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post your meals photo superpooperthread!!


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a few weeks back, my homie ive known for the past 12 years got married so i went to his wedding...the girl i was dating at the time couldnt make it so she sent me a text asking me to flick the birthday cake, so i did...anyways, here it is....




a 4 tier cake....2 layers tasted like espresso/coffee and the other two layers tasted like caramel...i tried a piece of the caramel...pretty good.


speaking of the girl i was dating at the time, i made her some shish kabobs for a bbq at her house...i know it wouldve been a better picture of the food if i posted it cooked, but by the time they were cooked, we went at them before i took flicks...i know...another fail..




her daughter and the daughters friend wanted shish kabobs too, so i made them some, but with chicken, because they didnt like shrimp and without onions or mushroom because they didnt like those either...



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Hey Cali.. Is this like the first time for you trying sushi or no?


I don't remember hearing you ever say you were into it.



no, ive had sushi before, but only a few times...its a bit too expensive i think...i mean it costs me about $30 to get full...thats like 30 whopper juniors or mcdoubles i can get for that price!:)

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Thirty bones is cheap for sushi.. There is a spot near me that does all you can eat for that price and it's actually decent. But for the really good stuff me and three other friends ran up $200 plus tab, which was actually a hook up.. But damn was it fucking good.


I'm still looking for the real deal sushi where the chef chooses what you eat and in what order.. Usually that deal means they pick the best fish possible and make it so that each dish served plays off the other..

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another night with ex girlfriend, her daughter and daughters friend...my ex and i were craving japanese, but the girls wanted chinese (yep, very picky eaters)...so we ended up getting both...lol...stopped at a sushi place in the east bay called Kanpai and then got chinese food too...Kanpai is probably the best sushi place ive been to...HUGE rolls and the food sushi was very fresh...if any of you are in the east bay and want good sushi, check it out...the best rolls are the "sugar mama" and the "christmas roll"..




appetizers..tempura vegetables and edemame...my ex LOVED edemame, and would always order two...and always had cooked edemame in ziplocked bags in the fridge....i like it too, but i heard the phytoestrogen in them will give me man boobs, so i try not to over do it...




pretty good pot stickers..



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Thirty bones is cheap for sushi.. There is a spot near me that does all you can eat for that price and it's actually decent. But for the really good stuff me and three other friends ran up $200 plus tab, which was actually a hook up.. But damn was it fucking good.


I'm still looking for the real deal sushi where the chef chooses what you eat and in what order.. Usually that deal means they pick the best fish possible and make it so that each dish served plays off the other..



yeah...there are some all you can eat sushi places around my campus. ive been to one of them...$18 for dinner..but suki told me not to trust them places because they say the fish is fresh, but it might be frozen and later thawed out.


$200 for sushi is too much for me to shell out though...the last place i went to had chef's choice sashimi plates for $75..maybe one day, if im balling.:lol:

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these next few pictures are a little bit older....i took the ex ( a different one) out to san francisco for the day last winter...we ended up doing the typical touristy pier 39 crap, but i was craving some crab, so it was all good....we ended up getting one crab and some fries and one of those little eateries...crab was too overpriced though..but whatever..




every year, my city has something called the jazz jubilee, where all the old people who listen to dixieland jazz and stuff come out and eat, drink and listen to jazz...i was dating this one girl (different from the two previously mentioned) out to this, because there was really nothing else going on....we ended up getting into the even ($75) for free and even got free cheesesteaks from the vendors (it was the end of the night and they were just giving them away)...its amazing how you can get things for free if youre nice to old people..






they were selling them for about $6..and they were delicious..maybe it was because i didnt have to pay for them..lol.

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Sushi is one of those things where spending a lot usually pays off..


Unlike Thai or Pho where you can eat cheap food that is fucking delicious.



yeah...there are some really upscale sushi spots out here...but ive never been to them..one is a place every trendy person and their mom goes to called mikuni...ive heard it isnt all that great.


this other place is called kru..its kind of upscale i guess...had a homegirl who worked there but never went.


i guess im a cheapskate...lol.

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me and the ex (the first one) went to a vietnamese place in sf when we found out the wait at the restaurant we wanted to go to had a 2 and a half hour wait..

also, this is the place me, suki, shai and iou went to for pho one time..


imperial rolls....so delicious!..thanks for telling me about these suki!..




some other foods from the viet place..





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by the way...sorry about the poor lighting and blurriness of some of these flicks...some of the restaurants were dark...my piece of shit cell phone doesnt take good pictures, and i have no photography skills...


wow...now im going to post some thanksgiving photos i never got around to posting last november....haha..


my ex (the one who i took to sf for crab meat at fisherman's wharf) had cooked thanksgiving dinner for her family..the food was ok...kinda bland though..but whatever..she went out of her way to drop me off some leftovers..


some turkey..




crescent rolls..




sweet potatoes..




cranberry sauce, greens and mac n cheese..




two types of pie with banana pudding..




by the way...this ex was black..she knew how to cook up some good collared greens, sweet potatoes and mac n cheese!


i actually got the recipe for the sweet potatoes from her..lol...the mac n cheese was good, except she got our white homegirl to help her stir in the ingredients, and the white girl didnt do a good job, so every once in a while id get a mouthful of a chunk of hot mustard...it sucked...it was like eating a chunk of wasabi.

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homemade sushi...it was ok...definitely not as good as from a restaurant though!..




here is a steak, breaded shrimp and garlic mashed potatoes i made...it was good...i learned a little trick on cooking steaks on the food network, and decided to try it out...came out very tender and juicy..




some more shish kabobs...once again, these are the "pre" pictures...i never take the post pictures because i eat them as soon as i take em off the grill...and always forget...fail!..



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when i came out to l.a. last year, theo met up with me for some roscoes chicken and waffles...damn this place is good....i swear if we had one of these in my city, id weigh about 400 pounds by now!...they have chicken and waffles places out here, but they dont compare to roscoes!...on a side note, i will be heading that way mid-september...if any l.a. heads want to link up for some chicken and waffles, holla at me!..




this next picture is of a buffalo burger at a place called redrum burger...it used to be called murder burger, for years and years, but they had to change their name when people complained....this place has been there since i was a kid, and they have some game meat...like this bison meat...they also had an ostrich burger...i will have to try it once..



*edit...by the way...this pic of the burger and fries was my background on my laptop for about a year...haha


this next picture, some of you may have already seen...its from when me and suki ventured out to try ethiopian food....it was pretty good..the bread was called enerja...this is my plate...had lentils, beef, chicken, greens, etc...



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so there was a thread a couple weeks ago about fast food...and i mentioned that ive heard of nations burgers (only found in the bay area) that has been around since 1952..they are known for selling burgers and pies...1988 said that there used to be one by his parents house...me and my ex (the one with the daughter) are still on good terms, so i went to visit her in the bay and asked her if she could take me to nations...this is from last thursday..




pretty good burger, except for two things...they overdid the vegetables..way too much lettuce, onion and tomatoes and they used miracle whip instead of mayo...i HATE miracle whip and thought this burger would be nasty, but surprisingly, the burger was so flavorful, you couldnt even taste the miracle whip on it..



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last week, i got another craving for sushi (maybe im pregnant), and my homie told me about a restaurant called arigatos sushi in my city...he told me its good sushi and all rolls are half off...all the time.


so i was all, fuck it...let's go!


we got there, and i couldnt decide on a roll, so my homie just picked 5, and i went along with it.


all rolls are half off...so the 5 rolls with a couple sodas and tip came out to less than $50..here are the rolls....




after here, we went and got some ice cream from leatherby's ice cream ..


what he got..




what i got...




neither of us finished the ice cream...too much...mine was good though..it was a sundae but instead of vanilla and strawberry icecream, i substituted in triple chocolate and rocky road.


our waitress was cute too..sorry no pics :(

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I've heard that the Roscoes in/near the hood is better than the one in Hollywood..



yeah...that was the one on gower...i remember going to the one in the hood with my cousins a few years back....the waitress was hella ghetto..but the food was really good...cornbread was a little dry though, but wash it down with lemonade, and youre good.


it was weird too, cause i ran into my homie from back in the day at the roscoes in the hood...it turns out that he had just got back from japan and was in l.a. modeling...lol..he told me he was in that one doctor dre video with rakim and the indian music..i forget the name.

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no, ive had sushi before, but only a few times...its a bit too expensive i think...i mean it costs me about $30 to get full...thats like 30 whopper juniors or mcdoubles i can get for that price!:)


read my mind! plus sushi sucks(dont every get all mad now, just my opinion)


tryed to prop ya, im 24'd

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