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Ron Paul Revolution!!!!


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It's taken me forever to respond to this because this opening line is just so incredibly unencouraging that I read it and go "argh, I'll respond later"... it reminds me that no matter how much any of us would like to engage you in discussion, you eventually regress to the same talking points over and over, not addressing any of the real issues being brought up. You also love to take your grey area-walking opponents and pretend they sit on black ground, where its easy for you to rant away from your white podium. ie: I am against total landowner omnipotence and dismissal of landowner responsibility towards nature, therefore I am COMPLETELY against any kind of property rights. It's not that simple.


I still see no response to the house analogy. Again, are we to allow tenants to do whatever they want to their rooms even if it brings the house down? You seem to be agreeing with me that they shouldn't, because that affects other tenant's properties, but then you ridicule scientists when they try to warn and regulate that that's precisely what's gonna happen if tenants keep up with their frivolous "exercising of their rights". So which one is it? It's lovely to think that all threats to nature come in big broad easy-to-point-out swipes, but the truth is that within the complexity of nature it's the small incremental changes that do the most damage.


I just took a break and went out to lunch and now I'm all sleepy. Maybe I'll continue later.



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The blimp is just another way to spread his name to people who haven't heard it yet.


I still get a lot of "who?" when people ask me who I'm going to vote for and I say Ron Paul. Clearly what happens on the internet doesn't reach everyone, so why not throw a gigantic blimp in the air, over a few major cities for the WHOLE city to see.


I think this is great. I just hope nothing bad happens to the blimp. Wouldn't want to see Ron Paul go down in flames.



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The blimp is just another way to spread his name to people who haven't heard it yet.


I still get a lot of "who?" when people ask me who I'm going to vote for and I say Ron Paul. Clearly what happens on the internet doesn't reach everyone, so why not throw a gigantic blimp in the air, over a few major cities for the WHOLE city to see.


I think this is great. I just hope nothing bad happens to the blimp. Wouldn't want to see Ron Paul go down in flames.




nothing bad will happen to it. it's going to be neat as fuck to see that shit

and then see the media's reaction. fuckers ignore dr. paul like he's not even running.

they hate it,

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just out of curiosity, when ron paul doesn't make it past the republican primaries, for whom will all of you staunch ron paul supporters be voting for? will it be some other republican, or perhaps a democrat?


this is a real question, so even though i'd bet my life that this dude will not make it past the primaries, let's put it in a hypothetical context, so this doesn't turn in to an argument as to weather or not this guy will get the nomination.

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just out of curiosity, when ron paul doesn't make it past the republican primaries, for whom will all of you staunch ron paul supporters be voting for? will it be some other republican, or perhaps a democrat?


this is a real question, so even though i'd bet my life that this dude will not make it past the primaries, let's put it in a hypothetical context, so this doesn't turn in to an argument as to weather or not this guy will get the nomination.


ron paul. hoping he won't stay faithful to the party if he doesn't get the primary bid,

and run libertarian.

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well, i'm a registered republican. and that's how i am voting.

so are all of my friends who are voting...


kinda screws up what you're thinking, huh?


im not sure i get that.

if you mean that you and all your registered republican friends are going to be voting for ronnie 'right of mussolini' paul on the libertarian ticket, then no. that's exactly what i'm thinking, and hoping for.

if you mean that you and all your registered republican friends will be voting for whoever the republican candidate is, then i guess that contradicts what you had just said about who you're going to vote for once this dude loses to one of the other republicans.

please clarify.


just the same, this dude will never become president.

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im not sure i get that.

if you mean that you and all your registered republican friends are going to be voting for ronnie 'right of mussolini' paul on the libertarian ticket, then no. that's exactly what i'm thinking, and hoping for.

if you mean that you and all your registered republican friends will be voting for whoever the republican candidate is, then i guess that contradicts what you had just said about who you're going to vote for once this dude loses to one of the other republicans.

please clarify.


just the same, this dude will never become president.




no, on the republican ticket...i will be voting in my states open primary as a republican.

and where do you get the mussolini mud slinging?

do you even like our country? honor our constitution?



btw: you do know dr. paul is getting more and more popular every day? winning most of the straw polls, gaining monetary support, etc?

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no, on the republican ticket...i will be voting in my states open primary as a republican.

and where do you get the mussolini mud slinging?

do you even like our country? honor our constitution?



btw: you do know dr. paul is getting more and more popular every day? winning most of the straw polls, gaining monetary support, etc?


naw dude, i'm from massachusetts, so i'm a complete fuckin commie pinko who wants a country full of tree hugging, married, gay stem cell researching atheists with free health insurance. i hate this country. duh!


yeah, dude's getting more popular by the second. we know. he'll still never be president.


and what i had commented on was post primary, as i'd said. so to answer your question, no. it doesn't screw up what i was thinking at all. like i said, i'm psyched that all the republican ron paul supporters will be 'nadering' their own party by voting for him on a libertarian ticket.



it's cute when you call dude "dr. paul." like, it kind of gives off this impression that you two are tight or some shit. it sounds kind of endearing.


so, what about the rest of you? who's got your vote once "dr. paul's" run for the republican nomination goes over like a lead zeppelin? (not unlike that blimp all these fools threw away their money on)

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naw dude, i'm from massachusetts, so i'm a complete fuckin commie pinko who wants a country full of tree hugging, married, gay stem cell researching atheists with free health insurance. i hate this country. duh!


yeah, dude's getting more popular by the second. we know. he'll still never be president.


and what i had commented on was post primary, as i'd said. so to answer your question, no. it doesn't screw up what i was thinking at all. like i said, i'm psyched that all the republican ron paul supporters will be 'nadering' their own party by voting for him on a libertarian ticket.



it's cute when you call dude "dr. paul." like, it kind of gives off this impression that you two are tight or some shit. it sounds kind of endearing.


so, what about the rest of you? who's got your vote once "dr. paul's" run for the republican nomination goes over like a lead zeppelin? (not unlike that blimp all these fools threw away their money on)




first off: i call him dr. paul because that is his title. dr. of obstetrics. it's out of respect.

when i speak of my dr., i refer to him as dr. khaled. i don't just call him "joe" or something.



i'm enjoying this, man. seriously. and you're voting for hillary? is that right?


"nadering"? ha! i actually kinda liked nader, but found it disappointing when he went weird on the campaign trail. but i really haven't supported any candidate in a very long time. just not much of a choice. and before dr. paul came along, i wasn't very keen on voting.


you're from mass? pretty democratic are up there. kennedy family and whatnot. but i am surprised that you don't like dr. paul since he is for the same thing kennedy was for...abolishing the federal reserve.


guess some people are just suckers for punishment.


anyway, keep up the conversation. it's interesting.

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is this an established fact? as in the authenticity of those documents is proven etc etc? if so that's pretty amazing, i'm very surprised i;ve never heard that before assuming it's true


yeah, it's real. i was surprised, too. i knew when he was military he had intelligence connections, but had no idea it went further.

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