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500 Dead In One Day: Iraq


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For the love of fucking Christ people, please stop getting into arguments with DAO. The Obama thread went to shit because of this crap and so is this one, over some fucking bullshit meaning of the word "mercenary". Come the fuck on. Just ignore this guy, it's plainly not worth it and it's fucking up every thread.


And DAO, please just shut the fuck up every once in a while. Your manner of arguing is 400% retarded and it's bringing down the discussion around here. I'm not going to argue or justify anything to you, just please shut the fuck up.



I apologize for contributing to the mayhem, as I don't like to see threads derailed, but with DAO it's honestly hard to resist.

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hey theo, one thing, the film of blackwater shooting up traffic, those guys got in a little trouble for that. i can't recall if there were convictions or not, but they did get in trouble. at least reprimanded.



those stories that you posted below; i don't know if that correlates directly to the youtube video. but, it's surprising that they'd fire on fellow GIs. it's no surprise that there are civilian contractors acting recklessly

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For the love of fucking Christ people, please stop getting into arguments with DAO. The Obama thread went to shit because of this crap and so is this one, over some fucking bullshit meaning of the word "mercenary". Come the fuck on. Just ignore this guy, it's plainly not worth it and it's fucking up every thread.


And DAO, please just shut the fuck up every once in a while. Your manner of arguing is 400% retarded and it's bringing down the discussion around here. I'm not going to argue or justify anything to you, just please shut the fuck up.




Just ban him again, please god. I know who he was before this screen name, I just can't remember exactly. But he's definitely not new and I'm almost positive under that other screen name he was banned. If you banned him, at least that would teach him the definition of the word "banned". :nut:

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Oh boo fucking hooo!!!!

This is exactly why I typically stay away from "Crossfire".

You bunch of college kids with no idea about reality or even any inkling of common sense want to argue for the sake of arguement with your retarded ass ideas of what's what and your "geneva convention" or "George Bush II" definitions of words that have existed for ALOT LONGER than the aformentioned.


The stupidity that reaks from some of you is almost enough to drive me to ram my head through the damn computer screen!!!


Then you wanna bitch and cry like little fucking kids running to Mommy when somebody actually calls it like it is.


Bannn himmmmm!!!!!! He makes me cryyyyyyy!!!!!!!


Booo fucking hooo you sorry sacks of shit!

It's people like you (THEO) that are why our country is in the seriously FUCKED position that it is.


Fuck you Crossfire Clowns.

I'm outahere.

Eat a fucking dick and choke.

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Oh boo fucking hooo!!!!

This is exactly why I typically stay away from "Crossfire".

You bunch of college kids with no idea about reality or even any inkling of common sense want to argue for the sake of arguement with your retarded ass ideas of what's what and your "geneva convention" or "George Bush II" definitions of words that have existed for ALOT LONGER than the aformentioned.


The stupidity that reaks from some of you is almost enough to drive me to ram my head through the damn computer screen!!!


Then you wanna bitch and cry like little fucking kids running to Mommy when somebody actually calls it like it is.


Bannn himmmmm!!!!!! He makes me cryyyyyyy!!!!!!!


Booo fucking hooo you sorry sacks of shit!

It's people like you (THEO) that are why our country is in the seriously FUCKED position that it is.


Fuck you Crossfire Clowns.

I'm outahere.

Eat a fucking dick and choke.




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damn its been a while since ive been in here but its the same old shit. i got a quote from http://www.juancole.com . its about the attack that this was originally gonna be about:


"This comment on the attacks on the Yazidis, submitted by "Ivorybill," is so well informed that I am moving it up to the main post:

' Re: Sinjar-Kirkuk connection


Patrick Coburn's article is correct in that the bombing in Sinjar and the unrest in Kirkuk are both related to conflict between Kurds and Arabs over resources. There are similarities but also a few differences.


Some of Iraq's best wheat lands lie immediately south of Jebel Sinjar, and this land was the subject of intense competition in the mid 70's. The Yezidis in Sinjar supported Mustafa Barzani's rebellion in 1975. Karim Sinjar (a Muslim) who is now KDP's [the Kurdistan Democratic Party's] head of intelligence, was a guerilla leader in Sinjar at that time. Because of Karim's reputation in Sinjar and close relationship with the Yezidis, much of the KDP's intelligence network in Mosul (and some in Baghdad) are Yezidi.


In 1976, after the collapse of the Kurdish rebellion, the Yezidis of that area were removed to collective towns (mujama'at), and their land was handed over to members of Arab tribes, mostly in Mosul, who were loyal to the government and the Ba'ath Party. The sites of the bombing - Qataniyyah and Jazirah -are mujama'at constructed at that time. The residents became laborers on the lands they had previously owned, and other Yezidis were displaced to Dohuk or other Mosul.


There was a time when the Yezidis tried to protect themselves by sending different members of the Mir (prince) family to work for different political actors, as sort of an insurance policy. Tahsin Beg, head of the Yezidis, became a "musteshar" ["counsellor"] for Saddam until he was shot in the neck in 1997 and fled to seek safety in the KRG. Khairi Beg joined the KDP. Another one joined the PUK and a fourth went to Syria.


After 2003, the KDP took over Sinjar, and the Arabs who had owned the lands for the previous 26 years were displaced, many at gunpoint. Most fled to Mosul, others to Ba'aj - a grim town on the edge of the Syrian desert, which depends upon one water pipeline now controlled by the KDP. I visited Ba'aj in 2003 immediately after the war, and it was the only place in Iraq at that time in which I felt my life was in imminent danger. The relations between the Yezidis and the Arabs in that area (with the exception of Ghazi al-Yawar's Shammar tribe) were exceedingly tense. The CPA's [Coalition Provisional Authority's] Iraqi Property Claims Commission was an utter failure, having adjudicated no land disputes in Sinjar whatsoever. The area was just considered "disputed" and allowed to drift into active warfare between Yezidis and Arabs.


In 2003, it might have been possible to have compensated the displaced Arabs. The Yezidis had the right to revert from sharecroppers and laborers to farmers on their own land... but the Arab immigrants had raised families in the area, and were suddenly without employment or in some cases homes (many of the Arab families farming Sinjar also had homes in Mosul). Still, there was a short window when the displaced Arab farmers could have been placated. That opportunity is gone now.


The Yezidis also captured a video of Izzat ad-Duri meeting with Saddam Hussein in 1998 or so in which he suggested eliminating the Yezidis in Sinjar completely. Saddam allegedly demurred, but Izzat ad-Duri is feared and reviled by the Yezidis. The authors of this bombing may well be linked to the reorganized Ba'ath, under Izzat ad-Duri, even if they managed to find some foreign youths to drive the vehicles and blow themselves up.


This situation in Sinjar is superficially similar to Kirkuk, but the actors involved - the Arab tribes in Mosul and the Yezidis - are actually quite different. The ultimate fate of Sinjar will depend upon whether the KDP can occupy and hold both areas when the US leaves, or whether they will sacrifice Sinjar in order to devote their resources to Kirkuk. My guess is that the Kurds will prioritize Kirkuk, and the Arab tribes will ethnically cleanse Sinjar - with exceptional violence.'"



So there you have it. sounds more like a terrorist/genocidal thing to me than cia, but who knows.

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I do not believe I have not looked at this thread. This is some funny shit. I do not have anything of value to add to this thread, but that doesn't stop me from adding a few thing:


Person, Wrestling (alterego): Statement to keep this motherfucking thread going


DAO (ManKind): Keep arguing, deep down they know you are right:lol: :lol: ( Inside voice: If this motherfucker is right, I am the fucking president) Oh shit, did I say that out loud.

Theo (Junk Yard Dog): Go back to the navy and float on the water like a turd in the toilet

Casek (Roddy Piper): Blackwater, Bathwater motherfucker who cares???????????

Dawood (Iron Shiek): Lets go start a Jihad, I got your back brotha

El Mar (The ref): Control this shit, before they knock you out with a fucking folding chair


Seriously, I think most of you are cool and I am just fucking with you.

I am laughing right now because this is like a royal rumble in every fucking thread with all of you in it.

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I do not believe I have not looked at this thread. This is some funny shit. I do not have anything of value to add to this thread, but that doesn't stop me from adding a few thing:


Person, Wrestling (alterego): Statement to keep this motherfucking thread going


DAO (ManKind): Keep arguing, deep down they know you are right:lol: :lol: ( Inside voice: If this motherfucker is right, I am the fucking president) Oh shit, did I say that out loud.

Theo (Junk Yard Dog): Go back to the navy and float on the water like a turd in the toilet

Casek (Roddy Piper): Blackwater, Bathwater motherfucker who cares???????????

Dawood (Iron Shiek): Lets go start a Jihad, I got your back brotha

El Mar (The ref): Control this shit, before they knock you out with a fucking folding chair


Seriously, I think most of you are cool and I am just fucking with you.

I am laughing right now because this is like a royal rumble in every fucking thread with all of you in it.


haha, no, you're right, but we all enjoy arguing with each other.

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Except me, I'm just building e-files on all of you mwuhahahahaaa!!!

then I'm going to email you all anthrax.



you're gonna pay for a metal band to come to each of our houses? i knew i liked you muslims for a reason, i just didn't know you shipped metal bands to peoples houses.

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Regardless, if Iran was the superpower, and was threating us with all of this nonsense we are threating them with. And they had Blackwater in Iraq, doing what they were doing we'd label that organization a "terrorist" group. Why? Because they are killing a shit load of innocent people. For no reason.


The fact that you can even defend the organization or what's going on their is crazy.


And the arguement in here is typically American. We aren't disputing what's going on. The fact that 500 people died in a day. The fact that the people of Iraq are clearly being wiped off the map. No we aren't argueing any of that. We are argueing the usage of the word "mercenary".


All this shit is illegal and nobody does anything. If we weren't America, some other counry would put Bush in a choke hold, and probably assasinate his ass, or toss his ass into prison.


You guys are pathetic.


Fuck my grammar, it sucks. Let's argue about that too.

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