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Electronically Rate Your Farts: Cutting Edge Science


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Yes, they've finally done it. You can now build a machine that rates your farts based on noise, temperature, and gas content.






"The flatulence intensity detector was designed with the goal of detecting the intensity of a fart. To that end, the dectector measures hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentration with an H2S sensor, temperature with a super sensitive thermistor, as well as sound with a microphone, to determine the danger of a fart. In general, Hydrogen sulfide concentration determines how malodorous a fart is (other gases, such as methane, also contribute to the smell but are not present in every fart). Temperature, on the other hand, is related to how much smelly body bacteria has been trapped in a fart – the hotter the fart, the more threatening. Finally, noise is important for determining the danger of a fart – while not directly related to smell, it is related to the awareness of those nearby (a scare factor). Sensor values are compared against those in look-up tables in order to determine the ranking of a fart. Once the flatulence is detected, the user is alerted by a speaker and an LCD display. The user also has the option of playing back his masterpiece at the push of a button."



"Our main program file, FartDetect.c, was separated using a state machine for different functions. Two sub-programs were used for lcd screen manipulation and debugging through the hyperterminal, and these are referred to in the References section. Below is a description of how the main file operates in addition to its state breakdown, neglecting include statements and variable declarations:"





They've got full source code and circuit diagrams, so I'm strongly tempted to build one of these.

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All those things are good but overall isn't it the smell that really counts? Not knocking the loud ones, long ones, or those squeaky mouse farts, always good for a laugh. And 'cutting' edge technology? Pun intended?



That's why they're testing warmth and H2S content. They're attempting to quantify the stink.


That pun was actually unintentional, but probably done subconsciously because I never use that phrase.

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I farted on a gas tester at work, this particular one tests for several different gases, being H2S, LEL(methane really), O2, CO2, and SO2


I blew off the meter for LEL, H2S was several hundred PPM, and CO2 was also blown off the meter, O2 content went down to 0ppm and we had to recalibrate that gas detector before it could be used again.

lulz were had by all present.

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