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'we got morgages'....? got to love when people try and brag but really just show how stupid they are.


and how is some new jack trying to write kepto?



bump everyone blind jew said plus sug and asic.


ummmmmmm thats the real kepto

dam new school niggas got the old school merked:miamivice:

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just when i was thinking "i hope he doesnt put my model up there"


you post that freight of mine.. asshole ha!


thanks! now the cops know your atleast ONE

of those up there on the model trains,wich

can easily be connected to thousands in damage on real trains,

nice self confession dumbass!

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  • 4 weeks later...


'we got morgages'....? got to love when people try and brag but really just show how stupid they are.


and how is some new jack trying to write kepto?



bump everyone blind jew said plus sug and asic.


thats the real kepto idiot

do your home work fool before you act all smart !!!! you think I PATCH CLAN is gonna post some fake KEPTO???????

your nuts G:cool:

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