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I am a dirty mother fucker.............


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c'mon moe.

those bitches and half bad.


id smash without thinking thrice.



at least give me the "dirty mother fucker" nod on that last one. heres another pic of the chula that fucked up my relationship.



LEFT LEFT LEFT. dear god not the right girl, althuogh she would be a good addition to the thread.

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this thread is the best place for me to tell this story.


i had a roommate when i was 21. the dude was a dirty mother fucker. i think he had a box of RIT in his closet, "just in case." anyways. dude is sitting on the couch with a friend of ours, my other roommate and i are watching tv with them. so we're watching tv, and i look at my other roommate. he looks like something just puked in his lap, and rolls his eyes over at the couch. i look over, and my other roommate is just slobbering all over this chick. it looked like to retards trying to lick popsicle sweat off each other's cheeks. so i look back at my other roommate in shock, it just never seemed like anyone in the house was going to hook up with this chick. i mean we were all drunk, but we were always drunk back then. anyways. the two of them go into the room, and we stay watching tv with the volume up as to not hear any sounds of sweaty passion.


the next day, i see my roommate (the one fucking). i just say "what the fuck was that all about?" he starts laughing and goes into it. he's like "yeah i fucked her, but i only had one condom." so this dude fucks this chick, busts one in the glove, takes it off, and throws it on his nasty ass carpet. then they woke up in the morning, felt like fucking, and seeing as it was his only condom --reused it. so he fucked this chick with a condom covered in pet dander, saw dust, pretzel crumbs, and whatever else was on there.


that dude was a dirty mother fucker.

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i called her "chula" because well, shes born of immigrants, her brother and dad are both associated with X3, (i fuck with that northside), and she was straight latin and shit.


i felt good though, i gave some x3 crime bosses daughter the dick and she loved it. i fucked her 5 times in one night, the pussy was real tight yadida.

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