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FREE Kingston 1 gig USB Flash Drive if you have GMAIL


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You can get a Kingston 1GB USB flash drive from Buy.com for under a buck -- or depending on where you live, absolutely free.



Here's the scoop:


1. First, head for Buy.com.


2. Add one Kingston flash drive to your cart.



3. At the Checkout page, click on the Google checkout option to get the $10 discount. (Read more about the Google option here).

If you have already used google checkout to get the $10 off, make a new gmail account and you can get the discount again.


4. Make sure you choose budget shipping -- which is free."

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  • Replies 68
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uh huh...it works, but no.....




working link ^



extra credit: drop a trojan on one of these free flash drives...drop it at school, at work, in front of the NYSE,

kick back and wait for the trojan to be clicked on




let the games begin. (people are stupid)

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agreed on time consuming, thats why i never got one but my boy did. so i was lookin you guys out in the same fashion.


haha. good lookin out, i guess.



try http://www.fatwallet.com


scope out some deals for us.


cool things are :


flatscreens over 40 inches

digi cams (10mp and over)

things that shoot other things

things that catch fire

things that catch things on fire

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hey bro i'm just as lazy as the rest of us, remember i didnt even get myself one. go figure cuz i work on a computer 8 hours a day and all i do is go on the internet


haha, i feel that. what's better is going home for the holidays and having family say"can you fix this?" or "my computer has been ____________ and i can't get it to __________. can you fix it?"






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You can get a Kingston 1GB USB flash drive from Buy.com for under a buck -- or depending on where you live, absolutely free.



Here's the scoop:


1. First, head for Buy.com.


2. Add one Kingston flash drive to your cart.



3. At the Checkout page, click on the Google checkout option to get the $10 discount. (Read more about the Google option here).

If you have already used google checkout to get the $10 off, make a new gmail account and you can get the discount again.


4. Make sure you choose budget shipping -- which is free."


5.) sell on ebay


6.) repeat

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