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IRONLAK Is damn good paint. Yes there are certain colors that fade, the sun is no excuse for fading however. Thats a weak excuse but with that being said I'm sure the people at IRONLAK are working hard to fix it. If you know certain colors fade then dont' "buy" those colors, just simply use something else. I paint with it all the time, and yes I know for a fact that certain colors fade but most are tough as nails especially the blues!

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NoExceptions, our paint doesn't keep increasing in price. Check any online store its still $3.95 a pop, and we haven't introduced a price increase in the 6 years we've been operating. But I guess ignorance is bliss.


On the subject of the DRC that yellow is definitely showing the signs of aging and its a yellow, where as the Hoer was a flirt and is expected to fade.


I_fell_off_the_bike, if we removed the caps then no its unlikely the price would go down, caps are expensive for writers and relatively cheap for us (though not fractions of a cent) to get in large quantities and we're just trying to offer writers more value, and more bang for their buck. We stopped with the large clear lids, because they were a waste of plastic, unnecessary and just plain ugly. We understand your point though and we have a solution to this coming real soon.

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Drumroll please....
















*Please note that on the first picture (DRC and HOER), the DRC straightletter was painted with all rustoleum, the HOER straightletter was unfortunately painted with Ironlak. You be the judge...





This post was brought to you in part by the Rustoleum Corporation. Saving graffiti, one wise decision at a time.

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NoExceptions, our paint doesn't keep increasing in price. Check any online store its still $3.95 a pop, and we haven't introduced a price increase in the 6 years we've been operating. But I guess ignorance is bliss.


On the subject of the DRC that yellow is definitely showing the signs of aging and its a yellow, where as the Hoer was a flirt and is expected to fade.


I_fell_off_the_bike, if we removed the caps then no its unlikely the price would go down, caps are expensive for writers and relatively cheap for us (though not fractions of a cent) to get in large quantities and we're just trying to offer writers more value, and more bang for their buck. We stopped with the large clear lids, because they were a waste of plastic, unnecessary and just plain ugly. We understand your point though and we have a solution to this coming real soon.


Word.. I just disliked how that black cap always got loose and lost or something instead of being stored properly on the clear, personal wise, didnt look so bad either but hey its just my point of view. I saved a few clears to clear that up for me though, its no biggy, just a lil irritating'ness.. other then that, its all good.


That makes sense on the fats, thanks.



Once again.... If you dont like that ironlak fades... go to some other brand.. no ones forcing you to use ironlak. fuck this fading bullshit already..

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If you're going to talk about freights, at least pretend you know what you're talking about. Those two cars have the same build dates, which means, the one on the bottom, looked exactly like the one on the top at some point.


Ironlak, seriously, im sorry you're selling your product to complete morons, folks like me and the others on here who have an iq of more than 9, appreciate the hard work you put into your paint brand.

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What exactly are you trying to show us here? That you can't pay attention to detail?

Guess you got so hyper and excited you forgot to check details... :)

What did i forget to check on there? Honestly man, freights, like cars, are built in groups, its not like they build them one a year.


That car was built, in the same month and year as the other, its just a picture of one new, and one old. I seriously dont get it, im arguing with a box of rocks, then another box of rocks comes along and uses all its box of rocks idiot knowledge.

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What has graffiti come to...


What has graffiti come to...

The answer is - before Ironlak, we all used whatever paint & it didn't matter.

Now people have become one brand writers?

Pop stars & scene queens. Defensive flag wavers.

It really detracts from the reason why we write & poisons the sub-culture.


It has caused divisions in the Ozzy scene that were not there prior to Ironlak.

Who ever heard of taking sides over a bloody paint brand? It's not positive.

You fellas in USA are probably not aware of the issues we face here.


With the price war they caused in Australia it killed the value of paint all round which doesn't benefit anyone long term ... low pricing is the only string holding it together.


But there will be more cheap paint, & then cheaper paint, & then even cheaper paint & it will only get worse before it gets any better on the subject of attitudes in the market & scene.

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