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What a shitty ass way to start off a weekend.

I was born here

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Guest shai_hulud

Bahleediddy- I'm sure you could look that up.


I remember having this conversation with one of my friends, but I don't remember the specifics.


All I remember is him saying there was a lot of travel between the two cities, because Huey Newton was here and Fred Hampton was there. Not very illuminating, probably. You could definitely read up on it, there's got to be a lot of info regarding the connection.


Apparently, my friend was IN Chicago when the feds shot Fred Hampton. He still seemed really angry and sad about it...he was pretty close to him, I think. I never felt comfortable asking questions...in fact I felt like I was just lucky to be hearing about it at all.


Cointelpro was fucked up. I think they made the Panthers appear a lot more violent than they really were. They weren't interested in anything other than self-determination and self-defense.

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Guest shai_hulud
i was in walnut creek for work.


fuck california


I've lived here my whole life.


I'm looking to move eventually.


Any recommendations?


California has a lot of good parts and good people. Unfortunately, the opposite applies as well.


I just need a change.

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ive lived on the central coast my whole life.

except for 3 years that i lived in the valley. and to me.

its different. but there is good and bad everywhere. i took a change when i went to the valley and took up drugs. shit almost ruined my life. im going back there in january 2008.

this time im on a better path than trying to party and get wasted everyday.


but. just in my eyes it was a different lifestyle than i had ever lived here.

i dont know how it would be any different from the bay area and there,

but from where i live to there. it made a difference.

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not all these people on the streets are "fuck the government" types of people.


they dont rob people because they were enslaved for hundreds of years


they dont rob people because amfrican american organizations failed


i agree that the racial segragation is fucked up, and when you are throwin in the gutter its


hard to get out. but why not try? these people sometimes don't even try.


and who the fuck hasnt raped africa for their gold and diamonds? england and scottland


fucked them way harder before we got there. same thing with the latin shit.


and getting a damn day job is not supporting this cause. people can make an honest living.


selling drugs is doing what the government wants us to do. so they can lock your ass up and


keep the drug dealers there in the ghetto where they want them.


and i watch the local news.

play ps3 online and im more like a mummy than a zombie


Yes but you have to look at it from a cultural standpoint... while not all of these people may be on some fuck the government type shit.... the culture is... it has been known for years that the government just fucks people over and lies... artifically creates a white middle class while disallowing any minorities to join... etc...

some while they might not be on it, it is still part of what shapes their culture, and their culture is what shapes them as people... cultural identity is is bigger in marginalized communities then in upper class communities and communities that can interact on equal or better footing with those around them...

Though the government and media have done everything possible to promote a culture of ignorance.

Lets look at hip hop for example, at one point you had people who were using hip hop to educate, and the conscious tip was starting to blow up... but instead of promoting that, and making that big, the record execs decided to focus on and promote the people who were talking about killing one another, calling women bitches, glamorizing ignorance, etc... etc..

then the media, focus on this and uses it as an excuse to rally support for a larger police presence, and more draconian tactics... to support the police when they shoot unarmed people in the back and plant guns on them... why.... so they can keep oppressing them...


so yeah they don't rob people because the government destroyed every oppourtunity for people to pull themselves up out of the squalor...

they don't rob people becuase of a culture of ignorance that is promoted by the media...

they don't rob people out of hopelessness...

they make a choice to rob people.... but the factors that prey upon people to make those choices are the caused by the opression that has been directed towards a group of people for hundreds of years...


edit: I forgot to type that yeah some people do just fucking suck... yeah the kill people... rob people... whatever... but they exist everywhere... and not just in the ghetto... thought I typed that up in there... thanks for reminding me shai...

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Guest shai_hulud

spectr- You are aware that some people are....




...just dicks?


Some people like to fuck with other people because they can. The psychology and reasoning behind it aren't too deep.

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you have any good links i can read this from?


check this book out




its all about the cointelpro tactics used agains AIM and the BPP

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Yes but you have to look at it from a cultural standpoint... while not all of these people may be on some fuck the government type shit.... the culture is... it has been known for years that the government just fucks people over and lies... artifically creates a white middle class while disallowing any minorities to join... etc...

some while they might not be on it, it is still part of what shapes their culture, and their culture is what shapes them as people... cultural identity is is bigger in marginalized communities then in upper class communities and communities that can interact on equal or better footing with those around them...

Though the government and media have done everything possible to promote a culture of ignorance.

Lets look at hip hop for example, at one point you had people who were using hip hop to educate, and the conscious tip was starting to blow up... but instead of promoting that, and making that big, the record execs decided to focus on and promote the people who were talking about killing one another, calling women bitches, glamorizing ignorance, etc... etc..

then the media, focus on this and uses it as an excuse to rally support for a larger police presence, and more draconian tactics... to support the police when they shoot unarmed people in the back and plant guns on them... why.... so they can keep oppressing them...


so yeah they don't rob people because the government destroyed every oppourtunity for people to pull themselves up out of the squalor...

they don't rob people becuase of a culture of ignorance that is promoted by the media...

they don't rob people out of hopelessness...

they make a choice to rob people.... but the factors that prey upon people to make those choices are the caused by the opression that has been directed towards a group of people for hundreds of years...


edit: I forgot to type that yeah some people do just fucking suck... yeah the kill people... rob people... whatever... but they exist everywhere... and not just in the ghetto... thought I typed that up in there... thanks for reminding me shai...




no doubt. i can settle with that.


have some props.

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spectr- You are aware that some people are....


...just dicks?




yup this too.

i know 15-16 year old kids that robbed a liquor store just to do it.

and another couple kids that did it to show the gang that they were down.

the gang thing is another issue. but the kids that did it just to do it thats on them,

these kids have nice things. ps3's 5oo dollar bmx bikes and things like that.

its just because they are dicks

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Guest shai_hulud

I wasn't always a nice guy, let's just put it that way.


I never physically hurt anybody. I'm not that kind of guy.


But, if you had something I wanted, I had NO problem with finding a way to take it from you.


I'm sure I took a lot of shit that meant a lot to the people I took it from. I've made my peace with that, and I think karma has come around on me a few times.


I liked to steal because I was good at it. And, I'm white. And, I look honest.


I still rack a little, but nowhere near the volume that I used to.


Someone always pays the price, somewhere. I finally realized that.

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I was never a nice dude either. and i think to myself on a daily basis


what if just ran into that one guy who would have just beat the fuck out of me


these were in the dope days, when people would want me to beat people up for them for dope.and money sometimes.


i got good at it. but i stopped. i thought about my life for a little, and thought that maybe


one of these people i beat up would come back and shoot me or something.


when i go back. the people that still hang around that i used to hang around with still ask

me if i can rock up some coke for them. i say hell naw and leave.


Karma hasnt got me that bad. well at least i dont think so. but someone does pay in the end. that its withought a doubt

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what kind of phone was it?




one time some dude rolled up on me and my boys and show us a strap talking about "break yo self"


iwe were like "we aint got nothing for you we just taggin"


and my boy pulled out the can to show him


and i showed him mines







ultra flat black with a german tip to the eyes


and then my nigga hit him over the head and we started stompin on him


apparently the gun wasnt real


we could tell by the orange tip


but it looked real enough in the dark



this wasnt in oakland but im just sharing my robbed at gunpoint story



oakland is cool


i like it but i wouldnt live there

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Guest shai_hulud


what kind of phone was it?




one time some dude rolled up on me and my boys and show us a strap talking about "break yo self"


iwe were like "we aint got nothing for you we just taggin"


and my boy pulled out the can to show him


and i showed him mines







ultra flat black with a german tip to the eyes


and then my nigga hit him over the head and we started stompin on him


apparently the gun wasnt real


we could tell by the orange tip


but it looked real enough in the dark



this wasnt in oakland but im just sharing my robbed at gunpoint story



oakland is cool


i like it but i wouldnt live there



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you know what...

you need to get revenge...

you need to go rob the next crack dealer you see for his phone and stunnah shades...

have a friend take pictures to post....

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I don't agree with you there. Look at every famous african american leader who was not a tool of the american government, dead; look at every african american orginazation that tried to uplift their people, destroyed, discredited, suppressed, inflitrated, outlawed, etc; look at what the american government has specifically done to the african american community in this country; look at a government who supported aparthied in south africa; look at the repression that these communities have had to face daily since the end of the civil war; slavery previous to that for hundreds of years.

Look at americas policies towards latin america and we see similar things, every time a country there tries to stop american corporations from raping it for its natural resources, stop exploiting its population to enrich the american elite, the same thing happens, violence, repression, sanction, military coups, death squads, drugs, etc... etc.. etc...


So I got to ask you why the fuck you want to work a job and support something like that, that has never done shit for you, doesn't offer you anything, and just has a history of exploiting you for everything it can, and then locking you up when its done...

Now it happens to more than just the african american population, now it is happening to all americans.... but mother fuckers are to busy watching fox news, playing xbox live, and consuming like the good little zombies that they were made into to notice...


edit: watch this movie... about the cointelpro actions of this government against the panthers...



what the fuck is wrong with playing x-box? And a lesson in economics..consumption keeps the economy running.

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