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Barry Bonds calls Marc Ecko "an idiot."


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let barry in who gives a fuck

everyone cheats he just got caught


I was gonna be amazed if I was the only one with this perspective. In all honesty, I do not give a fuck if he used steroids.



Did it impact my life negatively? No.

Did I feel pressure to use steroids? No.

Did I think that if I were to be useful in the clubhouse I would need to perform beyond my already stellar statistics? Particularly when I am slated to be the poster child of baseball (My godfather is Willie Mays for christ sake). Oh shit, I don't play professional baseball.

Was my appreciation of the sport of baseball ruined by someone performing a task well beyond my capabilities regardless of the help it took to get them there? No.



Fuck off everyone.



We accept the modification of perspective all the time through prescription drugs, yet when someone chooses to modify themselves to entertain us as a public we get upset? We should be so fucking happy that people think so little of themselves as to be our puppets of entertainment.




Stop sucking your own dick and recognize that barry bonds has done what no one else has, namely exactly what he has done.

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It's because it's not a level playing field.


If someone is using steroids and other people aren't then they have an unfair advantage.


Can't be that complicated to understand.


I am just saying it is an inevitable thing that they will become mainstream. Shit, they already have.



And the concept of a level playing field is a false one in the first place. People are better at things than others all the time. Is that a level playing field? Should we enforce some standard of crapiness or goodness based on where you fall int he continuim of natural playing ability?


Gettin an indictment for twenty to thirty years when all you have done is try to impress people, let alone destroy your oooowwwwn body, thats a little steep.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I am just saying it is an inevitable thing that they will become mainstream. Shit, they already have.



And the concept of a level playing field is a false one in the first place. People are better at things than others all the time. Is that a level playing field? Should we enforce some standard of crapiness or goodness based on where you fall int he continuim of natural playing ability?


Gettin an indictment for twenty to thirty years when all you have done is try to impress people, let alone destroy your oooowwwwn body, thats a little steep.


If anyone can be a pro with a perscription than WTF is the point.


There is none. I see what you are saying but the idea behind


competition is you bring what you have to the table and do your best.


When you start taking substances that alter you body chemistry to get a


better performance now it's not competing it's cheating and stealing.


All that money dude is generating would have been out of his reach


without chemical help.


It's not enough for this guy to be blessed enough to make it there in


the first place but he's gotta get Greedy and sneaky.


Fuck That.


I don't even like baseball but I can't stand the weak fuckers who cheat.


Punks can't face up to who they really are and what they do and do not



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but like seriously what did mark ecko do to you guys that so personally makes you hate him?


was it because of his bastardization of a culture that you people have abso-fucking-lutely no ties to its beginning?


was it because he brought "graffiti to the mainstream" like it has been since the late 80s?





Ask Raven, he'll tell you.

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on the huge importance that's placed on sports, i think it's because if you don't have much going on in your own life, like most of us americans, you kind of diversify or whatever and get your jollies indirectly, through others.




Or it's because you truly enjoy watching and following sports. It is a game, after all, and games are meant to be enjoyable. It has nothing to do with how much of a life you do or don't have. Look at Steven King, one of the greatest novelists of all time and often compared to Dickens (it is true), and he is a die-hard Red Sox fan who goes to a lot of games every season, they always show him on the TV sitting up front in the good seats with his "B" hat on. He even wrote a whole book about a girl who fantasizes that Tom Gordon, a former Red Sox pitcher, is with her as she's dying in the woods, or some such shit. If you don't like sports then fine, but that doesn't mean that everyone who does doesn't have a life or is an idiot or is just wasting their time. It's one of the pleasures of life.

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I was gonna be amazed if I was the only one with this perspective. In all honesty, I do not give a fuck if he used steroids.



Did it impact my life negatively? No.

Did I feel pressure to use steroids? No.

Did I think that if I were to be useful in the clubhouse I would need to perform beyond my already stellar statistics? Particularly when I am slated to be the poster child of baseball (My godfather is Willie Mays for christ sake). Oh shit, I don't play professional baseball.

Was my appreciation of the sport of baseball ruined by someone performing a task well beyond my capabilities regardless of the help it took to get them there? No.



Fuck off everyone.



We accept the modification of perspective all the time through prescription drugs, yet when someone chooses to modify themselves to entertain us as a public we get upset? We should be so fucking happy that people think so little of themselves as to be our puppets of entertainment.




Stop sucking your own dick and recognize that barry bonds has done what no one else has, namely exactly what he has done.




You got it all wrong, man. Using steroids is against the rules of the MLB, first of all. It has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the rules of the game.


Second of all, prescription drugs are not used to enhance a person, when prescribed responsibly, as opposed to steroids which are secretly prescribed to athletes to enhance their performance. Prescription medication is used to help those that are deficient in some manner, to help people who have chronic pain, and/or to help people who have mental disorders and illnesses. Prescribing Lithium to someone who is bipolar is hardly the same as Barry Bonds using steroids to cheat at baseball. It is a game based on natural abilities, and if you don't have those abilities then you lose. He couldn't accept this, so he cheated.


Life, on the other hand, is not a game, and people with mental illnesses or physical deficiencies can die if they do not have their medication. You need to take a better look at the situation and what you are saying about it.

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Guest shai_hulud

I don't like either of them (Bonds or Marc Ecko).


The two of them singly or combined have absolutely no impact or bearing on my life, though.


So, I don't care.


People have been cheating at sports since the dawn of time. The underground has been appropriated and bastardized by the media since around the same time.


Yet, somehow, the world keeps turning. People still pay for baseball games and watered down versions of "hip hop culture", and the self appointed purists still cry about it because they didn't get in on the ground floor or think that it should be done differently. I don't think Barry Bonds and Marc Ecko are all that different. They're both half-steppers with talent that decided to cash in.


Like I said. It doesn't affect me, because I choose to not let it affect me.

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You got it all wrong, man. Using steroids is against the rules of the MLB, first of all. It has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the rules of the game.


Second of all, prescription drugs are not used to enhance a person, when prescribed responsibly, as opposed to steroids which are secretly prescribed to athletes to enhance their performance. Prescription medication is used to help those that are deficient in some manner, to help people who have chronic pain, and/or to help people who have mental disorders and illnesses. Prescribing Lithium to someone who is bipolar is hardly the same as Barry Bonds using steroids to cheat at baseball. It is a game based on natural abilities, and if you don't have those abilities then you lose. He couldn't accept this, so he cheated.


Life, on the other hand, is not a game, and people with mental illnesses or physical deficiencies can die if they do not have their medication. You need to take a better look at the situation and what you are saying about it.


Regardless of what something is created for, it gets used to whatever end people want.



The guy who invented the gatlin gun thought it would end all wars.


I just don't care about the steroid use. If homeboy wants to fuck himself up and knock some balls out of a park. more power to him. But when his dick is shriveled and he has less ability to reason, thats on him.


I don't really take the comparison of people using it for medical use. My hat was created to be worn with the bill forward such that it provides an actual utilitarian use, but I cock that shit to the side.

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The fact that steroids could be used for other reasons then for performance enhancement has nothing to do with anything though.


Those substances are banned from the league. If you want to play in the league, you can't use those substances. I'm sure if you were in a position to use steroids to recover from something, or any substance that is banned from the league. If you would communicate your problem with league officials I'm sure your situation would get handled.


Those people that used the human growth hormones and whatever else they may have used, did so in secret for an advantage, they need to ban people for first time offenses if they want to actually fix the problem.


I just hate how the same thing is done in every other sport, but it's only a big deal in baseball.

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Guest shai_hulud

Nothing is more strict than cycling. Every time someone wins a stage of a classic in Europe, they get tested.


The IOC is extremely strict, too.


Baseball is only getting started. They're about ten years or so behind the times.


What about football or hockey? They HAVE to have juiced players.

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Regardless of what something is created for, it gets used to whatever end people want.



The guy who invented the gatlin gun thought it would end all wars.


I just don't care about the steroid use. If homeboy wants to fuck himself up and knock some balls out of a park. more power to him. But when his dick is shriveled and he has less ability to reason, thats on him.


I don't really take the comparison of people using it for medical use. My hat was created to be worn with the bill forward such that it provides an actual utilitarian use, but I cock that shit to the side.



Your argument makes no sense. If you think that medicine shouldn't be used for the problems it is prescribed for, then all I can say is that you need to educate yourself on the subject rather than making fairly ignorant comments. You know I'm not trying to insult you because I think you are an intelligent person, but on this subject you really don't know what you're talking about. If you don't like baseball, then your opinion on this topic means nothing and you might as well not post about it, because no one who likes baseball cares about what people who don't like baseball think. Just like no one who writes graffiti cares about what people who don't like graffiti think.

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