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Duck Butter

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i dreamed about weed last night, amongst a bunch of other weird shit, then woke up and realized i didn't have any, i laid in bed most of the afternoon because i felt too depressed to live, then i decided i could get out of bed if i snorted some opiates, i haven't had the cravings too bad since then

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i'm sure it is, since you picked the 2 most boring drugs ever invented to get addicted to. so yeah, congrats.


Yeah, and you take Adderall...AKA prescription time release methamphetamine.


Why don't you back up off of dude's nuts and let him enjoy his shine? He's got more going for him than you or I do, obviously.

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whoooaah hold the show guys.

i was actually being serious when i said "congrats," i think booze & opiates are such wasteful, boring drugs.


also, i take addies at a dose intended for 6 year olds, and it's a totally different chemical than meth, dude, the thought of that shit gives me chills. never tried, never will. uughh billywhizz..yuck.

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although i drink and do a shit load of drugs, i cant hate on people who are staying straight. sober is a good feeling sometimes. i was sober for about 4 days last week, the first time ive been sober for more than a day in years. i felt pretty damn good, had alot of stamina and energy, more ready to get into things and leave the nest.


im back to the booze and herbs now though, im bored as fuck just sitting aroudn thinking about getting fucked up and high again in 30 minutes.

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i agree with moelester...


i drink, i dont do drugs but i cant hate on people who dont drink

i thought about not drinking after 3 months of crushing liters of jack nightly

shits retarded sometimes, stay sober homie i dont think i could handle that shit

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whoooaah hold the show guys.

i was actually being serious when i said "congrats," i think booze & opiates are such wasteful, boring drugs.


also, i take addies at a dose intended for 6 year olds, and it's a totally different chemical than meth, dude, the thought of that shit gives me chills. never tried, never will. uughh billywhizz..yuck.


Aderal is Ridalin for adults you fucking ass whipe.

What the fuck is so fun and exiting about ridalin for adults?

Seriously... what the fuck are you talking about?


Are you like 15 or something?

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whoooaah hold the show guys.

i was actually being serious when i said "congrats," i think booze & opiates are such wasteful, boring drugs.


also, i take addies at a dose intended for 6 year olds, and it's a totally different chemical than meth, dude, the thought of that shit gives me chills. never tried, never will. uughh billywhizz..yuck.


Yeah...I heard the same rap when I was prescribed Adderall. It's speed. I've done meth and Adderall, and I can tell you for double damn sure it's the same drug.


If you haven't been strung out on dope then don't act like you know. It's a whole different kettle of fish. Imagine waking up sick to your stomach with the flu and out of your fucking mind and having to do a drug that makes you want to sleep more. Imagine having to function on that level. It's not a fun way to live.

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I don't see fit to judge people unless I live on their level....so more power to you.


I had a bunch of people try to call me a sellout because I quit doing heroin...where are they now?



If I ever happened to overhear somebody call someone a sellout for quiting heroin, I'm pretty sure I'd probably smack them over the head as hard as I could with the most bluntest of objects in reach.

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I had a bunch of people try to call me a sellout because I quit doing heroin...where are they now?


no shit. "crews" of druggies (even heavy recreational users, not just bona-fide junkies) are fucking lame. they exist quasi-contently in this little bubble of gayness that, IME, involve:

-really gross houses

-lots of really loud talking about nothing, all the time

-tons of wasted money on childish shit like retarded electronnics & trashy gear

-desperate (usually busted) younger girls devoid of intelligence, morals, or class

-petty scams run on their "friends"

-weird manipulative superiority complexes, developed as ego defense mechanisms against their well-earned self-loathing.



i was called a "sellout" or someshit when i moved out of my previous living situation, which was unfortunately turning into the kinda situation i described above.

i made the mistake of visiting these people about a month ago for the first time in almost a year, and i wish i could have those 3 days back.

the saddest part is that i highly doubt some of them will ever evolve past this lifestyle.

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I've done meth and Addreall, and I can tell you for double damn sure it's the same drug.


It's a whole different kettle of fish.


dude, you're all mixed up. i've been prescribed the same dose of addies for 2 years now, without developing a tolerance, cause i take it how it's supposed to be taken.


sorry to hear that your addies weren't enough and you had to go fuck with some draino potion, which by the way, is definitely not the same chemical. there's a huge range of amphetamines, and just cause they're all "stimulants" (a retardedly broad category) doesn't mean it's all the same shit.


and judging by your post, apparently meth also makes you completely contradict yourself without even noticing? who knew??:lol:

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Aderal is Ridalin for adults you fucking ass whipe.

What the fuck is so fun and exiting about ridalin for adults?

Seriously... what the fuck are you talking about?


Are you like 15 or something?


don't try to argue this with me, dude. you obviously haven't done your homework.


ritalin = methylphenidate


adderall = sulphate salts of amphetamine & dextroamphetamine. just because it contains multiple chemicals instead of one, doesn't necessarily make it "stronger" or "for adults."


BOTH are prescribed to BOTH kids & adults.

and i don't take it "for fun." i take it so that i can actually finish a task without taking a thousand fucking detours because otherwise, i can't.

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Fuck you. You want my respect, quit all the drugs you're doing cold turkey (yeah, including the ones the doctors prescribe you) and holler at me in six months. Then you can get on my level.


I might drink but if I get out of line I don't tell people it's because the liquor store said it was cool. I take responsibility for my own actions.


BTW, I haven't fucked with amphetamines in a while. Can you say the same thing with a straight face, or would you be contradicting yourself?

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don't try to argue this with me, dude. you obviously haven't done your homework.


ritalin = methylphenidate


adderall = sulphate salts of amphetamine & dextroamphetamine.


Which makes it "ridalin for adults", being as Ridalin has an advers effect on people after puberty.

It does the same shit as ridalin does for kids.

It makes you focus on your school work.

It's ridalin for adults.


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don't try to argue this with me, dude. you obviously haven't done your homework.


ritalin = methylphenidate


adderall = sulphate salts of amphetamine & dextroamphetamine. just because it contains multiple chemicals instead of one, doesn't necessarily make it "stronger" or "for adults."


BOTH are prescribed to BOTH kids & adults.

and i don't take it "for fun." i take it so that i can actually finish a task without taking a thousand fucking detours because otherwise, i can't.




As far as that tired ass excuse about ADD goes....yeah, I used to make the same copouts for myself. Then I just buckled down and started paying attention.


You should try it some time. It actually works.

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Adderall is a pharmaceutical psychostimulant composed of mixed amphetamine salts. The drug is used primarily to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy. Adderall has also been used successfully to manage severe cases of treatment-resistant depression. It is a Schedule II controlled substance, meaning that it has been deemed to have a high potential for abuse and addiction, but has accepted medical uses.

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Ridalin has an advers effect on people after puberty.


not true. maybe in some people, but they're certainly not the majority.






also not true. amphetamine sulfate does not equal *methamphetamine.


seriously, i'm not tryna call anyone stupid, y'all have just apparently been misinformed or misunderstood something you were told.

do some research and you'll see. oh wait, that would require reading something other than internetz forumz.



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Blame that on your parents for turning you into a drug addict by raising you on Ridalin instead of disciplin.


i was raised on discipline, trust me. i was never prescribed any ADD drugs until long after i moved away from the 'rents.


y'all think you've got it pegged, but you're waaaay off, again and again. keep trying, though.

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i was raised on discipline, trust me. i was never prescribed any ADD drugs until long after i moved away from the 'rents.


y'all think you've got it pegged, but you're waaaay off, again and again. keep trying, though.



If that was true then you would have never landed a job that paid you enough to have insurance to GET prescribed aderal in the first place.


Stop lying and admit you're 15.

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Dude, how old are you? You're fronting so hard that you make me think you need to get schooled in the real world before you can even fuck with me.


What about my friends that went from Adderall to meth to heroin all before the age of 21? I did it backwards and ten years later, but I can tell you that Adderall is bad fucking news.


Seriously, try some holistic shit and get off the hype that a pill is going to make you better, and you'll thank me for it.

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