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earl broclo ESQ

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move to greenpoint instead. you wont have to worry about her safety in really any part of new york. Youre just as likely to have an incident anywhere in the boros aside from the real greezy areas.


this is reassuring. i guess i just don't know what to expect. i'm sure she'll be fine. she's small, but has a pretty decent punch. she's also good at hitting the same exact spot over and over again. i let her punch me when she's angry, and she's worked my arm pretty good a few times. i still want to get her a can of mace, or maybe a real mace. if you see a short laotian chick, walking around with one of these,



that's my ladyfriend.

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Gliko is probably right here. The whole city is pretty safe these days, unless you get into the seriously grimy areas like East New York or something. However, you might still get lashed out at by the occasional local that's mad about you gentrifying their neighborhood in the more "in- between" areas like Flatbush or Bushwick, and you might not want your girl to be out alone at night. Greenpoint is pretty safe-- industrial in some areas, but very neighborhoody in others. Transportation isn't great, but you can get around, especially if you don't mind taking the bus or walking a few blocks to the subway. Red Hook is a very similar story. Safe, and you can still find good deals, because it's a little bit out of the way. Park Slope and the Boerum Hill/ Carroll Gardens/ Cobble hill area are very safe but a bit pricey, as they're like the proffessional thirtysomething version of Williamsburgh or Bushwick. Dogs and babies instead of hipsters, lots of good restaurants and bars, and you don't have to worry about your girl walking home alone late at night. It sounds like you could afford them, so they might be worth a look.


I'm in your same boat-- I live in a more expensive, less dangerous area than I would if I were on my own, because I want to know that my lady is safe. Our area is still run by the mafia, and I don't sweat it when she walks home drunk at 4 AM. We've been around for 5 years, and people recognize us... if somebody fucked with her, I'd guess that they would be dealt with before the cops could show up.

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yeah, she was staying in boerum hill for the first month she was there. she liked it, but couldn't find anywhere that was open for rent. now she's staying in some part of bushwick, and looking around there. we're kind of in that "professional thirtysomething" phase of our lives, so i wouldn't mind living in boerum hill or one of those areas. little 21 year old hipsters can piss me off from time to time. i think she's trying to keep the rent around 1300-1400 a month. so boerum hill/park slope/etc. are kind of hard to find that price range. she's pretty set on bushwick, but she keeps saying "i looked at this one apartment, and the front door was kicked in" or "i went to this one apartment, and it looks like a bad neighborhood." she's really stressed out with the whole thing, and i'm 7 hours away so i can't help. it's like sitting at the bar, watching some dude spit on your girl's face, and you can't even move to drop him. it sucks.


thanks for all the words and info everyone. keep it coming if you have anything else to say. i appreciate it.

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saul, you don't know me, so don't jump to conclusions. to clear it up, i have zero friends in the city. i'm not some tight pant wearing hipster with greasy hair and a hoodie that is six sizes too small. the reason i'm moving there, is because my girl works in fashion design, and the job market there is strong for her. neither of us want to live in LA. no offense to anyone in LA, it's just not for us. i'm mainly moving down there to be with my girl, possibly go back to school, and hopefully find some kind of work. so don't worry, we don't plan on fucking with you, your city, or any of your friends. she's just trying to start a career in what she loves, and i'm supporting that, as well as trying to get my shit together as well.

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we scored a place in bushwick:




i'm pretty fucking psyched with what we got. it's in a nice neighborhood, close to the train/grocery store/laundro. i don't know shit about the city, but i'll be learning fast real soon. according to craigslist, the apartment is in the "Myrtle/wyckoff" area. does that ring a bell with anyone? if so, is there anything you can point out that we might want to know about?

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You going to have a car? The Fairway in Brooklyn is tough to get to, but they have amazing food and they're not too expensive. They're also working on a Trader Joes in Downtown... and a Whole Foods, but they're expensive as shit. Park Slope has a co-op, which I hear is pretty good.


There's a farmer's market in Union Square on the weekends that often has really good stuff, and a lot of the time you can get the best produce from dudes that just set up little fruit stands on the side of the road.

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Hows about not moving to my city at all, it's already over populated, over priced and over hipstered with all your friends here. There is nothing here, NYC has been dead for 10 years now. Why do you want to be here? Move to LA or someshit, leave us alone.



I actually found this quite amusing.


I have no idea who you are and aren't judging you personally but I agree with a lot of this.

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like i said before, my ladyfriend works in the fashion industry. she was working in toronto, but she was working illegally without a visa. she's also a refugee, so if she got caught, they were going to ship her ass back to laos. so she moved back to where her family lives in upstate ny. that's where we met. i moved here three years ago, and i can't deal with it anymore. there is no work, and if i stay here, i'm just going to become an alcoholic bouncing from dead end job, to dead end job. if i hadn't met her, i probably would have moved to san fran, or back to boston. but she moved back to ny to get back into fashion, where there are actual job opportunities for her. LA is big for that as well, but neither of us want to move there --no offense to any LA heads. i also believe that if you have a good woman, you try not to lose her, so i'm willing to follow.


so understand that we aren't some 21 year old hipster kids, moving down there to try and "be cool" and take over the courderoy pants singer song writer scene of brooklyn. we're moving down there for work and growth. you both may think there is nothing there, but have you ever been upstate? there is more in ny for both of us, than you think. as for it being overpopulated? it's new york city, what do you expect. it's the mecca of the modern world.


saul asked why we want to be there. i've explained it --opportunity. you can hate on me for moving to the city, but just know that i'm not moving there to get my photo in vice magazine, or go all city, or become a rockstar, or any of that bullshit. i'm just moving down there for more job opportunities, a better life with my lady, and a little more motivation than what upstate ny is giving me.


does that make sense?

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ok, here's another question about the city. anyone know of any good cheap spots to get fruits and veggies? we've got a public market up here, which is really good for keeping your pocket in check. if anyone knows of anything in the brooklyn area let me know. thanks.


best place is the farmers market in union square. second best is china town.


also http://www.freshdirect.com is indespensable.

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there's really no such thing as a native new yorker. from day one its been a magnet for people looking for opportunity and will always continue to be so. being born in new york doesnt give anyone the privilege of not having to compete for their slice of the pie, and all the complaints about non-new yorkers just sound like a kid crying over spilled milk.

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