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war terror

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^This guy's mom left him in a basket on the porch of a nun convent 30 mins after birth. Ten mins after the nuns found him they left him at the front door of a Fire station. Ten minutes after the Firemen found him, they duct-taped him to the side of a bus, and let it take him deep into North Hollywood. Ten minutes after the bus came to a stop, his mom saw a baby duct-taped to a bus, and she decided to do the right thing and take it down to take care of it. After she found out it was you again, she put this as her 3rd most regretted one hour time-span in her life after giving birth to you, and getting it on with her 1st cousin at her annual family reunion inside of a vomit drenched bounce house.

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^This guy tried to make some extra cash selling some semen at a sperm bank, but they told him they don't accept donations from people with less than desirable qualities. So now he has a job at the sperm bank collecting semen from donors, and he is the jizz-mopper for all the collection rooms.

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