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circle tip = super dope


This shit sucks ass loudly.


Bought one to a friend, he tagged with it one night and then simply threw it away, because the ink comes off with rain...


DON'T buy it. If you want clean round lines, get a shoeshine or a mini mop and fill it with non-thinned paint...

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This shit sucks ass loudly.


Bought one to a friend, he tagged with it one night and then simply threw it away, because the ink comes off with rain...


DON'T buy it. If you want clean round lines, get a shoeshine or a mini mop and fill it with non-thinned paint...




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why don't your friend refill it with a better ink instead of wasting money throwing it away


Because the marker can take only Pilot ink. It's a so-called tampon marker, like Pilot.


And the nearest shop where to get Pilot ink is a few hundred kilometres away from here and you have to take a ferry or a plane to get there.

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I just typed a long history on the miniwide.

My cat stepped on the keyboard and sent me

back a page. I hit forward... and it was all gone.


I'm so bummed right now.

I will rewrite it with flicks later.


Don't know the miniwide. It's an incredible piece

of history, and the marker was NOT made for graffiti.

That's why it was so special. It was perfect from the



Also lost, was an explanation on making the Diego127

marker above. Just use the advanced search option and

search JUNOBO's posts in this thread. He wrote a great

tutorial, with flicks, on how to make that marker in about

7minutes with everyday home items.


See you soon...

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This shit sucks ass loudly.


Bought one to a friend, he tagged with it one night and then simply threw it away, because the ink comes off with rain...


DON'T buy it. If you want clean round lines, get a shoeshine or a mini mop and fill it with non-thinned paint...


or u could empty out the ink and take the ink from one of those big michaels markers i did it with on of those little otrs and it worked like a charm

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tic tac instructions:




* 2 tic tac containers (the orange kind, this is important)

* super glue (or wax if you want a refillable marker)

* xacto knife

* chalk board eraser

* ink or non xylene paint


alright, youve got all your shit, clear off a space and get started.


empty your tic tac boxes:



cut out the tops of the boxes (the white part):



glue the tops together top to top:



jam some eraser nib stuff into the bottom of one of the tops:



fill one of your tic tac boxes with ink or paint:



use glue (permanent) or wax (refillable, might break open) to secure your nib and top creation to the tic tac box:



use the other tic tac box as a cap, you could be done:



OR: if you want to make it more compact...


take your tic tac boc cap and cut it open:



flip the bottom piece (the one u cut out) upside down and put it back in the rest of the box and glue it in place:



seal the inside of your new cap with wax:



you are done:





in addition, you could cut down the tic tac cap box and glue a correctly sized piece of plastic to it, it would be more compact.


and that is my tic tac marker tutorial.


Bump also.

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wait, did you get it from the site i posted? so its legit?


and i dont think its a good idea to actually use that...






uhh, i got one of those whiteboard eraser tagstars at office depot today. it's a tampon type. should i just let the buff fluid shit dry out, or should i just stuff the marker with cotton balls?

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