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all ur skeleton r belong to teh gummint


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The Authorities Have Your Skeleton On File




Security checkpoints could do a full-body scan and check your skeleton against the bone structures of known terrorists in a few years. A new patent, issued on Friday, covers a system that would scan some, or all, of your skeleton and compare it with a database of skeletons. The database would also pull up data such as your name, address, social security number, and passport number. Worst of all, you might not even know your skeleton is being scanned from a distance. The patented device uses "imaging radar," which bounces microwaves off your skeleton and obtains an image. The objective of the new system is to provide a fool-proof means of identifying people by their skeletons, which may be harder to spoof than fingerprints or other biometrics. The imaging system will be "compact and safe" for use on humans, the patent (#7317416) claims. Most of all, the system would provide "a means to identify individuals at a distance and/or without requiring direct contact."






Versatility is a big selling point of Leonard Flom and Ophir Almog's system:


The imaging radar may be at a security checkpoint (e.g., airport, secure facility, etc.). In other embodiments, the imaging radar is an active radar mounted on an aerial platform such as a satellite or an aircraft. The radar may also be mounted on a track and/or rail system (e.g., on the ground, a floor, and/or a roof) along which it can be moved rapidly.


The authorities could use the system to grant, or withhold, access to secure facilities. But they could also use it to scan for individuals who are on a "watch list" for terrorists or criminals, the patent says. It's not much of a leap to imagine how this system could be abused. Skeleton-scanners could soon be as ubiquitous as CCTV cameras already are in some urban areas... and you'd just better hope your skeleton doesn't throw up the wrong red flag by mistake. Skeleton scan image from AP photos. Other images from patent filing. [FreePatentsOnline]




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also, where are they going to get a bunch of skeleton information about terrorists?


there you have it ......


like this shit is really all about terrorists in the first place. everytime i hear about some crazy ass questionable shit from the govt, they always use the excuse that "it will help find/destroy terrorists." ..... bitch if a terrorist wanted to actually blow some shit up, they would be doing it!!!! how fucking hard is it to build a pipe bomb and carry it into a shopping mall ...... you know the fucks arent scared to die, they do suicide bombings on a regular basis overseas. so where are all the terror attacks in the US? theyre not fooling me ...

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I can so see packs of warrant officers just roving through the malls and shit randomly scanning everybody. Like how the parking authority drives down the street scanning liscense plates.



anh, they;ll just covertly stick them in mall entrance ways. you'll get scanned, face printed, and when you pay, you'll be asked tyo show your id, that will confirm your identity. you'll never even know that anything happened.

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this shit is getting so far out of hand by now... next thing you know you're going to have to piss in a cup before you can go to the post office.



oh yea and this strikes me as odd...


do a full-body scan and check your skeleton against the bone structures of known terrorists



what the fuck? do people that love to blow things up have extra ribs or something? cause i dont see how a terrorist skeleton can be any different from anyone elses...

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And Republicans claim to be for "smaller government". LMAO!!!!


that's not really fair to anyone. for all you know the scientists who invented this scanner are dems.



c-walk: it's not about their bones being different, but skeletal structure is like a snowflake. everyone has a different bone structure. that's what it's all about.

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But we're under a republican administration right now.

That's who's giving the feds the ok to pull this shit.


Come on now Casek.



we both know that the current administration is pulling some big shit

to spy on the american people. this is what's bringing big money to the scientific community

at the moment, though. it's not like you can blame the whole of it on republicans.

bill clinton started the whole spying on americans thing. at&t/NSA linkup....it was done way back then.

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