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Ron Paul Revolution!!!!


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lol okay. Im still kinda confused. I can see how nationality and patriotism can be used to control people, but I feel like thats the most basic view. It is totally possible to live diversely in harmony.


Independence can control people too, but with good ethics one can make better decisions.

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i think paul handled russert pretty good despite his misquotes and russert just being nothing more than a mouthpeice for moscow on the potomac and its empire.




i just popped on the tv while i was eating and saw the newscaster blurb about paul on russert.

they showed a clip of dr. paul speaking about dumping the income tax and then she said "by the way, paul has no intention of replacing the income tax with any other form of tax" like it's a bad thing.

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ayo i loved ron paul up until the Meet the Press interview the other morning where he said that he wanted to abolish government run public education...


like come on now dude, libertarianism is interesting and cool to examine and think about, but actually put into action, especially after a neo-conservative administration bureaucracy, theres no way in hell that shits gonna work.


i think more than anything, hes the more true republican in the republican field by staying true to the traditional republican platform, not the christianity and morals based platform of the last 20-30 years. fiscal conservative, small government, and staying withdrawn from foreign affairs, dudes an Eisenhower republican which is dope, dont get me wrong, but i think theres no way it'd work today and which all the shit we've got ourselves into over the last 8 years, theres gonna need to be substantial repair and negotiations through our federal government with other countries and within our own

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libertarian just means (and i know you must understand this) someone who stands on the side of liberty. i hate how people flash that word around like it means the same thing as liberal.


he is an old school republican. and that means get the govt out of our schools. look how much damage they are doing by putting their noses into it (among other things).

you can pretty much guarantee failure when our govt puts its nose into places it doesn't belong.


dr. paul doesn't want to get rid of this all at once. you have to understand that. one thing at a time. we move slowly and transition out of this so it won't have an impact on our country.

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yeah i dont think that libertarian equates to being liberal, im just saying that phasing out public schooling doesnt seem practical and just isnt logically sound either. the public school system, which i dont know alot about, needs to be retasked and reworked so shits not as fucked up as it is now, but getting rid of the institution of public education is ridiculous to me. if people wanna go to private schools and pay for non-government run education, by all means, but you can't eliminate it for everyone unless there is a pretty damn comprehensive plan to ensure the education to those that couldn't afford going to private schools.

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Fter clicking on one of the posted youtube links in the wtc conspiracy theory thread i noticed all of the related links to this stupid 9/11 conspiracy video were to videos of Ron Paul, Also Ron Paul was mentioned by name on one of the videos for absolutely no reason whatsoever. In my opinion this association (probably unwanted on his part) between Ron Paul and 9/11 truthers is going to harm his campaign dramatically in the long run.

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Fter clicking on one of the posted youtube links in the wtc conspiracy theory thread i noticed all of the related links to this stupid 9/11 conspiracy video were to videos of Ron Paul, Also Ron Paul was mentioned by name on one of the videos for absolutely no reason whatsoever. In my opinion this association (probably unwanted on his part) between Ron Paul and 9/11 truthers is going to harm his campaign dramatically in the long run.



truthers only like him because he said he wasn't satisfied with the official investigation.

that is the connection. nothing weird about it.


and to be frank, i think maybe they want people to know that is his position on the matter

because of the upcoming elections.

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i personally think 911 activism should be stopped and replaced with Ron Paul activism until God willing he wins.

Ron Paul will help an independent investigation take place more than the street activism people do about 911.

yet im not saying HIDE 911 truth completly.



they have tried 100s of times to hurt his reputation with 911 truth, only the wicked fall for it.

truthers like him because he doesnt want a big government. truthers know the main reason 911 happened was because government had the power to do it.

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i think abolition of the youth propaghanda camps, aka, public schools, would be in america's interest.

but russert was demogoging the issue. the president nor the federal government, constitutionally, has no authority intervene in local schools. public schools are a relatively new thing. ron paul, as well as just about any constitutionalist's position, is to get the feds out of local public schooling. the reason why, is the same principle of decentralization equaling more liberty. each locality would get control what to teach thier kids. localities would differ, and would actually compete for which type of citizens they want to live there. the san fran hippy types could teach what they want and the mountain states could teach what they want.


of course groups would differ on certain things, but with liberty you have to be tolerant of other views.


i know i know, if ron paul abolished the dept of ed, then he would appoint that storm front guy to be the fuhrer of the new ministry of education and teach kids that nazi's are totally bad ass.

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allow me to elaborate on this statement.


"of course groups would differ on certain things, but with liberty you have to be tolerant of other views. "


when i said that, what i meant to say, is that if you live in california and teach that mary jane smoking is awesome, and in idaho, they teach teetotalism, neither state has a right to use force to control the other states business.

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Ok, thanks.



On that note though, I wonder how much that will work though.



I think of the issues the country had with the Articles of Confederation and different currencies, different tarrifs, etc. and I can only imagine them being compounded in versions of the same arguments but about incongruous legislation.


I just do not think this country could survive in the fashion you are speaking of.

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i think that if articles were amended like they were supposed to be at the philadelphia convention, the minor problems could of been worked out. but this is not saying that either the constitution or the articles are perfect. but one thing is for sure, the constitution surely hasnt worked. apparently you cant successfully restrain the .gov.


but i would rather have some quarrels over which states accept which foreign gold peices than an empire, an out of control bureaucracy in DC, and severely diminished personal liberty.

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"you are missing the point that each state could just as easily diminish personal liberty as well."


without a doubt brother.

thing is if authority is dispersed as much as possible you have the liberty to move to a more friendly area. liberty havens would develop and police states would develop. if power is decentralized as possible, the tyranny is much more tolerable.


who would you rather go up against... andy from mayberry or a '3 lettered agency that doesnt exists' with the full force of the hugest military industrial complex in the whole world?

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EDIT- this is directed towards casek.


Cmon, lets not kid ourselves here. Just because some old dudes said our liberties are inalienable does not mean they can not restrict them.


Just as you guys are bitching about the macroscopic diminution of rights by the fed, if you relegated these issues to the state it is just as possible that the STATE INSTITUTION, let me repeat, INSTITUTION, could at a microscopic level just as easily impose the same structures in their own legislature. You act as if state government is so different from the fed. It really isn't.

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"you are missing the point that each state could just as easily diminish personal liberty as well."


without a doubt brother.

thing is if authority is dispersed as much as possible you have the liberty to move to a more friendly area. liberty havens would develop and police states would develop. if power is decentralized as possible, the tyranny is much more tolerable.


who would you rather go up against... andy from mayberry or a '3 lettered agency that doesnt exists' with the full force of the hugest military industrial complex in the whole world?


I would prefer to slip through the cracks in the larger system. To use my understanding of how fucked it is to get by, rather than get necessarily caught in a potentially worse police state.



I am unclear how you can say tyranny is tolerable in any way. I wouldn't think somethin like that would come from you of all people.

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Well I am an independent with moderate to conservative views. I’ve seen young people who would seem more on the democrat side of things throwing around the Ron Paul stickers pamphlets and all that shit. Never heard of him and figured he was democrat but was shocked to know he is a republican, which younger folk usually despise. (face it its true) I personally lean towards the right more often in terms of foreign policy and for the simple premise of making government smaller, which unfortunately means that some social programs get cut. Welfare should not be taken out completely; it should be regulated much more. When I was kid, we rocked the government cheese and peanut butter and the generic cans that say USDA Pork. However, we used it as a supplement until we were able to get back on our feet. That’s how it should be. A fall back till you get back up, not something permanent. I knew friends that paid a dollar for rent and had like 6 brothers and sisters, moms didn’t have a job and/or didn’t even bother looking for one. They had better clothes than me and all that shit. Anyways I'm rambling now. I read Ron Paul’s site and his stances on issues and agree 100% with him on the immigration shit. My parents came from Guatemala and were immigrants me and my brother and my sister where born in NY. My family came here legally. Sure it takes awhile and I think that can be something that can be changed. I agree with him on most of his views except for his foreign policy. I feel that we should have bases around the world in our allies’ countries (if they let us) because it is protecting our country. My cousin was stationed in South Korea, close to our "enemy". WARNING: HEAVY EBONICS AHEAD (I gotta break it down) So if shit goes down we got niggas there to run up in that bitch and take care of business. Its logic. The world is just one big ass neighborhood and were the US gang. We got niggas across town that are our boys, Britain, and we other cats that’s down with us. Some little hater niggas came to our block and caught us sleepin (Taliban). So we said fuck these niggas we rounded up the troops and our boys and said lets get these fucks.and we sorta did but then for some reason we saw some other niggas that we scrapped with before (Iraq) and heard they had some big gats so we was like Yo fuck lets get these niggas too. Why? Basically, we was shook, we got caught sleepin, so any nigga lookin at us hard was gettin it. Last time niggas caught us sleeping we got real gutta and dropped nuclear weapons on some cats (Japan) I mean its really weird when you think about it we proved to the world that were really willing to drop nukes on heads. WE REALLY DID IT. The whole block saw that shit and said DAMN!!! Yo, you saw THAT?? WHATT!!!! Man I aint never seen that before!! Its like some Keyser Soze shit, we had the will to do what other niggas wouldn’t do, The Russians was on some gorilla pimp shit. They were head to head with us but never pulled out.. We was flashing our new guns and throwing up signs and all that stupid shit but unfortunately they weren’t hustling hard enough to pay for those guns and we won that. Russia lost some hoes from there stable (Germany uniting again, the Stan countries, I’m not calling you hoes either its just for illustration purposes) now I am really ranting so ill stop. To sum it all up so far this guy is looking the best so far cuz I do not want any of these democrat candidates in office, there too weak in my eyes.

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