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i knew of a story kind of like this that happened in my hometown a few years ago.


so it goes...

this guy, who i will call matt(because that was his real name), was a crack/or meth dealer and user, and was making alot of money. so matt catches a home invasion from a few dudes that i never knew. the home invaders tie up matt, whoop the dog shit out of him, and hold guns to his daughter's face,head,mouth while matt can only watch. i think they eventually rob the place and leave.


later matt hires friends or somebody to find the home invaders. i think they find one, or the main dude or something and bring him back to matt's. matt's only reasonable retaliation is sodomy, or he was gonna fuck the dude in the ass. went he can't perform assuming because he is /no homo, matt then whoops the dude pretty bad and proceeds to sodomize him with a broom handle.

then i think matt went into hiding for a minute. hadn't heard about him in a while.



Haha... that's awesome. :lol:


Good for Matt!

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