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look, it's not about mexicans. it's about the illegality. it's about the people

coming here to find a better life and fucking our country up by draining our

funds city by city, county by county, and state by state.

not contributing to our economy by spending 40% of what they earn here and sending the other 60% back to mexico.


i don't see the mccain kennedy bill as being anything but high treason.

you don't let people who come here illegally get tax breaks. you don't

let convicted murderers, child molesters, etc have a second chance in our country.

and that is in the bill. it gets worse.


here it is. and this is only 20 of the loopholes.




20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration Bill




* Loophole 1 – Legal Status Before Enforcement:



Amnesty benefits do not wait for the “enforcement trigger.” After filing an application and waiting 24 hours, illegal aliens will receive full “probationary benefits,” complete with the ability to legally live and work in the U.S., travel outside of the U.S. and return, and their own social security card. Astonishingly, if the trigger is never met and amnesty applications are therefore never “approved,” the probationary benefits granted to the illegal alien population never expire, and the new social security cards issued to the illegal alien population are not revoked. [see pp. 1, 290-291, & 315].



* Loophole 2 – U.S. VISIT Exit Not In Trigger:



The “enforcement trigger,” required to be met before the new temporary worker program begins, does not require that the exit portion of U.S. VISIT system – the biometric border check-in/check-out system first required by Congress in 1996 that is already well past its already postponed 2005 implementation due date – to be in place before new worker or amnesty programs begin. Without the U.S. VISIT exit portion, the U.S. has no method to ensure that workers (or their visiting families) do not overstay their visas. Our current illegal population contains 4 to 5.5 million visa overstays, therefore, we know that the U.S. VISIT exit component is key to a successful new temporary worker program. [see pp. 1-2].



* Loophole 3 – Trigger Requires No More Agents, Beds, or Fencing Than Current Law:



The “enforcement trigger” does not require the Department of Homeland Security to have detention space sufficient to end “catch and release” at the border and in the interior. Even after the adoption of amendment 1172, the trigger merely requires the addition of 4,000 detention beds, bringing DHS to a 31,500 bed capacity. This is far short of the 43,000 beds required under current law to be in place by the end of 2007, or the additional 20,000 beds required later in the bill. Additionally, the bill establishes a “catch, pay, and release” program. This policy will benefit illegal aliens from countries other than Mexico that are caught at the border, then can post a $5,000 bond, be released and never show up for deportation hearings. Annual failure to appear rates for 2005 and 2006, caused in part by lack of detention space, doubled the 2004 rate (106,000 – 110,000 compared with 54,000). Claims that the bill “expands fencing” are inaccurate. The bill only requires 370 miles of fencing to be completed, while current law already mandates that more than 700 miles be constructed [see pp. 1-2, & 10-11, and EOIR’s FY2006 Statistical Yearbook, p. H2, and The Secure Fence Act of 2004].



* Loophole 4 -- Three Additional Years Worth of Illegal Aliens Granted Status, Treated Preferentially To Legal Filers:



Aliens who broke into the country illegally a mere 5 months ago, are treated better than foreign nationals who legally applied to come to the U.S. more than two years ago. Aliens who can prove they were illegally in the U.S. on January 1, 2007, are immediately eligible to apply from inside the U.S. for amnesty benefits, while foreign nationals that filed applications to come to the U.S. after May 1, 2005 must start the application process over again from their home countries. Last year’s bill required illegal aliens to have been here before January 7, 2004 to qualify for permanent legal status. [see pp. 263, 282, & 306].



* Loophole 5 – Completion of Background Checks Not Required For Probationary Legal Status:



Legal status must be granted to illegal aliens 24 hours after they file an application, even if the aliens have not yet “passed all appropriate background checks.” (Last year’s bill gave DHS 90 days to check an alien’s background before any status was granted). No legal status should be given to any illegal alien until all appropriate background checks are complete. [see pp. 290].



* Loophole 6 – Some Child Molesters Are Still Eligible:



Some aggravated felons – those who have sexually abused a minor – are eligible for amnesty. A child molester who committed the crime before the bill is enacted is not barred from getting amnesty if their conviction document omitted the age of the victim. The bill corrects this loophole for future child molesters, but does not close the loophole for current or past convictions. [see p. 47: 30-33, & p. 48: 1-2]



* Loophole 7 – Terrorism Connections Allowed, Good Moral Character Not Required:



Illegal aliens with terrorism connections are not barred from getting amnesty. An illegal alien seeking most immigration benefits must show “good moral character.” Last year’s bill specifically barred aliens with terrorism connections from having “good moral character” and being eligible for amnesty. This year’s bill does neither. Additionally, bill drafters ignored the Administration’s request that changes be made to the asylum, cancellation of removal, and withholding of removal statutes in order to prevent aliens with terrorist connections from receiving relief. [Compare §204 in S. 2611 from the 109th Congress with missing §204 on p. 48 of S.A. 1150, & see missing subsection (5) on p. 287 of S.A. 1150].



* Loophole 8 – Gang Members Are Eligible:



Instead of ensuring that members of violent gangs such as MS 13 are deported after coming out of the shadows to apply for amnesty, the bill will allow violent gang members to get amnesty as long as they “renounce” their gang membership on their application. [see p. 289: 34-36].



* Loophole 9 – Absconders Are Eligible:



Aliens who have already had their day in court – those subject to final orders of removal, voluntary departure orders, or reinstatement of their final orders of removal – are eligible for amnesty under the bill. The same is true for aliens who have made a false claim to citizenship or engaged in document fraud. More than 636,000 alien fugitives could be covered by this loophole. [see p. 285:19-22 which waives the following inadmissibility grounds: failure to attend a removal proceeding; final orders of removal for alien smuggling; aliens unlawfully present after previous immigration violations or deportation orders; and aliens previously removed. This appears to conflict with language on p. 283:40-41. When a direct conflict appears in a statute, the statue is interpreted by the courts to the benefit of the alien.].



* Loophole 10 – Learning English Not Required For A Decade:



Illegal aliens are not required to demonstrate any proficiency in English for more than a decade after they are granted amnesty. Learning English is not required for an illegal alien to receive probationary benefits, the first 4-year Z visa, or the second 4-year Z visa. The first Z visa renewal (the second 4-year Z visa) requires only that the alien demonstrate an “attempt” to learn English by being “on a waiting list for English classes.” Passing a basic English test is required only for a second Z visa renewal (the third 4-year Z visa), and even then the alien only has to pass the test “prior to the expiration of the second extension of Z status” (12 years down the road). [see pp. 295-296].



* Loophole 11 – Earned Income Tax Credit Will Cost Taxpayers Billions In Just 10 Years:



Current illegal aliens and new guest workers will be eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, a refundable tax credit designed to encourage American citizens and legal permanent residents to work. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this loophole will cost the U.S. taxpayer up to $20 billion dollars in just the first 10 years after the bill’s enactment. To be consistent with the intent of the 1996 welfare reforms – which limited new immigrants from receiving public benefits until they had been legal permanent residents for five years – the bill should withhold EITC eligibility from amnestied aliens until they become legal permanent residents. Closing this loophole will save the taxpayers billions of dollars. [see p. 293 after S.A. 1190 was adopted, p. 307, p. 315, §606. All that is required for EITC eligibility is a social security number and resident alien status. Nothing in the bill’s tax provisions limit EITC eligibility. The issuance of social security numbers to aliens as soon as they apply for amnesty will ensure they are able to qualify for the EITC.]



* Loophole 12 – Affidavits From Friends Accepted As Evidence:



Records from day-labor centers, labor unions, and “sworn declarations” from any non-relative (acquaintances, friends, coworkers, etc) are to be accepted as evidence that the illegal alien has satisfied the bill’s amnesty requirements. This low burden of proof will invite fraud and more illegal immigration – even aliens who are not yet in the U.S. will likely meet this burden of proof. DHS will not have the resources to examine whether the claims contained in the “sworn declarations” of the alien’s friends (that the alien was here prior to January 1, 2007 and is currently employed) are actually valid. [see p. 293: 13-16].



* Loophole 13 – Taxpayer Funded Legal Counsel and Arbitration:



Free legal counsel and the fees and expenses of arbitrators will be provided to aliens that have been working illegally in agriculture. The U.S. taxpayer will fund the attorneys that help these individuals fill out their amnesty applications. Additionally, if these individuals have a dispute with their employer over whether they were fired for “just cause,” DHS will “pay the fee and expenses of the arbitrator.” [see p. 339:37-41, & p. 332: 37-38.]



* Loophole 14 – In-State Tuition and Student Loans:



In-state tuition and other higher education benefits, such as Stafford Loans, will be made available to current illegal aliens that are granted initial “probationary” status, even if the same in-state tuition rates are not offered to all U.S. citizens. This would normally violate current law (8 U.S.C. §1623) which mandates that educational institutions give citizens the same postsecondary education benefits they offer to illegal aliens. [see p. 321: 8-31].



* Loophole 15 – Inadequacy of the Merit System:



The “merit system,” designed to shift the U.S. green card distribution system to attract higher skilled workers that benefit the national interest, is only a shell of what it should have been. Though the merit system begins immediately, it will not increase the percentage of high skilled immigrants coming to the United States until 2016, 8 years after enactment. Of the 247,000 green cards dedicated to the merit based system each year for the first 5 years, 100,000 green cards will be reserved for low-skilled guest workers (10,000) and for clearing the current employment based green card backlog (90,000). From 2013 to 2015, the number of merit based green cards drops to 140,000, and of that number, 100,000 green cards are still reserved each year for low-skilled guest workers (10,000) and for clearing the current employment based green card backlog (90,000). Even after 2015, when the merit system really begins (in 2016) by having 380,000 green cards annually, 10,00 green cards will be reserved specifically for low skilled workers, and points will be given for many characteristics that are not considered “high-skilled.” For example, 16 points will be given for aliens in “high demand occupations” which includes janitors, maids, food preparation workers, and groundskeepers. [see p.260: 25 – p. 261: 20, p. 262, & The Department of Labor’s list of “occupations with the largest job growth” available at http://www.bls.gov/emp/emptab3.htm].




* Loophole 16 – Visas For Individuals That Plan To Overstay:



The new “parent” visa contained in the bill which allows parents of citizens, and the spouses and children of new temporary workers, to visit a worker in the United States is not only a misnomer, but also an invitation for high rates of visa overstays. This new visa specifically allows the spouse and children of new temporary workers who intend to abandon their residence in a foreign country, to qualify to come to the U.S. to “visit.” The visa requires only a $1,000 bond, which will be forfeited when, not if, family members of new temporary workers decide to overstay their 30 day visit. Workers should travel to their home countries to visit their families, not the other way around. [see p. 277:1 – 33, and p. 276: 38-43].



* Loophole 17 – Chain Migration Tippled Before Being Eliminated:



Though the bill will eventually eliminate chain migration (relatives other than spouses and children of citizens and legal permanent residents), it will not have full effect until 2016. Until then, chain migration into the U.S. will actually triple, from approximately 138,000 chain migrants a year (equal to 14% of the 1 million green cards the U.S. currently distributes on an annual basis) to approximately 440,000 chain migrants a year (equal to 45% of the 1 million green cards the U.S. currently distributes on an annual basis). [see pp. 260:13, p. 270: 29 – pp. 271: 17]



* Loophole 18 – Back Taxes Not Required:



Last year’s bill required illegal aliens to prove they had paid three of their last five years of taxes to get amnesty. This year, payment of back taxes is not required for amnesty. The bill requires taxes to be paid at the time of application for a green card, but at that time, only proof of payment of Federal taxes (not state and local) is required for the years the alien worked on a Z visa, not the years the alien has already worked illegally in the United States. Though Senator McCain’s S.A. 1190, adopted by voice vote, claimed to “require undocumented immigrants receiving legal status to pay owed back taxes,” the amendment actually only required proof of payment of taxes for “any year during the period of employment required by subparagraph (D)(i).” Since the bill does not contain a subparagraph (D)(i), nor require any past years of employment as a prerequisite for amnesty, the amendment essentially only requires proof of payment of taxes for future work in the U.S., not payment of “back taxes.” [see p. 307, and p. 293 as altered by S.A. 1190, amendment p. 2: 19-20.]



* Loophole 19 – Social Security Credits Allowed For Some Illegal Work Histories:



Aliens who came to the U.S. on legal visas, but overstayed their visas and have been working in the U.S. for years, as well as illegal aliens who apply for Z visa status but do not qualify, will be able to collect social security credits for the years they worked illegally. Under the bill, if an alien was ever issued a social security account number – all work-authorized aliens who originally came on legal visas receive these – the alien will receive Social Security credits for any “quarters of coverage” the alien worked after receiving their social security account number. Because the bill requires social security account numbers to be issued “promptly” to illegal aliens as soon as they are granted “any probationary benefits based upon application [for Z status]” (these benefits are granted 24 hours after the application is filed), an illegal alien who is denied Z visa status but continues to work illegally in the U.S. will accumulate Social Security credits. [see pp. 316:8 – 16, and pp. 315: 32-39]



* Loophole 20 – Criminal Fines Not Proportional To Conduct:



The criminal fines an illegal alien is required to pay to receive amnesty are less than the bill’s criminal fines for paperwork violations committed by U.S. citizens, and can be paid by installment. Under the bill, an illegal alien must pay a $1,000 criminal fine to apply for a Z visa, and a $4,000 fine to apply for a green card. Eighty percent of those fines can be paid on an installment plan. Under the bill’s confidentiality provisions, someone who improperly handles or uses information on an alien’s amnesty application can be fined $10,000. Administration officials suggest that the bill’s “criminal fines are proportionate to the criminal conduct.” Why, then, is the fine for illegally entering, using false documents to work, and live one-tenth the fine for a paperwork violation committed by a government official? [see p. 287: 34, p. 317: 9, p. 315:6-8, & remarks made by Secretary Gutierrez on Your World with Neil Cavuto, 4:00 May 31, 2007]

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look, it's not about mexicans. it's about the illegality. it's about the people

coming here to find a better life and fucking our country up by draining our

funds city by city, county by county, and state by state.

not contributing to our economy by spending 40% of what they earn here and sending the other 60% back to mexico.





disintegrate the economy?


first off, the work that illegal mexicans do contribute over 100 bilion dollars a year into the econonmy,yet it only costs around 20 billion to keep them here. aren't they paying their rent?


second, illegal immigrants have been coming over the border since the 1800's,since the mexican-american war, and the spanish-american war. that is when the majority of them did come over the border. BUT NO ONE MADE AN ISSUE OF IT UNTIL 9/11 WHEN WHITE AMERICA BECAME SCARED OF BROWN PEOPLE.


thrid off, they do the majority of the food harvesting and construction work in america, they have been for the past few decades. THEY ARE AMERICA. if it wasnt for the food industry and construction industry, america would be shit, and illegal mexicans are doing all the work.


fourth, on the topic of health care, did you know that white-american white-collar fraud steals almost 200 billion dollars a year out of the medical system. and thats for what? new SUV's and 5th summer homes? yet when someone actually needs real free healthcare,the american public gets into a racist uproar?


you know whos illegal? europeans. europeans came here illegally, and genocided over 200 million indiginous americans,and then european style government and politics and people have nerve to call native americans illegal?



also, less then half of the 15 million or so illegals are actually mexican or latino. the rest are mainly irish,european, russian and asian. yet no one makes noise about them. why is it always focused on mexicans? i know why. BECAUSE THEY ARE BROWN SKINNED.

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disintegrate the economy?


first off, the work that mexicans do contribute over 100 bilion dollars a year into the econonmy,yet it only costs around 20 billion to keep them here. aren't they paying their rent?


second, illegal immigrants have been coming over the border since the 1800's,since the mexican-american war, and the spanish-american war. that is when the majority of them did come over the border. BUT NO ONE MADE AN ISSUE OF IT UNTIL 9/11 WHEN WHITE AMERICA BECAME SCARED OF BROWN PEOPLE.


thrid off, they do the majority of the food harvesting and construction work in america, they have been for the past few decades. THEY ARE AMERICA. if it wasnt for the food industry and construction industry, america would be shit, and illegal mexicans are doing all the work.


fourth, on the topic of health care, did you know that white-american white-collar fraud steals almost 200 billion dollars a year out of the medical system. and thats for what? new SUV's and 5th summer homes? yet when someone actually needs real free healthcare,the american public gets into a racist uproar?


you know whos illegal? europeans. europeans came here illegally, and genocided over 200 million indiginous americans,and then european style government and politics and people have nerve to call native americans illegal?



you know who did it before chicanos were here? us. white, black, etc.

you know what happened when the goverment raided the tyson chicken

plant for illegals and shipped off 2,000 of them? there was a line of legal american workers waiting to work the next morning.


did you know that 30% of the 300 million people here are illegals by the mexican

governments own statistics.



i'll discuss this more in a while. i've got some work to do at the moment.

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also the majority of people on welfare in america are white americans,fact.thats whos draining the economy. also out-sourcing of jobs by american companies. also corporate fraud by white americans. also tax evasion by american corporations(walmart doesnt pay taxes due to a loophole).also pointless wars. also insurance fraud by white collar americans.also a european based-white majority government filled with absolute imbeciles who just want to line their pockets.


not mexicans who come here to do the work that americans are to good to do,because it doesnt pay enough money for a new suv and big screen tv.



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you know who did it before chicanos were here? us. white, black, etc.



they have always been here.also remember, besides the native american aspect of the whole issue, spanish was the first european language of the americas,including north america. majority of west coast cities have spanish names. majority of the southern u.s cities have spanish names.


thats why english will never be america's official language,no matter how hard they try.

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Plan of San Diego

University of Texas' Handbook of Texas Online

by Don M. Coerver


With the outbreak of revolution in northern Mexico in 1910, federal authorities and officials of the state of Texas feared that the violence and disorder might spill over into the Rio Grande valley. The Mexican and Mexican-American populations residing in the Valley far outnumbered the Anglo population. Many Valley residents either had relatives living in areas of Mexico affected by revolutionary activity or aided the various revolutionary factions in Mexico. The revolution caused an influx of political refugees and illegal immigrants into the border region, politicizing the Valley population and disturbing the traditional politics of the region. Some radical elements saw the Mexican Revolution as an opportunity to bring about drastic political and economic changes in South Texas. The most extreme example of this was a movement supporting the "Plan of San Diego," a revolutionary manifesto supposedly written and signed at the South Texas town of San Diego on January 6, 1915. The plan, actually drafted in a jail in Monterrey, Nuevo León, provided for the formation of a "Liberating Army of Races and Peoples," to be made up of Mexican Americans, African Americans, and Japanese, to "free" the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, and Colorado from United States control. The liberated states would be organized into an independent republic, which might later seek annexation to Mexico. There would be a no-quarter race war, with summary execution of all white males over the age of sixteen. The revolution was to begin on February 20, 1915. Federal and state officials found a copy of the plan when local authorities in McAllen, Texas, arrested Basilio Ramos, Jr., one of the leaders of the plot, on January 24, 1915.


The arrival of February 20 produced only another revolutionary manifesto, rather than the promised insurrection. Similar to the original plan, this second Plan of San Diego emphasized the "liberation" of the proletariat and focused on Texas, where a "social republic" would be established to serve as a base for spreading the revolution throughout the southwestern United States. Indians were also to be enlisted in the cause. But with no signs of revolutionary activity, state and federal authorities dismissed the plan as one more example of the revolutionary rhetoric that flourished along the border. This feeling of complacency was shattered in July 1915 with a series of raids in the lower Rio Grande valley connected with the Plan of San Diego. These raids were led by two adherents of Venustiano Carranza, revolutionary general, and Aniceto Pizaña and Luis De la Rosa, residents of South Texas. The bands used the guerilla tactics of disrupting transportation and communication in the border area and killing Anglos. In response, the United States Army moved reinforcements into the area.


A third version of the plan called for the foundation of a "Republic of Texas" to be made up of Texas, New Mexico, California, Arizona, and parts of Mississippi and Oklahoma. San Antonio, Texas, was to serve as revolutionary headquarters, and the movement's leadership continued to come from South Texas. Raids originated on both sides of the Rio Grande, eventually assuming a pattern of guerilla warfare. Raids from the Mexican side came from territory under the control of Carranza, whose officers were accused of supporting the raiders. When the United States recognized Carranza as president of Mexico in October 1915, the raids came to an abrupt halt. Relations between the United States and Carranza quickly turned sour, however, amid growing violence along the border. When forces under another revolutionary general, Francisco (Pancho) Villa, attacked Columbus, New Mexico, in March 1916, the United States responded by sending a large military force under Gen. John J. Pershing into northern Mexico in pursuit of Villa. When the United States rejected Carranza's demands to withdraw Pershing's troops, fear of a military conflict between the United States and Mexico grew. In this volatile context, there was a renewal of raiding under the Plan of San Diego in May 1916. Mexican officials were even considering the possibility of combining the San Diego raiders with regular Mexican forces in an attack on Laredo. In late June, Mexican and United States officials agreed to a peaceful settlement of differences, and raids under the Plan of San Diego came to a halt.


The Plan of San Diego and the raids that accompanied it were originally attributed to the supporters of the ousted Mexican dictator Gen. Victoriano Huerta, who had been overthrown by Carranza in 1914. The evidence indicates, however, that the raids were carried out by followers of Carranza, who manipulated the movement in an effort to influence relations with the United States. Fatalities directly linked to the raids were surprisingly small; between July 1915 and July 1916 some thirty raids into Texas produced only twenty-one American deaths, both civilian and military. More destructive and disruptive was the near race war that ensued in the wake of the plan as relations between the whites and the Mexicans and Mexican Americans deteriorated in 1915-16. Federal reports indicated that more than 300 Mexicans or Mexican Americans were summarily executed in South Texas in the atmosphere generated by the plan. Economic losses ran into the millions of dollars, and virtually all residents of the lower Rio Grande valley suffered some disruption in their lives from the raids. Moreover, the plan's legacy of racial antagonism endured long after the plan itself had been forgotten.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Don M. Coerver and Linda B. Hall, Texas and the Mexican Revolution: A Study in State and National Border Policy, 1910-1920 (San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 1984). Charles C. Cumberland, "Border Raids in the Lower Rio Grande Valley-1915," Southwestern Historical Quarterly 57 (January 1954). Charles H. Harris III and Louis R. Sadler, "The Plan of San Diego and the Mexican-U.S. War Crisis of 1916: A Reexamination," Hispanic American Historical Review 58 (August 1978). Friedrich Katz, The Secret War in Mexico: Europe, the United States and the Mexican Revolution (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981). James A. Sandos, "The Plan of San Diego: War and Diplomacy on the Texas Border, 1915-1916," Arizona and the West 14 (Spring 1972). James Sandos, Rebellion in the Borderlands: Anarchism and the Plan of San Diego, 1904-1923 (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992).

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i want you to be honest with me sun y.

what would happen to americans if they went to mexico

illegally, moved into mexico city and started demanding

free health care, english in schools for their children, free medical care,

english on the signs in supermarkets, tax breaks, etc?

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haha, damn this is funny. considering how ron paul was saying that when you subsidize something you get more of it, and how these govt programs cause resentment and make illegal immigrants the scape goats during the cnn debate.


blah blah blah, kill whitey, every non citizen in the world deserves hand outs from the US governments, corporations kill people, blah blah blah

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^I'm not even going to bother reading through any of the other posts on here.

I can't believe you people are even talking about a fucking Republican. I just remembered why I steer clear of Crossfire to begin with.


im guessing its because you;'re to unintelligent to see anything beyond black and white. And thus you see a word like republican and automatically think he must be terrible and then go and vote for hilary clinton because the word 'democrat' is more papealign to you. It's that attitude that makes the system run so smoothly props

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coming from someone who's ancestors were sent to an island because of their criminal charges, that doesn't hold very much weight.




Australians were sent here with nothing and built the country up. Id like to see some americans do the same. (without using slave labour)

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Australians were sent here with nothing and built the country up. Id like to see some americans do the same. (without using slave labour)



chill out, i was just giving you a taste of your own medicine.


drunken asshole oner: you are seriously confused. republicans and neo-conservatives are two different animals.

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I work at a job where a large amount of our customers are chinese and mexican immigrants.

We accomadate these customers by hiring spanish speaking and chinese speaking employees and have deposit/ withdrawal slips in english/ spanish, chinese. I find no problem with doing things like this a. becuase when this country first began english was not the primary language, b. i think about my ancestors who when they moved from california to colorado where there was minimal "color", basically their culture was raped from them by discrimination and they had no help what so ever in learnign english and no accomadations becuase they didnt speak the language. It may be wrong for people to come to America from other countries to work and send the money back to their home country "disintegrating the economy" but the whole reason they are doing it is the economy they lived in is shit, some countries are in ruins becuase of america. So can you really blame them. Casek is right there are many loopholes in the system that allow them to stay here but i think this is becuase no matter how hard Americans try to say that Immagrants are taking their jobs Americans would never work these jobs anyways and if they did the price in produce would go up immensly making shit too expensive. So Immigrants dont have healthcare, work cheaply, get treated like dirt,and techinically they do take jobs away from legal citizens, have minimal accomadations for the whole language thing but in turn send their money back to their home country where it probably feeds and houses a family so that they can live and we get our shit for cheaper i think honeslty even though it sounds like i am supporting sun y el sol that they balance eachother out and the only way we will dimminish the amount of immigrants we have in this country is if America for one stops screwing over indigenous countries to beagan with or helps them in a way were it will not benefit them pick they're feet up. Anyway to conclude for the past month my job has not had any of the yellow wiithdrawal slips that have english on them and I cant tell you how many times people have complained that they cant find the right slip and that the only slips out there are in chinese/ spanish...the thing that gets me is that the slips are in both chinese and english. My customers are just too lazy and stupid to pay attention

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you know what, it doesn't piss me off so much that they come here and work.

what pisses me off is when the la raza, la mecha, etc come here and talk about

exterminating the whole of america, save for hispanics. it pisses me off when they come here

and talk shit about me in spanish and wave their mexican flags.

fuck that. this is america. you come here and take our money, take advantage of our

systems, and then you want to go shit on my country by saying "kill whitey". get the fuck out of here.

you just don't come here illegally and then start demanding shit. fuck that.

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you know what, it doesn't piss me off so much that they come here and work.

what pisses me off is when the la raza, la mecha, etc come here and talk about

exterminating the whole of america, save for hispanics. it pisses me off when they come here

and talk shit about me in spanish and wave their mexican flags.

fuck that. this is america. you come here and take our money, take advantage of our

systems, and then you want to go shit on my country by saying "kill whitey". get the fuck out of here.

you just don't come here illegally and then start demanding shit. fuck that.


True that is wrong but i dunno it might just be the groups I have seen but generally they are not made up of immigrants and the people that run those groups are legal citizens. They just hate white people thats all...probably because all the bullshit their forefathers had to go through when they first came to this country or honestly the bullshit they have to deal with soemtimes for being a person of color


This doesnt have anything to do with Ron Paul though...I personally think he would be a good canidate for presidency he's one of the only politicians who actually takes the constitution into consideration.

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messicans,not all,have this idea of reproducing till the point they can revolt against the "whites" and kill them all,take over their land,then probably convert it into another mexico which consists of corrupt WHITE liders controlling them while most of them get drunk and want to be cool,show up in movies or look tough, a culture of alcohol i could say...

the amnesty for all its only a way to get all those people to pay the FEE to become legal and use that money to enforce the nwo idea...total chaos,plus all those ignorant men and women who,if the nwo scum makes this bill posible, will worship them and donate their kids to their army...

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chill out, i was just giving you a taste of your own medicine.


drunken asshole oner: you are seriously confused. republicans and neo-conservatives are two different animals.


yeha i was havign a laugh aobut it man not worked up in the lsightest i think its heaps funny hwne people pay aussies out for their convict heritage

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you know what, it doesn't piss me off so much that they come here and work.

what pisses me off is when the la raza, la mecha, etc come here and talk about

exterminating the whole of america, save for hispanics. it pisses me off when they come here

and talk shit about me in spanish and wave their mexican flags.

fuck that. this is america. you come here and take our money, take advantage of our

systems, and then you want to go shit on my country by saying "kill whitey". get the fuck out of here.

you just don't come here illegally and then start demanding shit. fuck that.

you probably hate that jsut as much as people of colour (blacks, mexicans, native americans) hate having skinheads and kkk profiting off their slavery, labour, and extermination respectively and then waving their flags tlaking aobut killing them
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you probably hate that jsut as much as people of colour (blacks, mexicans, native americans) hate having skinheads and kkk profiting off their slavery, labour, and extermination respectively and then waving their flags tlaking aobut killing them


i dislike any racist group. i think humans should have been past that a long time ago. unfortunately, we're not. assholes like jesse jackson keep popping up and stirring the pot.

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i dislike any racist group. i think humans should have been past that a long time ago. unfortunately, we're not. assholes like jesse jackson keep popping up and stirring the pot.


"After years of enduring America at home and watching her abroad, I am convinced that I will die in a society as racially divided as the one into which I was born more than a half century ago. This no longer appears to concern white Americans." [Randall Robinson, 1998]

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