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being seen while bombing?


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ok so i generally try to find spots with a bush or a hedge or something to hide behind when the cars are coming, which has made it possible for me to not get caught because in that line of traffic turns out to be a cop sometimes, so if your doing fills or even hollows does being seen matter? i ask because there are alot of street side spots i wanna do, and i dont always have a lookout...is the stop go method good? or is it better to just go and let cars see you and hope for the best?


cops are limited..stretched..very small chance theyll be there.....street spots are made to be risky..if you aint diwn to run.,..dont do em

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quit being pussies and just paint.


bicycles rule, its the only way to travel. you get pulled over in a car, have fun. at least you can get in a chase on a bike and get away.


plus having a bike means you have something to stand on for a boost, or to just get up higher, backs of signs, whatever.


eat shit, i love bikes.


and if you are still a douche just get drunk and go bombing then you won't give a shit.

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quit being pussies and just paint.


bicycles rule, its the only way to travel. you get pulled over in a car, have fun. at least you can get in a chase on a bike and get away.


plus having a bike means you have something to stand on for a boost, or to just get up higher, backs of signs, whatever.


eat shit, i love bikes.


and if you are still a douche just get drunk and go bombing then you won't give a shit.


word up your exactly right when your inhebriated..nothing matters. Bomb it!!

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If you're seen, make sure you don't have too many identifiable pieces of clothing on.. if you're going to still be walking around the city to get back home, bring another hoodie... it's amazing what wearing green while painting then changing clothes will do... all anyone remembers when they call in is "he had a green hooded sweatshirt on"

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  • 2 weeks later...
If you're seen, make sure you don't have too many identifiable pieces of clothing on.. if you're going to still be walking around the city to get back home, bring another hoodie... it's amazing what wearing green while painting then changing clothes will do... all anyone remembers when they call in is "he had a green hooded sweatshirt on"
Rock the yellow poncho while bombin. "Yeah i seen a guy graffititizing, hes wearing a yellow poncho." shit throw that bitch off and youre good.:D :D :D
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  • 1 month later...


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the worst is painting at places such as skate parks cause you get made people asking 101 questions, parents are the worst at these types of places...


You shouldn't be painting a park when theres people there anyway, wait until its dark and no ones skating or else you're a dick for messing with the parks flow. If its a park that gets locked at night you shouldn't paint it at all because then the city is likely to shut it down.

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get yourself a fuckin gun, or if thats to hardcore for yah get a toy gun or some shit. if you run into a situation with a hero just pull it out and see how long they chase yah for haha. plus you'll be doing some good cuz there will be one less hero in your city/town cuz if there ever in that situation again guarenteed they'll think twice before goin after the writer.

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get yourself a fuckin gun, or if thats to hardcore for yah get a toy gun or some shit. if you run into a situation with a hero just pull it out and see how long they chase yah for haha. plus you'll be doing some good cuz there will be one less hero in your city/town cuz if there ever in that situation again guarenteed they'll think twice before goin after the writer.


Just my opinion, if you really meant all that i think all your gonna wind up doing is giving graff the rep of something done only by gang banging hoodlums with no respect for anything. And while its obvious that writers are by nature criminals, flashing weapons around is ultimately gonna do nothing but bring heat on your scene and possible get you shot if joe hero is packing as well. Again, just my two cents.

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^^just my 2 cents as well... graffiti is illegal and is seen by the public as a bunch of vandalizing hoodlums with no respect for anything, i dont think you need to worry about giving it a bed rep. also the term "gangbanging hoodlums with no respect for anything" as i said before i could call you a "vandalizing hoodlum with no respect for anything". dont look down on others for what they do or how they were brought up, what you do is illegal and what they do may be illegal, which makes you no better then a rapist or a serial killer in the eyes of the law. gangs and gang members also live by respect so that was an ignorant statement. im kinda getting off topic but i just dont like ignorance. like i said graffiti is illegal so dont worry about bringing heat to your scene, writing graffiti alone will bring heat to your scene. lol and what kind of joe hero is gonna be packing, if hes packing a gun i dont think hes gonna care much that your writing on a wall, on the other hand if the person coming up to you looks like they could have a weapon than it might be a good thing you have one as well.oh well thats just my 2 cents everyone has there opinions.

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Im pretty sure you get fucked alot harder if you get caught with a weapon while your out, Im pretty sure I read that before somewhere.


Do that though, so when you pull a fake or unloaded gun on someone and get shot we can laugh at you. Or even better, keep it loaded and shoot him so you can end up in jail.

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god damnnn i never said i was gonna shoot somebody for seeing me tag a wall. for graffiti writers you seem pretty scared to break the law, either way a gun charge is just a slap on the wrist. aparently your not from a violent neighborghood, you sound like some kids form the suburbs in which case you should probly stop taggin your perfect little town in an attemp to make yourself feel like a badass in your perfect life.

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You think the po's are looking for writers now.....wait til the writers start pulling guns on citizens......THEN THE PO'S WILL REALLY LOOKING FOR WRITERS!NOT GOOD ,not good for the scene..so don't do it! If you need to bring a gun writing in certain neighborhoods' ,then you probably shouldn't be writing there!!!!More than likely because the only graffiti there is straight gangs.The most you need is a knife...a knife to me is essential everyday writing or not,and a lighter ...if someone is getting really crazy ...tell you you will spray the fuck out of them ,and light them on fire! that's it...other than that .JUST STAY OUT OF FUCKIN SIGHT OUTTA MIND! or deal will the possible consequences of writing in front of people! But do not start the shit ,get out of it...why would you risk getting caught,possibly beat up ,identified or so on...when you can just get the fuck out of there!

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Wear a horifying mask and do it late at night...

if a hero comes along just scare the shit out of him aha

and if a cop comes dip, and ditch your shit sumwhere

and most homeless fuckers are down with graffiti one came up to me not to long ago while i was doin my thing and asked if i wanted to buy sum weed aha

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