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Dear RSA,

Can you get a girl pregnant if you do her in the ass?

Anonymous, U.S.




Note: we've received a few queries about this answer. The concern is that the sperm may leak out of the rectum and into the vagina causing pregnancy. This may be unlikely but is probably not impossible. Here's a comment we received from one reader: "YES. My 4th is living proof."


butt baby.

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Dear RSA,

Can you get a girl pregnant if you do her in the ass?

Anonymous, U.S.




Note: we've received a few queries about this answer. The concern is that the sperm may leak out of the rectum and into the vagina causing pregnancy. This may be unlikely but is probably not impossible. Here's a comment we received from one reader: "YES. My 4th is living proof."



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Dear RSA,

Is it true that a woman can get pregnant by saving a guy’s cum and putting it in her pussy later?

Smokey, U.S.







Dear RSA,

My girlfriend produces a lot of creamy pussy juice that accumulates at the base of my penis. I like to lick it up. Is this safe?

Andrew, Edmonton







Dear RSA,

I was giving my girlfriend anal and I pulled out with a dick full of poop. Is this normal?

Anonymous, New Jersey



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"One day I was chewing some Big League Chew gum. It felt so soft and gooey in my mouth that I decided to rub it on my dick. It was the worst decision I ever made! As I was rubbing it on my dick, the gum got caught on my pubes. I got in the shower and spent like an hour trying to get the stuff off. Then I finally decided just to cut my pubes off with some scissors. I had no pubes left."

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The Resident Sex Advisor answers sex-related questions from college students


Dear RSA,

My boyfriend went to the doctor with a sore throat and was diagnosed with oral gonorrhea. This freaked me out so I got a check up, but I don't have it, or any other STDs. What does this mean? He says he doesn't know how he got it, but I'm not sure I believe him.

Courtney, Ohio State



Hon, I hate to break this to you, but your boyfriend is lying when he says he doesn't know how he got this. Unless someone slipped a roofie in his drink and then stuck their cock down his throat while he was passed out, he does know how he got this disease. Oral gonorrhea is not spread by casual contact or dirty silverware or sharing lip balm. There don't even seem to be any documented cases of it being spread through kissing (good news for you), although theoretically it could be possible. No, oral gonorrhea is spread through oral sex - oral contact with an infected vagina, penis or anus (I know, the thought of a clap-filled ass is disgusting, but it happens). For those of you who want to avoid a mouthful of the clap, transmission of oral gonorrhea and other STDs can be prevented by using a condom when giving a blowjob, or using a latex barrier (a dental dam) when eating pussy or ass.

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Dear RSA,

I love licking girls' assholes as well as their pussies. Is this normal/healthy?

Matt, U.S.




Dear RSA,

My girlfriend and I are both committed virgins, but we both enjoy heavy petting and fooling around. I would like some tips on thigh fucking, how to bring it up to her, and the best positions.

Ian, Univ. of South Dakota

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