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Hand Writing Analysis

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By changing the way you sign your name, write letters and yes, write graffiti, you can change your personality...


The question is, is once hand writing analysis is understood on a larger scale by more writers

how or will it affect graffiti types?


exp... writing downward will fade due to the fact it is representing your life "going down hill"...




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i don't know where you are getting your information?

because its in admissable in court?

with a 92% forgery accuracy and a 70% personality accuracy.

i can not find anything proving it wrong , or "bullshit"...


in the one article straight dope it said 52%...yet we do not know the control.

Really it is not as bad as astrology. The control and variables are so flexible as in psychology science expierments that its hard to nail down.

But to call it complete bullshit is far stretching.

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True to what you are saying and in regards to my reply post. It is not complete 100% absolute bullsht. I certainly believe the forgery analysis studies, and very interested in it's details and scientific approach.


If something is admissible in court, does not make it void of bullsht. Expert Witnesses, for example, come in many shapes and sizes and are paid to testify. They are not witnesses. They will describe something because they may have built one of these for many years. I know a few dudes at my work place that just get by day to day with minimal work and craftsmanship for years. And a few dudes that bust ass everyday and are very efficient and productive. There are many variables to consider between all of this.


Today, I wrote down some notes while someone was talking about what they were talking about,

Then wrote in an inventory log for future reference regarding parts and components

Then wrote down a list of what I needed to do after work

All handwritten and all in completely different styles for purpose. All in different locations with different audio, distraction, sitting, standing, outside, inside, lighting, etc. combinations and within 15 minutes. With the same hand.

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of course "the barnum effect" applies if we are trying to decipher exact facts and small lil things...---


1. Graphological effects are too small to have been reliably observed.

2. Graphological features are too numerous to be reliably combined.

3. Assessment of the match between graphology and the person suffers from too many biases to allow valid


lets look at the 10 most popular serial killers writing and the 10 most popular physicists writing...


and in relation to 2789... how about vision maps?

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im saying people who always write clean as opposed to a dirty style, it says something about your personality, but this is over a long period large scale.

If a clean writer writes dirty ne night maybe they were a lil intoxicated or under more pressure or what have you.

If you paint a self portrait of yourself in a dirty manner as opposed to a clean representation either you view yourself as dirty, your under alot of stress or you are a dirty person.

If you paint it in a clean manner you either see yourself in a pure manner, you are clean and elegant or you are very anal about details.


i understand reputable psychologists put it down but maybe its not so much who you are before you wrote the message but more so of who you will be after you write the message.

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look at it this way.


if you are like me, and close to the way i function, your handwriting is probably as shitty as mine.



but that i have spent moy time learning calligraphy, etc. shows the capacity for patience i have.



there are reasons each of us presents their writing in the way they do.


but the science about it is what is questionable. as all attempts to mold models to reality.

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  • 2 months later...

Handwriting analysis is hogwash. Such things can only be proven by blind scientific tests, which I doubt have ever been successfully done. There was once a tv show by some old guy with a white short beard who was a psychologist and a former magician. He went all over the world debunking myths on that idea alone. On the show he debunked horoscopes, healing with hands, psychic healing, psychic readings from photographs, and on and on. I didn't seem him do handwriting, but I'd bet my bottom dollar its bunk. How do you quantify and objectively measure personality traits? BAH HUMBUG.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Im not sold to astrology yet, but i still wonder...



Lots of theories in physics don't make common sense either. Albert Einstein and other 20th century physicists have proposed all kinds of absurd and seemingly ridiculous ideas



This level of research requires huge amounts of time and typically a great deal of money as well. Astrology currently is caught in a chicken-and-egg situation: the research requires great amounts of time and money, and the interest of a prestigious scientific journal in publishing the research, but astrology is still foreign to our college and universities, and they are unwilling to invest the resources required to validate the studies. No, astrology has not been disproven. The scientific method is one of the great keys to the great advancements of our modern times, and the scientific method should be adhered to and respected. Ironically, astrologers are sometimes attacked by scientists for promoting pseudo-science and superstition, and I have heard scientists state that astrology has been disproven, a statement which is untrue and unscientific! I do agree that the silly Sun Sign column in the newspaper is absurd, and the image of astrology that much of popular astrology conveys to people is simple-minded at best,


I wonder what the free masons think.


Look up Carl Jung on "psychological astrology" and the "kepler program"


Maybe when memory improves on computers we'll see more concrete answers.

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