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"War on Terror" Thread

Theo Huxtable.

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what? you can't be serious? are you an american?

are you a patriot? do you even know what it means to be a patriot?

you do realize that if shit goes down, the more people who stand up

and sacrifice their lives, the more people we can save?


fuck some alcoholism, man. there are more important things to do.

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i'm with you dude lol, i just don't feel i can do anything. i've been anti-nwo forever, but nothing i can do, people believe the media, CNN MSNBC FOX etc.


imma just protect my family and thats that.


p.s i knew there was a reason i liked ron paul, vote him 2008




you don't know what you can do? man, it's not all about the NWO to me. it is, but it isn't. i'm more concerned about our rights and freedoms for the moment. there is something i can do about that. and yeah, ron paul is a top priority of mine.


read this, my man.



it's by thomas paine.

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so has "al-qaeda in iraq" been broken and defeated? lately the news wires and US military officials have been indicating that this may be the case.


violence is down 77% in baghdad, and 55% nation-wide.


this can be attributed to the US "troop surge", but mainly it's a result of al qaeda's loss of sunni support and iraqi support in general, who are fed up with al-qaeda's barbaric indiscriminate tactics.


the sunni populace have been giving up info to the US army, resulting in a cascading effect of captures and kills of al qaeda militants and their leaders, and the seizing of numerous weapons caches.

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Discussion of events from 9/11 to Afghanistan, to Iraq, to everything in between. All viewpoints welcome.


Post news articles, pictures, links, stories/accounts, etc.


This should be interesting given that there are about 4 or 5 stupid Americans here who don't know basic history, understand the concept of universality, know anything about global politics or how nation states operate.


But lets roll with it and cover some basics


1. Invading Afghanistan and Iraq are pretty much in the upper echelon of the terrorism pyramid

2. The US are the only country in history to be found guilty of terrorism in the world court

3. The US harbor terrorists as much as any other country they point the finger at

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What's funny is that in 2005 the US knew IRAN was helping the insurgents. And in 2007 it comes out as "unclassified", but in 2005 it was stated as "SECRET".


Meanwhile, Insurgent activity has dropped sharply recently, sources newspapers.



If the US becomes 1 nation, all the soldiers have to obied by those rules, so fuck an oath.

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Can you cite your source. Both that the US was "found guilty of terrorism" in a "world court" and that no other country has ever been found guilty of sponsoring terrorism.


If you are American then this exercise is a testament to the US education system and the culture itself that what I'm talking about isn't firstly general knowledge that everyone over ten years old should know and secondly a serious thing to consider when the US government try to convince its people of what is and isnt terrorism


1. "World Court"


AKA The International Court of Justice

AKA The highest level of global law

AKA The Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America, 1986.


2. "Found guilty of terrorism"


The court stated that the US was "in breach of its obligations under customary international law not to use force against another State", "not to intervene in its affairs", "not to violate its sovereignty", "not to interrupt peaceful maritime commerce"


AKA International terrorism

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In general, being a condescending douchebag doesn’t make up for having nothing to back up your arguments with.


Small boy why do you keep following me around only to lose arguments?


If you could actually understand English properly it wasn't a condescending insult aimed at Theo himself it was a comment regarding US society.


I will help you with your language and reading difficulties


"If you are American then this exercise is a testament to the US education system and the culture itself"


This part pertains to Theo


"that what I'm talking about isn't firstly general knowledge that everyone over ten years old should know"


This is the part where I make a general statement regarding the subject matter in relation to the populace. In no way is this directed at Theo on a personal level nor am I claiming that his intelligence is that of a ten year old.

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America's support of the contras, a militia who attacked civillian targets to destabilise the sandinista government is pretty much a textbook case of terrorism.


its not a matter of having nothing to back that argument up with, that is common knowledge, i learnt that in modern history in high school. it is part of the school curriculum, not just loony internet conspiracy shit.

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America's support of the contras, a militia who attacked civillian targets to destabilise the sandinista government is pretty much a textbook case of terrorism.


its not a matter of having nothing to back that argument up with, that is common knowledge, i learnt that in modern history in high school. it is part of the school curriculum, not just loony internet conspiracy shit.


Theo asked for a specific source from when “the US was "found guilty of terrorism" in a "world court" and that no other country has ever been found guilty of sponsoring terrorism”, obviously he didn't have one.

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Small boy


Again with the small boys. Isn’t this against your court ordered anti-pedophilia therapy? Does your mom know you are using the computer in such a way? Whats funny is you actually got all bent out of shape when someone referred to you as “kid”, so you must think everyone else is as petty and gets angry.


Dawood, atleast I generally have sources.

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Theo asked for a specific source from when “the US was "found guilty of terrorism" in a "world court" and that no other country has ever been found guilty of sponsoring terrorism”, obviously he didn't have one.


Obviously you are the biggest clown in this forum or just a skilled practitioner of losing arguments and looking stupid on purpose


Here is one source for Theo




When things are general knowledge it means you don't have to have 'sources' like if I were to ask someone to explain what a horse was I would not require them to back up their arguments with a journal entry from a biology journal.


Alternatively if you weren't such a fucking stupid cunt you could just Google any of the key terms I used in that post.

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my boy just sent me this... those of you familiar w/ the soldier's or airman's creed can laugh, too.


The Private Military Contractor's Creed


I am a U.S. contractor. I look out for myself, the operators to my left and

right, and no one else. I will always take advantage of the fact that I

can finally tell military officers to pound sand, and will do so at every



I am my country's scapegoat, the "plausible deniability"

warrior, and I love it.


Less than $700 dollars a day is unacceptable.


I am trained to eat things that would make a billy goat puke, but will

refuse anything less than 60 dollars per diem because I am greedy.


I care not for ribbon's and awards for valor. I do this job for the

opportunity to kill the enemies of my country, and to finally get that

boat I've always wanted.


I will be in better shape than 99% of the active duty personnel, although

this is not hard.


I will equip myself with the latest high speed gear, and will trick out

my M4 until it weighs more than 24 lbs, not because it works better, but

because it looks cool in the photographs.


I will carry more weapons, ammunition, and implements of death on my

person, than an infantry fire team, and when engaged I will lay waste to

everything around me.


In any combat zone, I will always locate the swimming pool, beer, and

women, because I can.


I will deploy on my terms, and if it ever gets too stupid,


I will simply find another company that pays me more.


I swear!

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If you are American then this exercise is a testament to the US education system and the culture itself that what I'm talking about isn't firstly general knowledge that everyone over ten years old should know and secondly a serious thing to consider when the US government try to convince its people of what is and isnt terrorism


1. "World Court"


AKA The International Court of Justice

AKA The highest level of global law

AKA The Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America, 1986.


2. "Found guilty of terrorism"




AKA International terrorism


I guess that was supposed to be an insult. You know full well that the average "ten year old" doesn't know about the verdict of "The Republic of Nicaragua v. The United States of America". There's no way that I will know about and remember everything, which is why I asked you to specify and cite a reference. But I was aware that the CIA sponsored anti-communist contras to conduct terrorist attacks against merchant shipping targets in Nicaragua. Still, there was no way I could've guessed that this is what you were referring to, since you weren't specific (e.g. using generic jargon to refer to the ICJ, etc.).


Secondly, the US was not the only country to be "found guilty" of sponsoring terrorism; Libya was found to have been a sponsor of the terrorist attack on the PanAm flight in 1988, as determined by the ICJ, the UN Security Council, and the international community as a whole -- as international sanctions were placed on Libya as punishment for continuing to harbor these suspects, under the authority of the aforementioned entities.





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