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NC blackbooks


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without it*


Let's go back all the pages in this thread and take a look at your stuff... I have, and it's garbage. Now, it wouldn't be so pathetic that you talk shit on here, if you actually had a little something to back it up.


hmm... Straight flavor??? ok.





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just imagine the process of this kid getting so mad on the internet that he goes and blackbooks about it, picture him getting the shot of said blackbook and anxiously waiting as it loads back to the nets. the true merging of life and the internet. what a beautiful thing. you sure shown them, champ!!

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just imagine the process of this kid getting so mad on the internet that he goes and blackbooks about it, picture him getting the shot of said blackbook and anxiously waiting as it loads back to the nets. the true merging of life and the internet. what a beautiful thing. you sure shown them, champ!!


Mad? hardly. This is true comedy.

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the shitty thing is, once you're cool on the internet no one cares in real life. on the other hand, if you act a fool on the internet people actually don't like you in real life. my advice is to just end it all honestly. it's just too hard to be a winner in the electronic age.

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the shitty thing is, once you're cool on the internet no one cares in real life. on the other hand, if you act a fool on the internet people actually don't like you in real life. my advice is to just end it all honestly. it's just too hard to be a winner in the electronic age.


But... but... I've worked so hard to win the approval of all you guys...

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Wow man. Blackbook drawings. Cool. Didn't know cats still did these. The skill displayed here is staggering. We should like, totally sketch together sometime or something. Do you drink coffee? I like going to coffee shops and like, sketching and stuff. People totally look at what you do and are like, "is that graffiti?" because they think thats cool but thats not why I do it or anything, so I just shut my book all coy like and give em a little wink like, "shhhh, don't blow up the spot. This is some top secret shit right here". Then I sip my vanilla soy latte and soak in the fame, brotha. Mabey go out back by the dumpster, catch a tag ya know, smoke a blunt. Weed is sooooooooooo cool when you smoke it. Have you ever sketched on weed bro? Makes me giggle like a little schoolgirl. tee hee tee hee tee hee. I mean, thats what its all about, ya know? Smoking weed and sketching in blackbooks. Or doing sketches ABOUT smoking weed in blackbooks. Ya know, like, Life imitates art bro. Sometimes I go out real late like, 11 oclock at night and I go paint real big on the back of trucks and stuff. Sometimes I even use a whole half of a can to fill in. I'll show you a pic to prove it but be fore warned, it looks way bigger in person. Go big or go home, bro. Then I go hang down at the tattoo shop, cause they love me down there. I can tell the way they politely nod with tight lipped smiles when i ask them question after question. They think I'm cool because i ask them stuff. Sometimes I catch them rolling their eyes when I turn my head, but thats just the way homies do. Its just jokes between bros, feel me? Well, gotta go talk tough in some other thread. Maybe I can fuck with someone I hero worship and ruin their day, because I secrfetely resent myself for obcessing over other people and feel the need to fuck with them in some small way to not feel like a total bitch. But thats how dickriders do, ya know bro?

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Wow man. Blackbook drawings. Cool. Didn't know cats still did these. The skill displayed here is staggering. We should like, totally sketch together sometime or something. Do you drink coffee? I like going to coffee shops and like, sketching and stuff. People totally look at what you do and are like, "is that graffiti?" because they think thats cool but thats not why I do it or anything, so I just shut my book all coy like and give em a little wink like, "shhhh, don't blow up the spot. This is some top secret shit right here". Then I sip my vanilla soy latte and soak in the fame, brotha. Mabey go out back by the dumpster, catch a tag ya know, smoke a blunt. Weed is sooooooooooo cool when you smoke it. Have you ever sketched on weed bro? Makes me giggle like a little schoolgirl. tee hee tee hee tee hee. I mean, thats what its all about, ya know? Smoking weed and sketching in blackbooks. Or doing sketches ABOUT smoking weed in blackbooks. Ya know, like, Life imitates art bro. Sometimes I go out real late like, 11 oclock at night and I go paint real big on the back of trucks and stuff. Sometimes I even use a whole half of a can to fill in. I'll show you a pic to prove it but be fore warned, it looks way bigger in person. Go big or go home, bro. Then I go hang down at the tattoo shop, cause they love me down there. I can tell the way they politely nod with tight lipped smiles when i ask them question after question. They think I'm cool because i ask them stuff. Sometimes I catch them rolling their eyes when I turn my head, but thats just the way homies do. Its just jokes between bros, feel me? Well, gotta go talk tough in some other thread. Maybe I can fuck with someone I hero worship and ruin their day, because I secrfetely resent myself for obcessing over other people and feel the need to fuck with them in some small way to not feel like a total bitch. But thats how dickriders do, ya know bro?


that shit... was fucking hilarious dude hahahaha

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