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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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Good to see KGB are no longer out only known for stealing cars in the previous post but this is typical of Perth attitudes as you'll see in their top piece here. The address could be a Cunt for awhile I know but with that said he still does not deserve to have his work defaced in such a way as I'm sure you all agree


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Every time I make a scathing critical comment about anything that so wrong with this world or the people that you have it at my upload files because some people can't handle criticism and I'm not one of them yet though to suppress that which I'm trying to share in all of its truth can go fuck themselves because according to me I don't nothing about love all they do is fuck things up because they're below me


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The Mount of Sundays of my life I fucking invested here And they even got a red room that you know like a what is it a cryptocurrency yeah murder room for you pretty fucking interesting to see how it's changed in the years into is a previously a patron



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if anyone doesn't want me continuing to spam this thread I'm happy to create my own one just to preserve the integrity of other people's posts as opposed to my deluge of trying to show things through my eyes/that people could understand as to why my perspective is what it is as definitive and defiant ostracised segregated and delineated from that of others as a result of me having self accountability and yet holding others to the same degree as I hold Myself to.


Fuck the “U R Ban“ urban cunts up their stuPID arses


With you said the lady local lager here isn't too bad perhaps I should put that in my thread of tea Malco vet I don't dress


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A And my rationale for the tone in the previous post is there a result of being a tax collector and be surrounded by those who have yet to pay their tax to prove they have an equal value of me yes they remain as fuck dolls who's only function is to get fucked because they can't even cough up a single dollar each to prove that we are equal and equivalent

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In case anyone wonders what a bumper is in West Oz slang it is like a cigarette but they're still has tobacco that has yet to be burnt that people will pick up off the ground in the lowest display and act that I've ever seen a human partaking in which is truly even less embarrassing and eating literal faeces in public


Edited by Mauler5150
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You're my community service by cleaning up the mess of others who is wrong will be held accountable to them seven times worse than whatever I've suffered through for my transgressions against myself and Mother Ocean when I birthed an Indian (took a shit) out at Canal Rocks all those years ago




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After making an hour and 15 minute long rant I recorded as I walked to North Beach from Scarborough Which I may upload to YouTube and link back for your amusement I'm now going about the task of the day starting with eating the neighbourhood ho Strawberry in My acai.


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Decided I'm going for a surf after all


No I'm on the right side of the stringer in that the left And a 5150 is equal to 6282 in My language 


Obviously Divina images from the water because my dad has my GoPro and also because I have no one else to film me





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