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Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Nintendo Wii


Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Nintendo Wii  

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I have a 360 and have had no problems with it at all!! The 360 has more exclusive titles...and imo the 360 exclusives are better then PS3's. Plus 360 online network is amazing!


So I would choose a 360 but i do plan on getting a wii once i can actually save up the money.

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I own a Wii and a 360.


The Wii is awesome for a week, then it loses it's charm as you realize 95 percent of the games blow ass.


360 has the best online experience, and as far as I can tell the best games. So you would think I would recommend it wholeheartedly. But I'm on my 4th or 5th system, I've lost count. Don't buy one expecting it to last more than a year, you will be disappointed.


I've never owned a PS3 before, and I can't say I'm too impressed with the line up. But with my experience so far with this gen, and the price drop for the holidays, I'd go with the PS3.


I hate sony, btw...

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every system does that. why isn't mario being released on other systems? why isn't resistance fall of man being released on other systems?



See my above post. Exclusives are the law of the land and always have been. Console makers shell out enormous sums of money to ensure that a hot title lands exclusively on their system. Microsoft has actually spent a lot of money to make former PS3 exclusives multi-platform, such as Virtua Fighter 5, GTA 5, and Assassin's Creed, among others. Some companies, such as Insomniac Games (Ratchet and Clank, Resistance: Fall of Man) are under contract with Sony to make their games Playstation exclusives, others like Bungie are under contract with MS to make Halo exclusive the the X-Box. These companies get not only a lot of money for doing this, but they also get exclusive, priority access to developers kits before any other companies do. They essentially act as in-house developers for their respective consoles.


Interesting fact, Bungie has recently bought their independence from MS and could very well be producing games for both platforms in the future, or even going over the Sony to make exclusives for them.


Square, for instance, used to make titles for Nintendo exclusively, until Sony paid a shitload for them to produce Final Fantasy VII for the PS1. Then they finally got out of that contract. More and more, we are seeing companies stop making exclusives, especially those that have become huge successes and no longer need to rely on special funding to exist. Companies like Square, Bungie, and Rockstar can now afford to create their titles for multi-platforms as they have so much money from their hits, they are not dependent on the money they see from exclusive contracts and have realized that they can actually make more money now creating multi-platform titles.


Another aspect to this industry standard is that it used to be very hard to create multi-platform games because the system architectures were so vastly different that you would have to have separate programming teams for each system. The systems are still very different, but not as much as they used to be, so it has become easier to learn the three systems. Still, it has been reported that it is easier for companies to develop games on the 360 than on the PS3, since the PS3 has a very complex architechture and a fairly archaic and tough learning curve.


Another good example of exclusive titles would be Dead Rising and Bioshock, both released exclusively for the 360 console. Bioshock also came out on the PC at the insistence of the developer. PC developers are having an easier time porting their games over to the 360 because the operating system beneath the console is similar to what you would find on a Windows machine, one reason why we are seeing more exclusives for the 360 than for the PS3.


The last reason for exclusives, and this is especially the case with Nintendo, is that the console makers have in-house development teams that work exclusively for each company. Mario and Zelda and such are developed in-house at Nintendo, just like Shadowrun was developed in-house at MS as well as Halo, and formerly the 2K Sports games were all done in-house for Sony. Same goes for the Sonic games for the Genesis. The only way you will ever see Mario or Zelda on another platform is if Nintendo gives up on console systems like Sega did, as we have seen Sonic make its way to every platform ever since Sega gave up on the console market.

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See my above post.


I was being facetious when I asked those questions. They were rhetorical.


He said he doesn't like 360 for the exlcusive titles, but I simply pointed out that Nintendo and Sony does the same thing. I'm aware of the licensing contracts all three parties engage in, be it a first-party game or third-party with exclusive rights (like Rare has with 360).


These days exclusive rights contracts with third parties are becoming less and less common, due to the rising costs of producing games, i.e.; many once-Playstation-exclusive games like Devil May Cry 4 going to be released on 360.

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sony created blu-ray


Sorta, but not really.



Who developed Blu-ray?




The Blu-ray Disc format was developed by the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), a group of leading consumer electronics, personal computer and media manufacturers, with more than 180 member companies from all over the world. The Board of Directors currently consists of:


Apple Computer, Inc.

Dell Inc.

Hewlett Packard Company

Hitachi, Ltd.

LG Electronics Inc.

Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation

Pioneer Corporation

Royal Philips Electronics

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

Sharp Corporation

Sony Corporation

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

TDK Corporation

Thomson Multimedia

Twentieth Century Fox

Walt Disney Pictures

Warner Bros. Entertainment

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