining. Are you fucking serious?! You only need to look at the impression he gave to the rest of the world during his years in office. I'm sorry - or, have you not left the country before?


And explain to me how in any way what graffiti has to do with politics. Republicans support lowering taxes, decreasing government regulation, the right to bear arms, adhering to constitutional principles. These principles are empowering to the individual.


-It has a lot to do with politics. It's rebellion & free speech, but you go with your Republican family values. The right to bare arms... gimme a fuckin' break. You think the rest of the world needs guns by their side to act tough? So what, d'you sleep with a gun your you bed to make you feel better?


So what your saying is that black people don't care for their kids? Wow I guess all of you liberals are racist deep down inside.


-No, that's not at all what I'm saying.

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