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Homeland Security


Obama, who sits on the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, has been a critic of how federal homeland security funding has been handled. He has also been critical of the Patriot Act, but he voted to adopt a conference report to reauthorize it in 2006. Obama cosponsored the SAFE Act of 2005.


In February 2007, Obama cosponsored the Risk-Based Homeland Security Grants Act and has been a steady advocate of risk-based funding for homeland security. In a 2006 podcast, Obama criticized the Homeland Security Appropriations bill, saying, “you would want to give more protection to the Empire State Building or the Golden Gate Bridge than you would want to provide to a Home Depot somewhere in downstate Illinois that is probably not on any terrorist hit list. Unfortunately, what we’re seeing is that Congress is more focused on political handouts than strategic funding.” In March 2006, Obama cosponsored the Chemical Security and Safety Act, which sought to increase chemical plant security. Also in 2006, Obama voted for the FEMA Amendment, which failed.




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grow up fag.


his wife is CFR and i hear that he is, as well. *edit: confirmed


CFR is notorious for being the servant of the elite.


ah, so he is apart of the NWO clique looking to take over earth. my my we get pissy easily. it's okay casek, we all know you're so dialed in maahhnn!

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WTF is the CFR.


The only time I've ever seen it other than here was when I got baited into clicking some Ron Paul supporters youtube video that was simply a picture of Obama with CFR and FAG over his forehead.


the council on foreign relations. educate yourself.

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I even took a shortcut and googled "why the cfr is bad"


And the 1st two hits are from Ron Paul websites.


It looks like the CFR has been around for a while but hasn't been in any sort of negative spotlight until the Paultards got a hold of it.


Hell, it could be a secret organization of eating babies for satanic rituals summoning the end of earth.


It could be that bad.


But I'm simply wary of anything associated with Ron Paul supporters at this point.


Like I said, I'm not anti Ron Paul.


I'm anti Paultard.

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I even took a shortcut and googled "why the cfr is bad"


And the 1st two hits are from Ron Paul websites.


It looks like the CFR has been around for a while but hasn't been in any sort of negative spotlight until the Paultards got a hold of it.


Hell, it could be a secret organization of eating babies for satanic rituals summoning the end of earth.


It could be that bad.


But I'm simply wary of anything associated with Ron Paul supporters at this point.


Like I said, I'm not anti Ron Paul.


I'm anti Paultard.




people have been aware of the CFR long before ron paul came along.

dr. paul is very much aware of the cfr and its dangers. that may be why you go those hits.


if you do some reading on their site, they are the ones pushing the amero, the spp, etc.







paultard? how silly. what a fucking childish moniker to try and post on someone.











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I'd also like to clear up that you're one of the smartest people on this board Casek,


my intention isn't to offend you.


Surely you must agree that the Ron Paul camp has attracted both the super intelligent and the super loony.



thank you for the compliment. i didn't take personal offense, but i do find that term "paultard" quite childish (i said that above)


i do understand what you mean, though.


it's kind of nice to see people so enthusiastic, though. can you recall a time in your life when you saw young and old give their undying support to a candidate like dr. paul?

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Thanks for the links, I'll check em out when I get some sleep.


And sure, its a childish monicker, but tell me this dude isn't a retard




This is what I think of when I think of a Ron Paul supporter.


You cannot annoy people to your way of thinking.


now that is bs. it's at night, too. i don't know how late, but still.

daytime would be forgivable maybe....this guy is a jackass who had

an idea to "help". it's not helping.

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I am impressed with the enthusiasm of people regarding an election.


We are likely to see the largest youth turnout of our lifetime.


I think people are just as enthusiastic about Obama,


Hell, people are likely as enthusiastic about McCain or Bush.


Again, thanks for the links.


Information is a lot more valuable than "CFR" and "FAG" superimposed over Obama's forehead with ominous music.


Unless "FAG" is poorly thought out acronym for another secret political organization.

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maybe some of you obama supporters can clear this up for me,

is obama anti-NAFTA or not?


Taken from the CFR site :naughty:




Sen. Obama (D-IL) generally supports free trade policies, though like many of his fellow Democratic candidates, he has expressed concern about free trade agreements that do not include labor and environmental protections. In a February 2008 speech at the General Motors plant in Janesville, Wisconsin, Obama said he "will not sign another trade agreement unless it has protections for our environment and protections for American workers."


Obama has called NAFTA a "bad" trade deal. In an August 2007 Democratic debate, Obama said he would meet with the Canadian and Mexican heads of state to “try to amend NAFTA,” saying the agreement “should reflect the principle that our trade should not just be good for Wall Street, but should also be good for Main Street” (see video).


In a February 2008 Democratic debate, Obama said he would "make sure that we renegotiate" NAFTA and use "the hammer of a potential opt-out" of NAFTA as leverage to ensure enforceable labor and environmental protections.


Still, in February 2008, Obama said he does not think "it's realistic for us to repeal NAFTA," because that could lead to "more job loss ... than job gains." (ABC)



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He does.


However, I don't think that's enough to have me vote for McCain.


oh no fucking way it's enough for any of us to vote for mccain (btw: who is actually voting for hillary or mccain in here? any?)


i'd much rather have black guy sex scandal than songbird 300 year war mccain or schillary "bush" clinton



so you don't confuse: i'm still writing in ron paul.

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My grandmother would vote every election.


But she'd write in "Snoopy".


She was old and senile.


What's your excuse? :lol:




liberty and justice.



my real deal is: i want to see the criminals incarcerated. i want to see the government work for the people, not for the select corporations, and i want the govt out of my life and out of our schools.

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what's the point dude?



doing what i believe is the right thing to do, voting for a politician i respect, not copping out to the "voting for the lesser of two evils", voting for a man who has real integrity and a spotless voting record, want me to go on?

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