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Guest shai_hulud

So, you sit at a keyboard and talk endless shit, and THEN post a phone number on the internet. Is it yours, or Dawood's? It's a tough call, since I think you could be dumb enough to do just about anything at this point.


Like I said, looks like my work is done here.


Oh, and you might want to pull that number down, because I have it on good authority that Raven is gonna be taking a look at this thread soon.


Not that it's gonna save you or anything, but I'd feel bad if I didn't say anything.


BTW, no one quote that phone number, since it needs to go bye-bye.

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i actually started to read back a few pages when this shit started... this fool is straight stupid. shai seems like a real good dude, dawood also seems to be a pretty level headed person and has been nothing but kind as far as i've seen from most of his post... this MFW dude needs to get his teeth kicked into his throat

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So, you sit at a keyboard and talk endless shit, and THEN post a phone number on the internet. Is it yours, or Dawood's? It's a tough call, since I think you could be dumb enough to do just about anything at this point.


Like I said, looks like my work is done here.


Oh, and you might want to pull that number down, because I have it on good authority that Raven is gonna be taking a look at this thread soon.


Not that it's gonna save you or anything, but I'd feel bad if I didn't say anything.


BTW, no one quote that phone number, since it needs to go bye-bye.

Raven can look at that # and call me if he wants.....I aint done nothin' wrong.
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For what? speakin' my mind. :rolleyes:



nah man you got it twisted, there is a difference between speaking your mind and offending people... i'm not going to jump into this whole thing cause i know people can defend themselves


have a nice life man

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Guest shai_hulud

Speaking your mind is one thing.


Being an insufferable asshole to people who never had a quarrel with you to begin with is entirely another.


I don't want Dawood to do anything to you, because frankly I don't think trash like you is worth bothering with. Unfortunately, I was probably a little late in trying to reach him.


Like I said. You claim to be OG here, then you go picking fights with people, associate their screen names with their tags, then start posting phone numbers.


But I'm a loser with nothing better to do than sit around and bitch on the internet.


I think we're going to find out who the real bitch is soon enough.

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eatso, Mouth For War, BOXCUTTERS, c-walk, tsreno, Hayabusa, MrChupacabra, Dayfed, Tails0nE, Pfffffffffft, Sheets, jones52, fermentor666, blahh, Theo.Huxtable, Cart_Monkey, viperface, Paulz246, shai_hulud, Seldoon, TRILLionare, Quinn, o.O Almost Free, Papi Drew It, SpreadAIDS, MayorMenino, OL'DIRTYGeEEZER, Sleeping Pills, tatiousoner, ElectricitySucks, SpyD, oMn, TheShaneCo., falseface, Toywonder, k9000, geezpot, Ferris Bueller, mindvapors, Zoes, crime stoppers, Classified, Super Z







sik is dope

^true story

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Like I said. You claim to be OG here, then you go picking fights with people, associate their screen names with their tags, then start posting phone numbers.


But I'm a loser with nothing better to do than sit around and bitch on the internet.


I think we're going to find out who the real bitch is soon enough.

I guess it wouldnt be associating his screen name if every thing he posted wasn't Relm...as far as the cell phone is concerned, that's my number so what kinda point are you tryin' to make?


Did you file a complaint? Is that how we see a bitch hurr??? I paid my money dawg, did you?

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nah i dont feel good posting that *


although i hope he catches a bad one.




good call on that one... seriously, not being a dick.


i think everyone should drop this whole thing, dude just feeds off this bullshit. he'll get his one day and dude probably knows it too... its karma man, act like a big enough dick and it'll come back on you ten fold, i'm out of here.


i got a lot of respect for you shai putting up with this fuckwad

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nah i dont feel good posting that *


although i hope he catches a bad one.








Dude looks like a fucking faggot! :lol:




*Disclaimer... I'm not gonna say who this guy is. And I don't even know what he writes (if he even does).

I'm just sayin.

Don't he look like some back-woods homo?

Like on some Deliverance type shit?

I can just picture dude telling some lost tourist "you got a puurrdy mouth boy." :lol:


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You'll be banned or condemned at some point tomorrow, so enjoy 12oz while you still can. And go ahead and rant and talk shit, we all established that you were a moron after your first post or two in this thread.


Seriously though??? what rule have I broken that would have me banned? Posting my own phone number? Is that against the rules? Speaking my mind? Is that against the rules??? afterall it is a messageboard and we do speak minds here....


I'm not co-signin' a whining 34 year old or a wannabe muslim, so I must be banned right? :rolleyes:

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Guest shai_hulud
Raven can look at that # and call me if he wants.....I aint done nothin' wrong.


I beg to differ.



Any user responsible for revealing specific identities, dates, locations, or dropping personal details and/or incriminating information of any kind will be uncermoniously banned from THE WRITERS FORUM for the remainder of all eternity.



Don't wander through discussions acting like an asshole. This is our house, and though we open it up to the general public, we still reserve the right to kick out people that act like pricks.



We've pretty much created a separate forum for every type of discussion, so make sure you post to the appropriate place. If there's (arguably) no redeeming quality to your post, than don't waste our bandwidth posting it (This goes double for posting 'First' and/or 'Page *' within threads, and triple for the posting of random images). And, if you notice a thread discussing a particular topic, for pete's sake, don't go and start a new one. Additionally, try and use informative subjects lines for new threads. Besides being helpful, it shows you're not a new jack when it comes to message boards.


Seems pretty clear to me.


You claim to have been here all these years, but you never read the rules?


You seem defensive, yet you haven't defended anything that you have said or done so far.

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