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Obama and Huckabee win Iowa caucuses

Poop Man Bob

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This is where I get stuck, though.


What needs to happen is-


-The laws governing articles of incorporation in this country need to be changed in favor of the people and less in favor of the corporations.


-The tax code needs to be rewritten in a way that takes the burden off of the working/middle class and shifts it to the upper class. Individuals with higher incomes should pay more, because our "representative government" tends to be comprised of rich, old white guys protecting the interests of rich, old white guys. Until that changes, then the cost of having "the best government money can buy" should be paid by the people who benefit the most.


-In lieu of changing the laws regarding corporations, then they need to be taxed at a rate comparable to an individual making the same amount of money. See above.


You change those three things, and you would see a massive shift in the way shit gets done in this country.


Beyond that, I don't know. I'm in favor of less government, but I do support social services and public education. That's where I get stuck.


I'll go point to point.



1. I disagree. Dig this term, derived from enlightened despotism that I thought of recently "enlightened corporatism." Unfortunately I think we all need to accept that corps are here to stay and probably not all too much different then they exist now. So what do we do? We convince the companies that it is better for their bottom line if they take some sort of progressive moral stance and start acting more in our favor. And doing things that are actually good for society rather than concerning themselves with the cold accumulation of asset.


This is gonna sound ridiculous, but I read a really good article on facebook a couple weeks ago. It was about the new security issues of their Beacon program. I will save the details, but suffice to say the interesting thing was the comparison the author made between Facebook and Google. Now I know a lot of people on here have reservations about Google let alone their privacy policy. But, I think they are a corporation that just gets the very point I was talking about in the last paragraph. The author was talking about how Facebook very quietly and sneakily does many changes to its interface that they don't let users know about. Think of this as a sort of metaphor for our contemporary paradigm (yes I used that word, I know it is chan 0 but get some academia in you) of government and corporate relations. Facebook is not good. It uses its special stance in relation to a consumer only to increase the value of the site before they sell it. Google on the other hand represents a new possibility. An infrastructure of access and information based on the general concept that their existence as a corporation is more dependent upon their progressive integration into the social structure. Brilliant.


Why don't we have government money trying to provide every household in this country internet access? We claim to care about the dissemination of information and knowledge, but as we have been discussing about school's and our country's general decline in intellectualism, something is amiss. We gotta do somethin.


And if our government can't do it for us, I will look to someone else to. In this case, a benevolent corporation that seems to want for me just as much as I want a service from them (Google).


It is like entering into a social contract with a corporation rather than a government.


2. Yup, Agreed. However it is foolish to think we could do without taxation.


3. To some degree agreed.

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take your ass to canada next time you have a medical problem and see how long you wait to get care.


and it's LUNATIC. as in "luna" or "moon"


and yeah, i am scared of anything the communists do or did. anything.


and no, i won't hide, i'll fight for dumbshits like you who are too scared and effeminate

to fight for yourselves.


Is it anything like waiting in the ER here? Right now? Which is basically where people like us go anyways being as we don't have insurance? Only to be slammed with a $5,000 bill and absolutely no way of paying it?


Great! I'll take it!


And I'm sure you know all about the correct spelling of your disorder. My fault for fucking that up.

I'll go put on my "spelling dunce" hat now.


LMAO! Go take your meds homie, it'll be allright.

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yeah boy do i love living in the poverty bracket and having to pay through the roof everytime i go to the doctor..



and you'd love it even more when your government appointed doctor tells you that you must take a vaccine for the flu that is filled with mercury and god knows what else...


or your daughter needs to take the HPV vaccine that is filled with 48 strains of HPV....so, if she has already had HPV, her chances for getting uteran cancer increase 60 fold after the vaccine...


yeah boy

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Is it anything like waiting in the ER here? Right now? Which is basically where people like us go anyways being as we don't have insurance? Only to be slammed with a $5,000 bill and absolutely no way of paying it?


Great! I'll take it!


And I'm sure you know all about the correct spelling of your disorder. My fault for fucking that up.

I'll go put on my "spelling dunce" hat now.


LMAO! Go take your meds homie, it'll be allright.


no, instead of hours, it's weeks, months, or even years. that is why most canadians come to america for any serious operations. they don't like being put on a fucking waiting list.


and yeah, lunacy has nothing to do with disorders or diseases.



go suck some more gummint cock, you schilll.

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and you'd love it even more when your government appointed doctor tells you that you must take a vaccine for the flu that is filled with mercury and god knows what else...


or your daughter needs to take the HPV vaccine that is filled with 48 strains of HPV....so, if she has already had HPV, her chances for getting uteran cancer increase 60 fold after the vaccine...


yeah boy



WTF are you talking about?

Nobody's going to force you to take vaccines.

Nobody's going to force you to do shit.

It's just there for if you need it.


And it must be nice being rich and having a list of Doctors to choose from.

Cause any experiance I've had with ERs and hospitals in general, you deal with the doctor on duty.


But like I said, if you don't want free healthcare then just go to the rich folks hospital and "choose" your doctors.

This is a capitolist country after all, do you really think they're going to BAN private hospitals?


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Our health care system is fail.


It's god awful terrible bullshit.


National health care in Europe beats the piss out of our system here.



One of the major complaints about the Canadian health care system is waiting times, whether for a specialist, major elective surgery, such as hip replacement, or specialized treatments, such as radiation for breast cancer. Studies by the Commonwealth Fund found that 24% of Canadians waited 4 hours or more in the emergency room, vs. 12% in the U.S.; 57% waited 4 weeks or more to see a specialist, vs. 23% in the U.S


# ^ Commonwealth Fund, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An International update on the comparative performance of American health care, Karen Davis et al., May 15, 2007.







Canadian Community Health Survey














The Canadian government has outlawed private medical care for services covered by the public health plan. This results as governments attempt to control costs by gaining or enforcing monopsony power. Those with non-emergency illnesses such as cancer cannot pay out of pocket for time-sensitive surgeries and must wait their turn on waiting lists. According to the Canadian Supreme Court in its 2005 ruling in Chaoulli v. Quebec, waiting list delays "increase the patient’s risk of mortality or the risk that his or her injuries will become irreparable."[109] The ruling, which found that a Quebec provincial ban on private health insurance was unconstitutional when patients were suffering and even dying on waiting lists, has been called a turning point for the country's health system and is expected to lead to greater privatization.[110][111]

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WTF are you talking about?

Nobody's going to force you to take vaccines.

Nobody's going to force you to do shit.

It's just there for if you need it.


And it must be nice being rich and having a list of Doctors to choose from.

Cause any experiance with ERs and hospitals in general, you deal with the doctor on duty.


But like I said, if you don't want free healthcare then just go to the rich folks hospital and "choose" your doctors.

This is a capitolist country after all, do you really think they're going to BAN private hospitals?





o rry? texas tried to tell people it was mandated. "mandated" to common folk means "the law" which isn't the case, but.....


and to randomhero: they have creative ways to gather info, it's just easier if you volunteer it. i'm sure you'll agree.


remember who the geek is who is data mining for business purposes. i also have a penchant for intelligence tech.

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And Casek, what's your take on this whole public school system thing?


That's some commie shit too right?


Should we just abolish public schooling and force parrents to pay for private schools?


i think the government shouldn't be involved in schooling. look at what they are trying to teach our children. lincoln was a good president? columbus discovered america? c'mon. history shows us that lincoln was an asshole. he imprisoned reporters for criticizing him. he shut down presses.

fuck that.


and archeology proves that america was discovered long before columbus came around.


i don't want my kids to be misinformed, as you obviously are. hell, you think the founding fathers wrote the constitution for some audacious reasons. you have no idea.



the only person being laughed at is you.

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Casek, if you look closer, it is school districts in Texas that require certain vaccinations. Local level enforcement. Nothing to do with socialized medicine.






governor perry tried to tell all of texas it was mandated. look it up.

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no, instead of hours, it's weeks, months, or even years. that is why most canadians come to america for any serious operations. they don't like being put on a fucking waiting list.


and yeah, lunacy has nothing to do with disorders or diseases.



go suck some more gummint cock, you schilll.



So you're saying that there's no ER's in Canada?

Or you're saying that the wait in the ER is weeks and/or months?

What exactly are you saying?


Cause as far as I know, people who need serious shit like transplants here in the US have to get on waiting lists too.

And I'm pretty fucking sure that there's ER's in Canada for people who get into accidents or have a heart attack or break an arm skateboarding or whatever. :rolleyes:

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and to randomhero: they have creative ways to gather info, it's just easier if you volunteer it. i'm sure you'll agree.


remember who the geek is who is data mining for business purposes. i also have a penchant for intelligence tech.


Okay...data mining hat on


I dont see facebook as a place of creditable information...infact i would think that face book would more look as a place for sources if even that...


Just like you most "targets" that the intelligence community is looking for is probably not going to post their exploits on facebook.


So bottom line is is might be a place to find possible sources...but would be a waste sense 99% of people are not creditable on the internet.


so it would be better just to do it the old fashion way of agents on the ground.




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So you're saying that there's no ER's in Canada?

Or you're saying that the wait in the ER is weeks and/or months?

What exactly are you saying?


Cause as far as I know, people who need serious shit like transplants here in the US have to get on waiting lists too.

And I'm pretty fucking sure that there's ER's in Canada for people who get into accidents or have a heart attack or break an arm skateboarding or whatever. :rolleyes:



are you fucking blind, stupid, or both?


One of the major complaints about the Canadian health care system is waiting times, whether for a specialist, major elective surgery, such as hip replacement, or specialized treatments, such as radiation for breast cancer. Studies by the Commonwealth Fund found that 24% of Canadians waited 4 hours or more in the emergency room, vs. 12% in the U.S.; 57% waited 4 weeks or more to see a specialist, vs. 23% in the U.S


# ^ Commonwealth Fund, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An International update on the comparative performance of American health care, Karen Davis et al., May 15, 2007.



if you need help with the big words, go to someone else, i'm tired of trying to teach a donkey how to inhale and exhale.

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i think the government shouldn't be involved in schooling. look at what they are trying to teach our children. lincoln was a good president? columbus discovered america? c'mon. history shows us that lincoln was an asshole. he imprisoned reporters for criticizing him. he shut down presses.

fuck that.


and archeology proves that america was discovered long before columbus came around.


i don't want my kids to be misinformed, as you obviously are. hell, you think the founding fathers wrote the constitution for some audacious reasons. you have no idea.



the only person being laughed at is you.




LMAO! So just because YOU dissagree with shit that's being taught, all the kids who are poor or working class should just grow up running in the streets like monkies with no education at all then right?




Seriously though, what do they have you on?

Lithium? Zoloft?



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LMAO! So just because YOU dissagree with shit that's being taught, all the kids who are poor or working class should just grow up running in the streets like monkies with no education at all then right?




Seriously though, what do they have you on?

Lithium? Zoloft?




no, i'd rather the community/state pay for the schooling.




SSRI's and lithium, eh? none of that bullshit for me, thank you.

i'd much rather preserve my cognitive abillities.

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are you fucking blind, stupid, or both?


One of the major complaints about the Canadian health care system is waiting times, whether for a specialist, major elective surgery, such as hip replacement, or specialized treatments, such as radiation for breast cancer. Studies by the Commonwealth Fund found that 24% of Canadians waited 4 hours or more in the emergency room, vs. 12% in the U.S.; 57% waited 4 weeks or more to see a specialist, vs. 23% in the U.S


# ^ Commonwealth Fund, Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: An International update on the comparative performance of American health care, Karen Davis et al., May 15, 2007.



if you need help with the big words, go to someone else, i'm tired of trying to teach a donkey how to inhale and exhale.




No, are YOU fucking blind, stupid, or both?


You fail to comprehend what I'm saying.

MOST people in this country can't afford our healthcare system.

And MOST people in this country could stand to wait a little longer in line if it meant getting treatment that they would normally NOT GET AT ALL.

ESPECIALLY when it comes to life threatening shit!

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Okay...data mining hat on


I dont see facebook as a place of creditable information...infact i would think that face book would more look as a place for sources if even that...


Just like you, most "targets" that the intelligence community is looking for is probably not going to post their exploits on facebook.


So bottom line is is might be a place to find possible sources...but would be a waste since 99% of people are not creditable on the internet.


so it would be better just to do it the old fashion way of agents on the ground.






repost for Casek

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No, are YOU fucking blind, stupid, or both?


You fail to comprehend what I'm saying.

MOST people in this country can't afford our healthcare system.

And MOST people in this country could stand to wait a little longer in line if it meant getting treatment that they would normally NOT GET AT ALL.

ESPECIALLY when it comes to life threatening shit!



all the comparative statistics are in above post where the aforementioned statistics came from.


our mortality rates are higher than canada. and since you're a dumbfuck, that means "we live longer"


so yeah, our health care system provides better service.



would you rather get good health care, or second rate? guess you wouldn't want to wait, so second rate for you.


hope when you move to canada, you don't get cancer.

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