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yo bloodfart


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not taking anything away from this cool girl named blood fart, but seriously guys.....


like half of channel 0 is guys telling her shes the best thing on earth and how awsome she is and talking about her. like i agree with it, she's really cool and good hearted, but after so much, the compliments just lose value and dont really mean too much.


what im trying to say, is take it down a notch you guys. one or two or three blood fart appreciation threads is probably enough. a new one doesnt need to be started every week just because its not on the first page.


ok anyways no beef just my opinion stay up guys..

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This is all real cute and stuff dudes, but really..shouldn't I get to pick who my e-boyfriend is?


Whoever shows up at my house with weed,pizza,Sparks, and thrash wins.

Simple as that.

We taking the internet to the streets, son.


Seriously, you dudes are all too young for me.

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The world has gone to shit when you over hear nerds talking about 12oz on the street.


The same goes for even mentioning Myspace at the bar. That shit should get you cut off and kicked out.


I am over-rated.

To the max.


I spend too much time on here.

And not enough time being awesome in my real life.


I talk Myspace at parties.

Because people talk Myspace to me.

About my bulletins.

And how radical they are.

I don't want to be a jerk and tell them that they need to stop being nerds and talking about the internet when we are standing face-to-face.


It's official...the internet has taken over my life.

I need to take it back.

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