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Oink: in what ways are your mops better than the otr soultip ? just askin...


in every way possable most likely being that almost everything otr suck and everyhting oink has is dope as fuck


and rogue thoes are dry erase markers lol what use are they gonna be

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waddya search for these free marker sites or do you search on google at all? i kno ppl are mad secretive bout this shit for some reason but any hint bout what you should search would be helpful...cause ive learned that just searching industrial marker doesnt get me shit

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waddya search for these free marker sites or do you search on google at all? i kno ppl are mad secretive bout this shit for some reason but any hint bout what you should search would be helpful...cause ive learned that just searching industrial marker doesnt get me shit


pahaha i coulda told u that before u wasted time looking...but normally u find like random websites and u send them e-mails like "i recived my order the other day and so and so was destroyed on delivery i was looking for a replacement" and they will be like oh sorry whats your adress and what not and they send u a new one even tho u never payed for one to start with... ive only personal done this like 3 times casue im 15 and its next to impossable to have random markers show up at my door without the parents questioning but thats how i did it and if they ask for like the order number be like whats that? i threw out my box and everyhting already i didnt think my shit was gonna be fucked up when i got and it sound really mad if u want and they wont keep asking and if there hella annyoing about it jsut drop it all together...good luck

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pahaha i coulda told u that before u wasted time looking...but normally u find like random websites and u send them e-mails like "i recived my order the other day and so and so was destroyed on delivery i was looking for a replacement" and they will be like oh sorry whats your adress and what not and they send u a new one even tho u never payed for one to start with... ive only personal done this like 3 times casue im 15 and its next to impossable to have random markers show up at my door without the parents questioning but thats how i did it and if they ask for like the order number be like whats that? i threw out my box and everyhting already i didnt think my shit was gonna be fucked up when i got and it sound really mad if u want and they wont keep asking and if there hella annyoing about it jsut drop it all together...good luck


haha...yea i just turned 16 but my parents dont care bout the samples i get from markal.com...i gotta try that shit that you said thats a good idea...ima do that whenever i get samples from now on but im not sure how to pull it off for other typesa online shops that dont give samples...ill try it sometime soon tho...

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hey asdf-

how would you like some oink-filled mini-wide-clones? and ultra-wide-clones?

they're in the works...


One of the best things I have heard in while.

The younger kids will flip over using an ultra wide!

(that was a neutral statement, not an insult)

And I would flip over a mini wide clone, especially

with your shit in it. I love that classic chisel style.

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okay, id hate to ruin the party but i have a question...



i just got one of those 611 empty molotow markers, and i filled the damn thing with silver grog. once i got the nib all nice and juicy, a couple of hours later the pump of the marker didnt seem to be working too well, cause whenever i push the nib down to pump some ink into that bitch, nothing seems to come out, maybe its the ink? maybe the pump system? man, i dont fucking know.


now i kinda regret buying it rather than getting some dunkin donuts.




anyone had this happen to them before? and if you happen to solve it, let me know whats up.

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