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please post links to sweet documentaries you recommend with a brief description of what they're about. I'm inspired to start this thread caus im at home sick with nothing to do


ill start it off wit ha sweet doco about "the weather men" which details the growth, action, and decline of one of america's first prominent domestic terrorist groups. it was posted on here a while ago by someone so props to whoever they were


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Devil's Playground. It's about Amish kids getting loose. When they are teenagers, Amish people go out into the real world to decide whether or not they want to be Amish. They can leave the Amish with no shame if they want to. It's crazy though, some of the kids get hooked on smack, other ones get arrested, it's truly a whole new world.

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This astonishingly intimate documentary follows five homeless children in Romania, where the collapse of communism has led to a life on the street for 20,000 children. From a 16-year-old girl who runs her gang with a mixture of brutality and compassion, to a small, intelligent, and remarkably articulate 12-year-old boy, these children seem at first feral and frightening--yet over the course of the movie their loneliness, desperation, and glimpses of hope will transform how you perceive them. Make no mistake: this is difficult watching. As Children Underground explores the meager state resources to support these children and follows some of the children back to their difficult families, the scope of the problem becomes larger and more irresolvable. But this documentary offers an unblinking and deeply compassionate insight into the extremes of human existence; you will not forget it easily. --Bret Fetzer


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Easily one of the most astonishing and engaging cinematic works of the past decade, CHILDREN UNDERGROUND is a profoundly intimate and heart-wrenching drama -- an Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary Feature in 2001, and winner at nearly every major

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"Sex, Drugs, and Democracy"


This documentary is about Holland (mostly Amsterdam...) and how they basically do things differently than the U.S...... They compare their system of government, drug laws, prostitution, etc. Great footage. I believe it's about 12 years old or so.......Might be kinda hard to find, but definitely worth the look. Maybe Netflix???????

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