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Vote Ron Paul for president you beezies.


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now i usually dont vote or care abuot voting, but i have to urge others to vote for Republican hopeful Ron Paul.





He wants to elimate income taxes on college students and those with low incomes. He also wants to get rid of the IRS and federal agencies, giving power to the states. I am extremely anti IRS and taxes, and this guys views on taxation are on point.


He is a supporter of legalized marijuana and states rights. He wants to de-criminilize all narcotics.


He is pro guns, anti draft, anti government intervention, and he wants to allow the industrial harvest of hemp.


This guys getting my vote, doesnt sound like a republican at all.


If this is supposed to be in crossfire, please move it.

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my dude is big on this guy (n.h.) and has ruined liked 13 chances with chicks at the bar cause he gets so into politics with em and hands out this dudes card. he doesn't realized he should be telling middle-aged white people about this dude, not 23 year out PR jawns.


and yeah...this dude ain't goin no where. deff not in the society so it'll never happen. sorry ron, you're a good dude though.

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Legalizing Marijuana and decriminalizing narcotics doesn't just benefit people who 'like to live life on the edge'.


If marijuana or other drugs are legalized they will be able to be sold commercially at a lower price; ultimately, cutting down on crime.






face it, its not gonna happen

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man i can already smoke marijuana in most of my city and not have to worry about the cops. just today i was smoking a joint in golden gate park and the federal park police didnt even bother us. usually cops just advise about getting DUIs for driving while high. but to be honest no feild test is totally accurate and blood tests dont prove you were actually driving high. its a hard thing to prosecute for DAs.

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Ron Paul will never win, and if he did this country would break up and become 51 new countries. Abolish the IRS and you abolish public education, welfare, social security, NASA, and a whole bunch of other things. Plus he is pro-life. The only thing I can stomach about this guy is his willingness to accept the fact that when it came to 9/11, we were asking for it.

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yeah and ron paul is too soft on illegal immigration.


only thing i like about him is that he was against the war in iraq, and he thinks the u.s. shouldn't meddle in other people's business. get rid of all of those "forward deployed u.s. bases all around the world and bring them in closer to the homeland. keep forces in guam and hawaii and that's all you need for "overseas" protection. also, like fermentor said, he admits that u.s. foreign policy is why "they hate us" and not that "because we're free" giuliani/bush bullshit.

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yea but maybe they will let him lower or even remove taxes for students and the lower class. i am down with that, why should we get taxed the same as the super rich on basic goods?




I forgot, I should add that I am for lowering taxes for the lower class and students, and for establishing student loans without interest (but they wouldn't be able to get the money unless it were from taxes). I heard something recently, I think it was on Bill Maher's show, that Warren Buffet, or one of those billionaire philanthropists, was saying that he pays a 17% income tax while his secretary, who makes $60,000 a year, has to pay 30% of her income towards taxes. The joke was that why the hell is Buffet's secretary only making sixty grand a year, but seriously, the tax system is in need of serious revamping, especially ever since Bush the Second completely fucked it over by handing enormous tax cuts to his fuck-buddy rich-bitch friends, or his "base" as he calls it.


That does not mean getting rid of the IRS is the thing to do. We need to cut defense spending and get the fuck out of the Middle East, that alone would enable us to cut taxes and spend at least as much as we do on social services (education, social security) and infrastructure (highways, trains, etc) then we do now, if not more.

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Guest shai_hulud
man i can already smoke marijuana in most of my city and not have to worry about the cops. just today i was smoking a joint in golden gate park and the federal park police didnt even bother us. usually cops just advise about getting DUIs for driving while high. but to be honest no feild test is totally accurate and blood tests dont prove you were actually driving high. its a hard thing to prosecute for DAs.


90% right, except that I'll bet you were at Ocean Beach, at the west end of the park. That's Golden Gate National Recreation Area. If the feds were the ones that rolled on you, you got SUPER lucky. They can throw the book at you for smoking weed in national parks. Be careful.


However, there's three rangers for ALL the parks in SF. The cops have jurisdiction in GG Park too, but they only fuck with dealers. I have heard of two people getting tickets, but one guy blazed up at Kezar (next to the Park station) and the other was at the Polo fields (next to where the police horses arrive). Not good spots.


Mostly, if you just walk or sit in the middle of a meadow, the cops won't say shit. If you're near where kids play, then you're asking for it.


(I worked in the park this summer, BTW.)

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