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being seen while bombing?


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ok so i generally try to find spots with a bush or a hedge or something to hide behind when the cars are coming, which has made it possible for me to not get caught because in that line of traffic turns out to be a cop sometimes, so if your doing fills or even hollows does being seen matter? i ask because there are alot of street side spots i wanna do, and i dont always have a lookout...is the stop go method good? or is it better to just go and let cars see you and hope for the best?

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Both oppertuneties has positive and negative sides. When just doing it quick and hoping for the best, you're able to leave the spot quicker, but if alot of people see you, someone will probably take a phone-picture of you as evidence or something. With the other method, you'll probably not get seen, but you might get seen without knowing it, and if it then takes long time the cops will probably get to the spot while you're still there. I don't know, do what looks safest there and then.

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that works too...thanks for not criticizen mi posts, jim


why would people criticize? I think this is a good topic, definitely better than alot of these wack ones


Hide and Go - I use this when Im at a spot I KNOW nobodys gonna see me at unless their driving by. On a busy intersection, I might have to run up and go hide again 10 times, and it takes me about 5 min to do one full sized throw because of all the stopping and waiting


and if your seen doin that, police WILL be there before your done, unless you make yourself unseen


Str8 Hittin it - preffered method, mainly because I can bust out a 3 color fill in about 2 min, so unless there's a cop within a few blocks, Ima be out before they get a chance to catch me.



one thing is for sure though, if its the rush your after, nothin like paintin in front of civilians, its hilarious the way they react

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ya im always more worried bout the crakd out fuckers2 like the insane hobos ahha gangsters n hobos are alot more threatenin then cops at 2am...owell thats all part of the game thanx for all the advice basically - if u can hide n go mayb good but u mayb seen with out knowin(exactly wat i was worried bout) and just go for it n hope for the best, lol i honestly after tryin2bomb again give bombers more respect then peicers i mean peicing looks nice n all that but bombin is a sport.

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yeh im from a prtty small town just out of the city and when they see ya bombin there they shit themselfs but when paintin in the city no1 really gives a fuck,ur more worried bout walkin the line and gettin rolled by sum cunts, u still get the odd hero that will try and catch ya though if he sees ya...

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most people dont give a shit and if a cop sees you just run

half the time you get away

wear a bandana a hoodie and a fitted

this way people can only see your eyes

so if your gettin chased

get the fuck out take off your hoodie fitted and bandana and throw them in your bag

then get to another part of the city get geared up and repeat

shit some people got no common sence

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heres what happend to me:


my boy threw up a sticker at a church, and a lady saw us. we got in the car and drove to the next spot 2 blocks away..a bus stop, she fallows us. rokta gets out throws up a sticker and the lady comes out and is like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, i get out and am like "its just art, it isnt a problem" she goes "ITS FUCKING VANDALISM" i go no its art and didnt you just come from church?!?! she gets on her phone and calls the cops and we dip..the cop came to my house about a week later and he was like "its just a sticker not even that big of a deal"

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heres what happend to me:


my boy threw up a sticker at a church, and a lady saw us. we got in the car and drove to the next spot 2 blocks away..a bus stop, she fallows us. rokta gets out throws up a sticker and the lady comes out and is like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING, i get out and am like "its just art, it isnt a problem" she goes "ITS FUCKING VANDALISM" i go no its art and didnt you just come from church?!?! she gets on her phone and calls the cops and we dip..the cop came to my house about a week later and he was like "its just a sticker not even that big of a deal"


ya i dont believe a word of that garbage story right there

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haha i got followed once, thats the only timei i almost got caught, we were catchin some hollows on this wall and parked close, someone saw us gettin in my car and followed us for like a block before i realized whats up, so i jetted and they disappeared, we went hit a couple more spots and like 5 minutes after i got home a cop knocked on my door...haha i was listenin to loop troop graffiti songs n shit, so i stepped outside 2 talk, they ended up takin pics of me and shit, tried to get me but i played it so cool it was good...i think maybe cuzi was 17 too and i was the only one home they couldnt really do anything to me, but i dunno bout that, cops arrest people for stupid shit all day

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Layered clothing can save your ass. About two weeks ago I fucked up completely and ended up finishing my 3d under the spotlight of a cruiser. I ran and stupidly hit a dead end. (Always scope shit and know where to run...) Ditched my pants and shirt in a dumpster and walked right past the cops. Obviously this was largely thanks to luck but if you have to, be polite but confident as hell like you are a middle aged WASP who got pulled over for an inspection sticker on the way to sunday service and don't let them see you out of breath.

Then again, if this shit isn't naturally occurring to you, maybe you shouldn't be going out painting.


Just curious... Why were you driving around just to put up stickers?

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