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Cops Tase Naked Wizard


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I've seen it before. That's one of my all time favorite videos.

Too bad Americans are too fucking pussy to get down like that.



It's not that Americans are pussies,

it's that the spectators got drunk for three hours watching a zero-zero tie,

like any typical soccer game,

they got pissed & wanted action that soccer never delivers,

so they decided to make a boring sport interesting.

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It's not that Americans are pussies,

it's that the spectators got drunk for three hours watching a zero-zero tie,

like any typical soccer game,

they got pissed & wanted action that soccer never delivers,

so they decided to make a boring sport interesting.

ehhh, i dunno. im pretty sure its because americans are pussies.

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Fuck this guy.


If I was one of the cops, he'd be dead. End of story.



I'm an asshole, and live in a city FULL of asshole cops, but I ALWAYS walk away, even when I'm in the wrong. Because I know the magic word...















Try and be all "I'm a late teen/early 20 something counter culture guy who says fuck the system and all that" and we can trade stories about who I got away with insanity with the cops looking and how you got popped for jaywalking and being a rebel. /drunktalk



These cops are douchebags but they were us at one point. Ah...fuck it, you ain't ready for the game I spit.

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I can point you towards a dozen studies that prove they do kill

Fact is taser Corp routinely supresses all studies, and makes sure all deaths that should be attributed to taser misuse are changed to "excited delerium"


RIP Patrick Lee






Amnesty International estimates 156 people have died from police tasering, but the contracts held by taser Corp combined with all the goodies local forces get means only taser corps studies are used, and of course taser Corp says taser don't kill


Fuck cops

Fuck taser Corp

OC kills people



Id rather get tazed and PERHAPS die, than SHOT AND DIE FOR SURE

also, much rather take a tasering than a metal baton to the face


ITS LESS LETHAL! LESSSSSSSSSSSS, doesnt mean its not lethal, there is still a chance for death, just like theres a chance from dying when theres 5 coppers on top of a resisting dude while they try to cuff em. Its all relative. 150 deaths in situations where previously they wouldve just pulled guns, is still decent if you ask me

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numerous people get tased and live

its just another OPTION. No one making them ever said there is absolutely no chance someone would die

like i said. how many times has a taser been used instead of a gun?

how many have been used in total, versus how many deaths since they first started being used?

i bet you the precentage is very low

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numerous people get tased and live

its just another OPTION. No one making them ever said there is absolutely no chance someone would die

like i said. how many times has a taser been used instead of a gun?

how many have been used in total, versus how many death, since they first started being used?

i bet you the precentage is very low



Ten Percent of Tasers Tested Found to Emit Higher Current




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It's not that Americans are pussies,

it's that the spectators got drunk for three hours watching a zero-zero tie,

like any typical soccer game,

they got pissed & wanted action that soccer never delivers,

so they decided to make a boring sport interesting.


I'm willing to bet that those cops got rolled on because they were beating on some unarmed naked dude and everyone there thought that shit was fucked up.

Not because they were bored with the game.


And yes, Americans are fucking PUSSIES when it comes to standing up to the police.

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numerous people get tased and live

its just another OPTION. No one making them ever said there is absolutely no chance someone would die

like i said. how many times has a taser been used instead of a gun?

how many have been used in total, versus how many deaths since they first started being used?

i bet you the precentage is very low



Tasers aren't EVER supposed to be used instead of guns hayabusa


They are used instead of mace, clubs, physical restraint, or any other physical force





You really need to understand what the fuck you are speaking on before you go all in on some dumb shit and make yourself look like a foaming at the mouth retard again


Tasers are sold and pitched as 100% non lethal

It's clear they have a good chance they can be lethal


But they are treated like pepper spray and handcuffs - the fact you compared them to guns shows they are obviously on the same lethal level

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OC kills people



Id rather get tazed and PERHAPS die, than SHOT AND DIE FOR SURE

also, much rather take a tasering than a metal baton to the face


ITS LESS LETHAL! LESSSSSSSSSSSS, doesnt mean its not lethal, there is still a chance for death, just like theres a chance from dying when theres 5 coppers on top of a resisting dude while they try to cuff em. Its all relative. 150 deaths in situations where previously they wouldve just pulled guns, is still decent if you ask me


Metal batons to the face don't kill people.

Tasers kill people.

And this naked hippie didn't need either, alls they had to do was grip him up and handcuff him the oldfashioned way.

Cops rarely even use tasers in life or death situations like they're supposed to you fucking idiot.

They use the shit as a fucking toy.

If they even have an incling that you're some type of threat, or something you did could be spun into somehow being a threat, they don't even fuck with tasers they just shoot your ass and lie about how they "thought their life was in danger".


You're a fucking canuck. You live in Canada. Canadian cops are fucking hippies compared to American cops.

Don't speak on shit that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.






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Tasers are not used as "gun replacents" like you state


They are used as non lethal means - they are "putting hands on you" replacement

They are physical force replacements


If there Is a situation where police protocol allows them to put a hand on you in restraint, they can also shock you with a barb carrying 500,000 - 950,000 volts


And that might kill you



All because the officer chose to gaze you instead of yanking you up and slapping cuffs on





Just the other day I saw a video of a woman getting tased at point blank range because she didn't get out of her car fast enough on a speeding ticket



Tasers might kill you, point blank, and you should never be put in a life threatening position over something as minor as that

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numerous people get tased and live

its just another OPTION. No one making them ever said there is absolutely no chance someone would die

like i said. how many times has a taser been used instead of a gun?

how many have been used in total, versus how many deaths since they first started being used?

i bet you the precentage is very low



Dude, you're a fucking idiot. You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.


Just STFU.

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canuck cops are pussies? shit. i've seen some canuck cops with arms the size of tree trunks.

motherfuckers could crush your skull with their pinky fingers.



(the cops are dressed as anarchists)



naked wizard guy should've calmed down and done what the cops said. as i told hayabusa in a pm just a second ago, cops are shook these days with reports like MIAC and the virginia fusion centers new report. they basically tell police that liberty lovers, ron paul supporters, constitutionalists, etc are out to kill them. constantly being hammered by that kind of shit can really fuck with a cop.


you've really got to be careful dealing with police these days. some are good hearted and have your best interest in mind (as well as their own lives). it's better to cooperate and settle it in court if you have a dispute. that doesn't work out all of the time, and i'm not oblivious to that, but at least the courts aren't going to blow your brains all over the sidewalk if you are found guilty. a shook cop might just splatter your head unit.






pro tip: if you're ever beaten to the ground, try and get your head under the front of their car. it might help you live a little longer.

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canuck cops are pussies? shit. i've seen some canuck cops with arms the size of tree trunks.

motherfuckers could crush your skull with their pinky fingers.



(the cops are dressed as anarchists)




Come on now Casek... You know damn well that if that were in America, the riot cops would have started cracking everybody's skulls and gassing the crowd as soon as dude tried to pull the undercovers masks off.

That old man would have got his head stomped on and charged with at least two counts of assulting an officer.

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no, they knew. i can't recall if it's in that video or not, but they show the guys being led back

and then unhandcuffed and let go.


if you guys want to find that video, you can. it's on youtube somewhere. prolly same type title.


as for the old guys head being cracked, yeah dao, you might be right about that.did you see the dem convention with the cops dressed as anarchists? i think they did it at the repub one, as well.


maybe not, though. i think they were trying to provoke that crowd of folks into something violent. they didn't touch the guys because they didn't want to blow their cover on the spot...although it had been blown (look at their cop boots).

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Come on now Casek... You know damn well that if that were in America, the riot cops would have started cracking everybody's skulls and gassing the crowd as soon as dude tried to pull the undercovers masks off.

That old man would have got his head stomped on and charged with at least two counts of assulting an officer.



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as i told hayabusa in a pm just a second ago, cops are shook these days with reports like MIAC and the virginia fusion centers new report. they basically tell police that liberty lovers, ron paul supporters, constitutionalists, etc are out to kill them. constantly being hammered by that kind of shit can really fuck with a cop.




what's that dude going to kill a cop with?


might poke an eye out, or cut off breathing to a nostril, but no lethal weapons on that guy.


cheers on tazing him though, I'm anti-tazer but not even cops get paid enough to deal with that shit.


2 tazer deaths in the past year in my city.

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