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We live in a nation of pussies...


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So I feel the need to rant. The United States has become a nation of pussies. In the news this past week is that schools are going to a color coded grading system. Personal achievement will no longer be recognized. No such thing as a valedictorian, extra credit, extra effort... anything. Someone can excel far beyond their peers and they are held equal to the rest. If you do the work to achieve what would amount to an A it is now equal to the moron who skated by with a D-. And sports... we have now moved into the time when anyone can join a sports team as long as they pay their way in... no more tryouts... and there is no more competition because now... everyone gets a ribbon.. regardless of performance. Kids can no longer play dodge ball or tag in school because some cunt fucking mom complained that her kid was picked on or sexually harassed. What the fuck happened... when I was in school and somebody fucked with you.. you either ducked that fool.. or went to blows. We have developed a culture of people who want the most reward for the least work... work ethic is no longer relevant.. as very few people have it. Just like graf and the internet... kids want to bypass putting in work and get fame off of a few pictures. We are a nation of pussies and the future appears to be slowly developing into an episode of queer eye for the straight guy.



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political correctness will be among that which causes the downfall of America.


i tend to agree.

i don't know anything about the grade system--i'm sure there has to be something to recognize honor/AP students. ACT/SAT scores will still be in place for a future that matters--college...--so i wouldn't be too worried. the intelligent kids will always stand out from the rest in some way. the dumb kids won't. color codes or otherwise.

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I think it's the same shit spreading everywhere.


They want to teach children like everybody has equal skills/chances in life.. that's beautiful and an utopia

but when they finish and arrive in the real life they are not prepared.


For me the school duty is to prepare children for the real life.


Real life is still more competition among people more injustices, that's sad


I would never put my children in a stupid system like that

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fist... I understand and agree with what you're saying... but if you allow the kids to develop that mind state in their early years when they are the most easily influenced.. it won't matter by the time they get to high school or college... the negative effects will have already become etched into them. And the people perpetuating these ideas are the same ones that think that someone poor or from the projects has the same opportunities as someone from the upper middle class. They have no concept of injustice.

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Man whatever. Say what you will about Americas educational system but Asia's is far worse. They act like they excel more but all they do is memorize shit until they get to college and then they fuck off. Then they get jobs they can't perform but nobody ever says they don't understand for fear of losing face. World of micromanaged fools .

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of course there are worse systems than ours, however there are FAR better systems that have been in place in Europe for decades that we refuse to emulate for some stupid reason... just because there is worse doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to be better.


dosa--sure, some kids might never be pushed to prove themselves and discover that they are intelligent or are capable of excelling in AP/honors type courses. i think though, the social systems that exist in schools--specifically the cliques--will exist outside of grades. there will always be the kid that always raises his hands. always be the kids that go home and watch discovery/history channel instead of cartoons, always be the kids who read on their own...


i agree, this change might inhibit some of those kids from "blossoming" into thinking persons, but in a world outside of grades and school there is still distinction between the "smart" and the "less smart."



anyways. work.

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as dosa may know, i was out of the country recently... and out of every person there, i saw no faggots at all... (from the people i was around).. the kids there have good work ethic at a young age.... it seems to me, that america is just a pussy country... we grow up in an enviorment where everything is handed to us, we hardly work for anything

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i agree.


i went to my neices field day type thing at her school one time and after all of the activities EVERY KID got a little fucking trophy. why the fuck even have competition if everyone is gonna win? that'd be like giving the losers of a superbowl or word series a ring just because they gave good effort. that's why all these kids are so goddamn emotional anyways.

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I agree one hundred percent with the idea that a second language should be mandatory curriculum. Almost every other education system in the world is now starting to require students to learn a second language. As far as I can tell, regardless of political views on the subject... in the U.S. Spanish will soon be a necessity.

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its all about money.

youth sports leagues are greedy. they want all the parents' money they can get. so instead of making 2 or 3 teams, they have like 8 and everyone plays.

schools are greedy. the more kids they have passing, the more money they get. their solution is to make it as easy as possible to pass.


this country is 100% run on money and nothing else. as long as someone is getting paid, anything flies

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I think this is a very interesting discussion.


Props dosa.




As some of yall know fo me, I go to a college with fairly alternative pedagogical roots. We do not have grades, but written evaluations of our work. There is a double edged sword to all of this though. While it is a great system that has allowed me to do my own thing and do some cool shit, it does do exactly what Dosa is saying, at times though. I have seen so many people pass through this school only to fail out at the last minute, transfer, pass for doing nothing, etc.


Every educational system has its pitfalls, but we are slipping into a state of educational regression.


I grew up in Texas and went to all sorts of different public schools there. Had the more traditional style schooling. Sort of no child left behind before he was president. The overarching problem is that there should be multiple types of pedagogies.


Hampshire has worked for me. However, high school and grades below were a struggle. Not because of intelligence, to the contrary, but because the educational structure did not reflect my intelligence. Grades pose just as much ambiguity in indexing the qualities of a student as the evaluations of me school, or the upcoming proposed color scheme.


Education needs to have some huge steps taken before there is a system which can account for the many types of learning people do.


I have always been independent in my learning and have never been too concerned with the notion of showing others I can do some bullshit homework for a grade. Thus, a system like that of Hampshire, my college, works well for me. Let me be and I will do good work. Force me to succumb to some bullshit and I will spend the entire time making sure you know I am smart but will openly choose not to engage in whatever evaluatory structure exists.



The gov should just dump tons of money in to tons of different types of educational programs. Fuck universal standards.

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source please? I dont believe this for one second.


Colorado School District Drops Grade System Adams County District 50 gets rid of grade levels Last Edited: Wednesday, 12 Mar 2008, 7:11 AM MDT Created: Wednesday, 12 Mar 2008, 7:11 AM MDT

ADAMS COUNTY - One Colorado school district is going to shake things up by getting rid of grades.

The move includes traditional letter grades and grade levels.

The Adams County School District 50school board approved a new system that lets students progress at their own pace.

Students will need to master 10 skill levels to graduate. They could end up graduating earlier, or later than fellow classmates. It just depends upon how long they need in order to master the skills.

District administrators says the new system will focus on students' competence, rather than achievement for grades.


There are other school districts across the country that have adopted this type of system.

The district says it will put an explainer on transcripts for students applying to college, since the students will not have grade point averages or class rankings.

The district plans to start the new system for kindergarten through eighth students in 2009 and high school students in 2010.



Also... information on pass/fail grading systems in place around the country:



ED077472 Title:A Study of the Pass/Fail Grading System. Authors:Otto, David J. Descriptors:Grades (Scholastic); Grading; Higher Education; International Education; Pass Fail Grading; Student Evaluation Abstract:Experience with the pass/fail system at the University of Alberta and a review of the literature has shown that (1) pass/fail does not seem to motivate the student to learn; (2) students do not use it as a vehicle to explore outside their major; and (3) students do fewer of the assigned readings and attend fewer classes in courses elected under pass-fail than they do with courses elected under the conventional grading system. Despite conclusive evidence, the author is reluctant to recommend abandoning nontraditional grading. The two reasons advanced are: it is too early in the innovational development to measure the real impact on the student, and nontraditional grading may do more to foster a lifetime of learning attitude. (Author/HS)

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I like your post crooked... I'd prop you but Im 24'd... and I don't know if your school is a pass/fail system... but the earlier post wasn't directed at you... it's just a study I found by the dept. of education regarding pass/fail systems in certain districts.

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