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The Smoking Laws


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I live in downtown Chicago. I can't smoke barely anywhere! There are places even OUTSIDE that are fucking restricted to smokers. And as of January 1st of 2008, no bars in Chicago will permit smoking. What are the smoking laws in your city? I know that New York has strict laws as well..What do you guys think?;)

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yeh!! Cigg smoke fakin stinks

I'm so glad I dont have to smell da stink no 'mo

but maybe they should make a smoking room for y'all who smoke

sumwhere ya'll can smoke up chimney's kill each other and come out smelling like ashtrays who cares but as long its away from me

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I'm all for it being banned just about everywhere public. With the exception of a couple of licensed clubs/bars that are prominently labeled as smoking places. If I don't want your cancer, I don't have to work at or attend these clubs.

What scares the fuck out of me is some places are banning TRANS FATS. Which, last time I checked, hurt ONLY the person ingesting them, whereas cig smoke can fuck up bystanders. I'm all for personal freedom, personal responsibility, choice. The only reason I'm against public smoking is that your smoke can adversely affect me. If I want to lard out on some fried dough, that's my decision, not the state's. Fuck a nanny government.

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I live in downtown Chicago. I can't smoke barely anywhere! There are places even OUTSIDE that are fucking restricted to smokers. And as of January 1st of 2008, no bars in Chicago will permit smoking. What are the smoking laws in your city? I know that New York has strict laws as well..What do you guys think?;)


Cleveland , Ohio is the same way . There are a lot of bars that said fuck it and let people smoke . Mostly most Fireman / Cop bars here on the Westside...and the few Punk bars . It's funny because not a single cop will bust the Punk bars because they all support the CFD & CPD . :cool::lol:

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I went to Prague and Kracow this summer and I could smoke just about anywhere I wanted. It was incredible, I loved it. Nothing like sitting in a cafe, drinking cappuccino (which I never drink in the states), reading a book, and smoking a cigarette. They don't know how good they got it over there.

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On this issue, I agree with you, AOD.


i can't help but wonder if you only support property rights when it suits you such as in this case.

I could have you confused with someone else, and forgive me if i'm wrong, but aren't you against unabridged private gun ownership? what is the difference between being able to dictate whether you can smoke on your own property and whether you can have a gun on your own property?

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Because you can use a gun to directly kill someone, while you cannot use a cigarette to directly kill someone. I am not against gun ownership, but I don't think allowing people to own miniguns and frag grenades is the right thing to do. It's not a matter of supporting property rights when it suits me or not. If everyone could own a hundred machine guns and not kill each other, then fine, let them, but there are hundreds of millions of idiots out there who have no business owning something that lets them annihilate another person.


Cigarettes are different. The Penn and Teller video pretty much says what I think: if the owner of a bar or restaurant wants to ban smoking then fine, but they should not be forced to, because no one is forced to go into a private establishment, it is their choice. If you smoke a cigarette, you are doing it for your own pleasure; you are not going to kill anyone other than yourself. However, if you have an Uzi, your primary use for it is to kill someone other than you, and the person that you will use it on most definitely will not want to be killed. Guns such as those should be limited to target ranges and military use. I know that people like AOD believe that we should have entire arsenals at our disposal for the supposedly inevitable time when the government decides to march us into concentration camps, but in reality, all one really needs a gun for is the off-chance that someone breaks into your house and tries to kill you. For that, a handgun will suffice.


Besides, guns are not necessary for a revolution. Look at how the Communist regimes in Eastern Europe crumbled. The people there revolted without guns. There were too many of them to shoot. It was a relatively peaceful occurrence, and as much as we'd like to think that communism fell because the US had more nukes, it really fell because the people living in those countries were sick and tired of the totalitarian regimes.


This is why I hate, hate, hate it when people make blanket statements about politics, because nothing is black and white, good and evil. It's not a simple matter of "government is good" or "government is bad".



Personally, I want to buy a gun, but only because I'm afraid of zombies.

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i don't even smoke cigarettes and i think this is retarded. i don't know about now, but I know at least a brief period of time after the ban, it hurt a lot of people's businesses. not only that, but as ferm, and AOD have said. it should be up to the person that owns said to decide wither or not he wants people smoking at their place.


i understand it bothers people, again tho as other have said, you could easily walk right out of the place if you do not like the environment. i'm sure in most major cities their would be a decent supply of people that didn't allow or allowed smoking. Another thing, what the hell happened to having smoking and non-smoking sections. it worked out pretty fine, regardless though it should be up to the owners discretion if he or she wants to allow people to smoke on their property.

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According to the Patriot act (1 or 2 I forget)... One section says that marijuana is to be treated as a WMD.


Yep, if you have some Mary Jane herb, you are a terrorist (according to 'them').


Oh but drugs are bad right? Well, DMT is the one of the most powerful drugs known to man, and that is released by the brain when you go to sleep.


So technically, everyday your body gives you drugs (without it you would go insane), but if your caught with just a handful of DMT you go to jail. (Youtube 'Joe Rogan DMT')


Besides all of that, constant smoking can mess you up. Everything in moderation.

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And, every small ring you can see on a ciggi, is actually a small ring of gunpowder. They do this so that the ciggi burns quicker, and thus, you have to get more smokes sooner.


Ciggis are crap... But occasionally I'll puff up. My fate I know, and I should quit.

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"f everyone could own a hundred machine guns and not kill each other, then fine, let them,"


i have over a dozen guns and have yet to kill anyone, so i reckon i should be able to own hundreds of machine guns, no? hell, if its only about the ability to kill someone, there could be a case against private ownership of matches. one could easily tie someone up and burn them to death.


thats cool you take a firm property rights stance on the smoking issue, ferm.


i guess anything is possible, and self defense (you referred to it as a revolution) could happen without arms, however its success is highly unlikely and would be much harder. the reason the soviets succeeded was because the very system was decayed from the foundation and was collapsing anyway.

the jewish people who were slaughtered and herded like cattle on box cars and taken to 'work' camps didnt even know that nazi soldiers carried thier weapons without rounds in the chamber. if more had known this and if the jews didnt give into every draconian step of tyranny instituted by the nazi's, a few more might of lived. if the jews had machine guns and if the soviet people had machine guns, a few more might of came out on top instead of the 30-50 million that were killed. to me this trumps every argument there is against private arms ownership. i only wish that schindlers list told the truth about how he armed his jewish workers as well, but they casually left that out.

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To be fair, there were rebellions in Auschwitz, and escapes, and they were all crushed and thousands of jews and non-jews lost their lives as retaliation by the guards. There may not have been ammo in all of the guns, but there was enough there to quell any rebellion and enough to take several hundred people out of their barracks and mow them down when someone escaped. Horrible place. There was also a rebellion in the Kracow or Warsaw ghetto (or both) that lasted for several weeks but was eventually crushed by the sheer number of Nazis and their much larger amount of ammunition.

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word. not saying the nazi's didnt have loaded guns, merely that from what i understand in non 'combat' situations the guns were loaded but without a round in the chamber. in another words, if a soldier was carrying a mauser on his back, he would have to unsling the gun, work the bolt, then shoulder the weapon. that is time for a sneak attack.

the assault on the warsaw ghetto happened on the same day that america faced tyranny on the lexington green. april 19th (1943) the jewish patriots resisted with what they could. if only more of the jews had the balls that the armed few had in warsaw. its interesting to note that despite thier small numbers and limited arms they held off the nazi's for weeks. just goes to show what a few riflemen can do to an army.

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You think that's something, check out Operation Anthropoid, which was the Czech Resistance's successful plan to assassinate Reinhard Heydrich. Three resistance members held off 700 SS in the basement of a church for almost a full day. They died, eventually, but are considered national heroes. I visited the church where it happened and there are still bullet holes all around the one window and inside. The Nazis wiped out two whole villages in reprisal for that.

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Also, I must say that it wasn't really a matter of having balls. The Nazis had the Jews at gunpoint in the ghetto and would literally shoot and kill them on a daily basis just because. There were no guns around at the time and the guns that were used by those who revolted in the Warsaw ghetto were slowly smuggled in. By the time they had enough to revolt, most of the people had already been shipped to the camps to die. You should check out Roman Polanski's "The Pianist", it depicts what happened in the ghetto during the uprising and is a very good story, faithfully based on a true story.


It was really horrible visiting Auschwitz. I would still have gone if I knew how bad it would be, but nothing can prepare a person for that, no amount of movies, pictures, or stories. You stand there in the middle of the place and all you can see is death and oppression of the worst possible kind. You can even smell it, the smell of death and burning, it's still present in the air. I took a lot of pictures that I will eventually post here in a thread.

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yeah, i gotta watch the whole movie (pianist)


obviously once it was in the 1940's it was to late to really resist. all the guns were confiscated that were in private hands, not mention most jews didnt use/need them, or so they thought. if they would of drew the line in the sand before hitler came into power, they might of had a chance.


and yeah man, make that thread.

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Where I was before smoking got banned in bars, clubs, restaurants, etc. I'm all for it, if others could smoke without me having to inhale it or come home smelling like the Marlboro factory that's cool, smoke all you want, but that doesn't happen. Where I'm at now some smoking was banned but I guess it's still cool to do in bars and maybe clubs, which sucks for me. I went to Taiwan and people smoke fucking everywhere, some dude is probably smoking in his shower right now and some other dude is probably smoking while cooking someone else's food and the ash is falling in their meal. Now weed on the other hand...if I have to smell your cancer stick at least let me spark the joint!

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I don't think anyone should burn Jews. I mean, if it stinks that bad. Why burn them, then?

Just burn some incense. Dumb nazis. Burning Jews is rediculous, especially in public. Nobody wants to smell the secondhand smoke of your Jew. I hope those Nazis learned their lesson.

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I might be biased, as I do smoke, but I also agree with the "it should be up to the owner" stance. Banning it out right I find stupid. They can have establishments in which you can smoke, and then those which you can't. Simple as that. Different places attract different types of crowds, so why shouldn't they be allowed to cater to them?





I also enjoyed all the other information in this thread haha. Who would've thought I could learn about Assassinations of Nazi Leaders and Gun Laws in a smoking thread

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