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(300+ photos)Too much time on meh hands right now...


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  • Replies 80
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if the train has a decent coat of paint you can

tell who's using montana's.or the difference

between krylon and rusto.like that mpulse

and tars..montana....thick and creamy,look'n good.

krylon starts to fade in a few years.and even flat

colors of rusto sometimes get thin.i will say this

i've used krylon on frieghts just cause of the colors.

before rusto made this new push for better colors

krylon hadsome great colors,its just shit paint.

thats why i love montana.its like graff crack.

thick and covers good.but the pressure is

that of krylon....prefect.someone got it right.i've really

started leaning torwards glossy paint for piecing.

see im a bomber first so i used flat my whole life.

but gloss really looks nice on burners.semi-gloss

is far and away the best.rusto got it right for a american

company.you got american accents,painters touch.those two dollar

cans are great.for whites,blacks,silvers even the red.and straight

rusto..i gotta say their new colors are awesome.accents get the best

colors in my opinion.and thats all it is,a opinion.everyone who knows

their trade will tell ya.older writers and just using lots of different brands

is the only way to learn and get a grasp on whts best.and back to what

i was saying you wanna use your good colors on trains,cause if you want

your piece to last ya gotta break out the quality.

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fucking top notch post! sorry to hear about your firing lep.

that MRL with the oldschool GN paint job poking out is bananas. I was fortunate enough to see a few of those oldies running back when I started writing. I havent seen a single one since.














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